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  1. #1
    shortybrolick's Avatar
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    Rookie Mistakes ?

    My first shot ever, didn't aspirate and shot in my left quad - 1 cc of test e.. My quad has been in severe pain since then..

    I also didnt switch the needles after loading the syringe.. Im sure that was another mistake

    Please enlighten me on my rookie ignorance.. Thank you

  2. #2
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Aspirate .
    Switch needles.

  3. #3
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    It happens. your muscle is currently absorbing the test and reacts to it like if it was lactic acid. After my first quad injection i could barely walk the 3 days after. my second injection and all the others i was fine. I dont think it has anything to do with you hitting a vein.

  4. #4
    sellersis's Avatar
    sellersis is offline Junior Member
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    so you mean its not okay to use insulin syringes!

  5. #5
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sellersis View Post
    so you mean its not okay to use insulin syringes!
    u better be kidding...test E in insulin syringe?

  6. #6
    JBarron's Avatar
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    I just shot test prop for the first time ever (first cycle) yesterday evening. I heard prop hurts awfully bad but so far it's not that bad at all.

    Here's what I did.

    -alcohol rub vial and leg
    -let a bit of oil run over the syringe.
    -pinch skin a bit then pin
    -push needle in slowly
    -inject very slowly, it took me a good 20 seconds before I injected all 1ml of my prop
    -pull out slowly
    -massaged injection site for a good 1-2 minutes with alcohol wipe.
    -I also worked my legs about 4 hours after my injection, this could of helped disperse the oil better idk. But so far my leg feels just fine, just the feeling of a small bruise.

  7. #7
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortybrolick View Post
    My first shot ever, didn't aspirate and shot in my left quad - 1 cc of test e.. My quad has been in severe pain since then..

    I also didnt switch the needles after loading the syringe.. Im sure that was another mistake

    Please enlighten me on my rookie ignorance.. Thank you
    what guage syringe did u use. I use 21g to withdraw, 25 guage to inject and I am on TRT so it is Pharma grade test never hurts ....

  8. #8
    shortybrolick's Avatar
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    no i didn't use a insulin syringe ... I planned on doing legs today, that couldn't happend.. i didn't aspirate -- did massage... The pain is not unbearable, just wondering if i ****ed up somehow.. Thank you for the info

  9. #9
    shortybrolick's Avatar
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    23 gauge

  10. #10
    shortybrolick's Avatar
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    the test e is ******
    Last edited by PT; 08-07-2010 at 04:23 AM. Reason: Lab name

  11. #11
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortybrolick View Post
    23 gauge
    ouch no wonder it hurts. Change the pins to 25 gauge and ur life will be little painless.

  12. #12
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortybrolick View Post
    The pain is not unbearable, just wondering if i ****ed up somehow..
    Sounds like you injected just fine. You would know if you hit a vein very quickly.

  13. #13
    shortybrolick's Avatar
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    so for my next quad shot - 25 g is ideal ?

  14. #14
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortybrolick View Post
    so for my next quad shot - 25 g is ideal ?
    i use 25 gauge for test, tren and masteron E. and it only hurt if I go too fast and dont rub after injection. I normally use my thigh, shoulder and tris to inject....

  15. #15
    MMAngry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i use 25 gauge for test, tren and masteron E. and it only hurt if I go too fast and dont rub after injection. I normally use my thigh, shoulder and tris to inject....
    so you load those three in the same syringe, right? Do you switch the needle after you load or just use the same one?

  16. #16
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
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    I use 18g to draw from vials.

    I use both 1inch or 1.5inch 23g and 5/8inch 25g for mostly painless injections.

    I'll use 29g insulin needles to lance pimples sometimes LoL

  17. #17
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMAngry View Post
    so you load those three in the same syringe, right? Do you switch the needle after you load or just use the same one?
    I cant cause I am using 750mg of each but u can load oil based injections together i use to do tren and test together. so answer is u can combine oil based compounds in the same syringe.

    I draw from 21 gauge so yes I switch needles after I draw....

  18. #18
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zaneisgreat View Post
    I use 18g to draw from vials.

    I use both 1inch or 1.5inch 23g and 5/8inch 25g for mostly painless injections.

    I'll use 29g insulin needles to lance pimples sometimes LoL
    Good idea have to try that

  19. #19
    MMAngry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I cant cause I am using 750mg of each but u can load oil based injections together i use to do tren and test together. so answer is u can combine oil based compounds in the same syringe.

    I draw from 21 gauge so yes I switch needles after I draw....
    Ok so basically I wasted $20 buying 22g. disposable needles because iirc you can't switch the needle. no biggie- i was just looking on the ar-r site and they're cheap. i'm researching a test/tren cycle.. it looks like for these compounds and most others, draw from anything between 18-22 and pin with 22-25. what's the smallest gauge pin you can get away injecting with these compounds?

  20. #20
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMAngry View Post
    Ok so basically I wasted $20 buying 22g. disposable needles because iirc you can't switch the needle. no biggie- i was just looking on the ar-r site and they're cheap. i'm researching a test/tren cycle.. it looks like for these compounds and most others, draw from anything between 18-22 and pin with 22-25. what's the smallest gauge pin you can get away injecting with these compounds?
    i use 25 and it works for me I never used anything smaller then that. In Canada i can get into any pharmacy and get needles no questions asked. I dont know how its done in US.

  21. #21
    MMAngry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i use 25 and it works for me I never used anything smaller then that. In Canada i can get into any pharmacy and get needles no questions asked. I dont know how its done in US.
    nah I went to a couple pharmacies and all they sell are insulin 29g... maybe some do but i think it's easier to just buy them online.

  22. #22
    MMAngry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i use 25 and it works for me I never used anything smaller then that. In Canada i can get into any pharmacy and get needles no questions asked. I dont know how its done in US.
    ok so if buy 22 to draw and 25 to pin... that would be the acceptable.. I guess you have to be careful of buying too small cuz the injection will take too long...

  23. #23
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMAngry View Post
    ok so if buy 22 to draw and 25 to pin... that would be the acceptable.. I guess you have to be careful of buying too small cuz the injection will take too long...
    Correct. With a tiny needle, you will be pushing the plunger hard for a long time. Your hand might shake and you will get tired + irritated with the needle being in you too long.

    25g is fine. smaller is a no-no

  24. #24
    MMAngry is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zaneisgreat View Post
    Correct. With a tiny needle, you will be pushing the plunger hard for a long time. Your hand might shake and you will get tired + irritated with the needle being in you too long.

    25g is fine. smaller is a no-no
    cool. so just run the loaded syringe under some warm water for 30 seconds to a minute, and that will help with pain issues?

  25. #25
    theorignalanimal is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMAngry View Post
    cool. so just run the loaded syringe under some warm water for 30 seconds to a minute, and that will help with pain issues?
    I rest myne on top of my lamp, heasts it up nicely in about a minute, never used warm water but sure it will work ....

  26. #26
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theorignalanimal View Post
    I rest myne on top of my lamp, heasts it up nicely in about a minute....
    Good idea.

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