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  1. #41
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    but he wasn't going to cycle, i know you said that you didn't read much above in his post, so why post at all if you aren't going to read what has been written so you can fully assess the situation and make an educated statement

    stuff like this pisses me off more than anything, people treat this like a damn game, if you give someone bad advice and they take it you are fvcking with their life, so either take the time to read or don't post

    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    Haters gonna Hate
    HOW the f*** does that apply to this situation

    You dont look at the big picture.

    I would like someone to give this stupid moron PK-V a medal for knowing how a cycle should be set up with prop and clen .

    You are an asset to this forum PK-V
    simmer bro

  2. #42
    yesimussing is offline Junior Member
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    Good choice. Use this time to learn about diet, training programs, learn to listen to your body(that one is huge) after that I'd recomend reading and learn as much as you can about PCT before you even consider using gear. A lot of people think that using gear is what it's all about. I tell you that besides diet and training the # 1 thing is pct. After ou have learn enough on this then decide what you want to do and move down the right path. This place is an awesome place to learn. If you stick around you'll know who to listen to around here. Unfurtunately not everyone is as lucky as you and find this advice you were given before going into a cycle. A lot of people find it by the time they run into trouble. So take advantage of it. Best of luck.

  3. #43
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss2mike View Post
    PK- So just run the Prop and I should save alot of muscle of even have gains while cutting? I'm so excited you don't even understand! oh and obv the PCT

    AlphaMaleDawg...who is OP that you are referring to?

    EDIT: btw AMD your physique looks awesome, sort of the goal im looking for!
    OP = original poster = you (lol)

    and thanks for the compliment dude. I actually looked similar to you before I started cutting but I did it as a natty. I have been juicing lately to add more mass but maintain lean-ness. You have great size already so you will look very good if you stay disciplined and stick to a great diet regimen

  4. #44
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    PK-V - You are an Idiot
    Stop parroting Advice
    (for the new guy parroting refers to someone who rewrites advice he saw people recommend to other members)
    a little harsh maybe? Everyone has their own opinion. His advice really wasnt terrible IMO, although it would be a better idea for him to cut naturally first.

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