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  1. #1
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Do not believe everything you read/hear.

    Anyway, to stay on topic, I actually think the products seem to be working well for ya bro. Generally the people that see you wont notice you getting bigger, bucause it is a gradual change, however, if there is a drastic change they will notice. Another thing is your bf%. I would assume that you are losing bf and gaining lean muscle at the same time. Large gains in weight will not be noticed. Not to mention your size already. It is alot harder to make big gains when your already 250+.

    You really want something that you can "see"? Run the test at 750/wk and run cycle for 16 weeks. Cut the protein shakes to after workout only, and up your carbs. Increase lifting weight by 5lbs or more every week, and lift 3-4 times/wk. I guarantee you will see
    I see this everyday here but this came from another place. This is a great reason why doing your own research is very important. Many people say it because they just dont have the answer and are trying to up the post count, but I say it for this exact quoted reason above. Half of the time, people have no idea what is coming out of their mouth and in turn wind up causing serious problems for those who dont want to take the time out and do their own research. Point being, you have someone making a thread saying "How should I run this cycle?" and then you have guys like this that just mash their hands on the keyboard just to get their voices heard.

    In conclusion, do your own research! Or you will either wind up hurting yourself or wasting your money on the fact that you let someone with no educational background or experience in the topic tell you what you should be doing.

  2. #2
    MaNiCC's Avatar
    MaNiCC is offline AR's Think Tank - Retired
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    R.I.P T
    Totally agree

  3. #3
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Agreed but I think that part of doing research is lending an ear to anecdotes and 'bropinions'. Unfortunately, people that run cycles are almost forced to make decisions largely based on anecdotes and broscience. It's not like there are plenty of comprehensive studies for gear use on humans for bodybuilding purposes.

    I encourage reading as much as you can from as many boards as you can. Keep an open mind and soon it will be easier to dispel stupid stories and weed out bad advise. Also keep in mind that not everyone is not working with the same slate. People have different genetics and experience whacky things while on cycle.

  4. #4
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Granted, but there are books and studies that pertain to the general idea. Either way, there are many avenues to take to find out what you are looking for. More importantly, there are books like Anabolics 9th edition that has many references and alot of information compiled in one book.

  5. #5
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Here is another suggestion from a brilliant productive member of the same forum.
    Keep in mind, this guy is talking to someone on his first cycle.

    I would up it to 1250 wk. at that body weight...........then you can eat whatever the hell you want, and still burn for me. I'm 6'2", 255 with abs........................just sayin'......test is cheap, don't be a *****.

  6. #6
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    Excellent advice. Better yet, up it to 2 grams test/week and throw in some methyl tren .
    Pretty mild for a first cycle, wouldn't you say?

  7. #7
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Was this from OLM? lol

  8. #8
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by zaneisgreat View Post
    Agreed but I think that part of doing research is lending an ear to anecdotes and 'bropinions'. Unfortunately, people that run cycles are almost forced to make decisions largely based on anecdotes and broscience. It's not like there are plenty of comprehensive studies for gear use on humans for bodybuilding purposes.

    I encourage reading as much as you can from as many boards as you can. Keep an open mind and soon it will be easier to dispel stupid stories and weed out bad advise. Also keep in mind that not everyone is not working with the same slate. People have different genetics and experience whacky things while on cycle.
    I don't believe this at all. There are many members on this site that can take you through some very complex explanations of how compounds, stacks of AAS, and ancillaries work on your body. There really is NO reason to rely on Broscience. And most anecdotal stories can be backed up by science with the right members. And, we have those members on this board.

  9. #9
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I don't believe this at all. There are many members on this site that can take you through some very complex explanations of how compounds, stacks of AAS, and ancillaries work on your body. There really is NO reason to rely on Broscience. And most anecdotal stories can be backed up by science with the right members. And, we have those members on this board.
    Yes. Bold as well.

  10. #10
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    I completely agree. There's a handful of people that come to mind on here that throw out "advice" all the time. It's like they feel that since they have done a "cycle" that they are a "pro" and can start handing out recommendations.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Work out 3-4x a week? hahahaha Yeah probably another person who ONLY works out on cycle also. LOOSER...

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