01-30-2003, 03:06 PM #1Senior Member
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injectable fat burner (cartispan)
I have a source that sells this stuff called Cartispan
supposidly its injected underneath the skin and melts fat..
anyones thoughts or opinions on this product??
01-30-2003, 03:43 PM #2
heard of it, never done it nor now someone that did it
sorry bro. I'm also interested in the results
01-30-2003, 04:01 PM #3Junior Member
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Uhh where did you get it. I want some. By the way its injectable L-Carnitine. It works wonders on spot reduction if and big IF you do heavy cardio for 30 mins after injection. Each amp should have enough for 16-20 small spots. Use a slin needle, and pinch your stomach fat and inject subcutaneaously. read up more about it before you do it of course.
01-30-2003, 05:52 PM #4
Bump i'm a bit curious
01-30-2003, 11:24 PM #5
Yeah the shit really works! they just did a story on the news ( I think it was a Philly station) the results where unbelievable. So you know what that means? All they fatass's while think it's that "magic little pill" they've been waiting for, they'll get it, over do it and then they'll all die.So then "Big Brother" will take it away.(sorry don't me to rant)
01-31-2003, 08:37 AM #6Junior Member
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Just a question. Its not illegal, or a banned substance so where did you get it. Email or pm me if you dont feel comfortable posting info. Much appreciated thatnks
01-31-2003, 08:46 AM #7
i would be interested in trying some too
01-31-2003, 01:34 PM #9Senior Member
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alright i got my Gf being the gunnie pig for this cycle hehehe right now she is on Clen and Xenadrine and doing 30 mins of cardio a day the shots will be all site injected in her upper thighs between her buttocks and her ass I'll post more info as the days go by.. Shes gunna be starting this Monday. and her diet will be clean with low carbs. I might steal a cc or 2 to see how well it works. its administed very similar to GH if you have more questions jsut PM ME
01-31-2003, 02:01 PM #10New Member
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hmmmmmmm..I am also very interested in the results..bump
02-01-2003, 12:29 PM #11Senior Member
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alright i decided to go ahead and use it myself. well some of it hehehe .. I took 5cc worth in 1/2 cc 29 guage syringes i mostly hit the ab areas the pain was not much more than an ant bite.. i guess since it was in low fat areas i stuck it .. then i had a friend come over and help me administer the cardispan in my low back region.. now I had higer fat content there so it burned a little more and a little longer maybe 10 mins
my cardio is high intense treadmill for 30 mins in the morning and 15 mns low intense cardio on the bike. im also taking xenadrine 4 to 5 caps a day.
i'll be taking measurements for you guys and gals that might be intrested in it .. Company i got it from is called Grossman 5 CC amps and 5 amps were included .. it was a gym price i paid so yeah i know i got raped at 75 bucks but it might be well worth it if i can burn the stubborn fat areas
02-01-2003, 02:13 PM #12Senior Member
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BUMP lets hear how it went! Hope you aren't burning up on the yellow stuff while your doing this.
02-01-2003, 02:44 PM #13
I think I might try this too. I am getting ready to shead some BF right now. Slowly working into it. I have Clen and T3 on the way too. I think I might try this sillyness for under my chest (problem area for me...) Damn, more stuff to put in my body....
02-01-2003, 04:33 PM #14New Member
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jarret, what concentration are you using? Also how much did you inject in your abs? All 5cc?
02-01-2003, 06:10 PM #15Senior Member
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If it works, I'm definitely gonna give it a shot! Some fat pockets, I just don't think will disappear even /w a low bf%
02-02-2003, 11:47 AM #16
I would like to know your dosage also...how often do you inject?? Please keep us informed.
02-02-2003, 03:41 PM #17Senior Member
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im gunna do 5 cc's a week.. the liquid is water based im assuming since it went through a 29 guage syringe. I'll be honest i dont know much about this stuff other than you administer it just like GH. Im using insulin needles 1/2cc each syringe.
all i was told was to inject it every 3 inches of the target areas. i did a total of 2 cc's in my abs 1 cc in my side love handle and 1 cc total in my lower back area on both sides of my spine right above my waist.
Sat. I started my xenadrine im gunna be doing a total of 5cc's a week. I havent really decided if i was gunna spread the shots out or anything. so its gunna be 5 weeks 25 cc's total. btw there is no overly sweating or pain like on DNP .. shit i hate dnp.. i never sweated that much in my whole entire life .. and the sight of seeing my cum neon yellow kinda freaked me out!! ANYWAYS i'll post up on about this come wed. and see if there has been any results.. oh on the box there is no milligram dossage. "Grossman Cardispan" i'll take pix of it if ya'll really wanna see what brown 5cc amps look like.. jsut let me know
02-02-2003, 04:09 PM #18
Sounds great man...keep us informed of your results and some pics would be great. Good Luck.
02-03-2003, 09:00 AM #19Senior Member
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I noticed i have a bruise on my low abs hmm must have hit a vein!! bruise is only about the size of a quarter... im doing my next 5 cc's tuesday
02-04-2003, 01:02 PM #20Senior Member
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okay tuesday damn im really inpressed with what kind of results it has done on my abs. ( i injected more in my abs than i did my sides or my back the first time) today when i get off work I'll be injecting 4 cc's in my lower back and love handle region and 1 cc in my abs again. my cardio is high and im also up to 6 xanadrines a day 2 in the morning 2 afternoon and 2 evening time cardio is still very important 30 mins in the morning and 15 mins at night. Im not really working out right now since i've been so lazy lately. but cardio is still going strong
02-04-2003, 03:04 PM #21
anyone have a site with pictures/diagrams on how to inject the stuff? it's an injection under the skin, correct?
02-04-2003, 05:09 PM #22Senior Member
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under the skin jsut like growth
02-04-2003, 06:19 PM #23
02-04-2003, 11:11 PM #24
well considering i've never injected HGH or even seen it done, can anyone enlighten me on the procedure?
02-04-2003, 11:18 PM #25
How well does this stuff REALLY work?!?
What do you mean by "just like GH" ??? A lot of us have NEVER done GH and don't understand. Are you injecting it into the muscle? Or the layer just under your fat (like how people with diabetes do)???
Also, you said you take 5cc's A WEEK? So that's 5cc's all in one day, or do you break it up through out the week?
02-04-2003, 11:23 PM #26
I agree with the previous 2 posts...more info on this subject would be very much appreciated. Jarrett, sounds good that its working for you brother...keep it up and get back to lifting weights.
02-05-2003, 02:43 PM #27Senior Member
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alright.. im using 30 guage 5/8ths insulin syringes
what i do is pinch the skin and inject right under the skin where im going to be administering the 1/2 cc water based "cardispan' burns a little for like 5 to 10 mins in higher fat deposit areas
5 cc's a week depending on the targeted areas u could do them all in one day or in different days. doesnt have a half life blah blah blah ... once injected it starts to work intense cardio is needed aswell as a good diet
02-05-2003, 02:57 PM #28
What if you are REALLY fat. Like have a body fat of 20+ %
Is it still worth doing? Or do you already need to be fairly lean for this stuff to work good?
02-05-2003, 03:13 PM #29Senior Member
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hmm good question.. to bad i cant answer it casue i dont know.. have you tried a combo of t3 and clen before ??
I had that question in the back of my head that after i take this shit wil i look like a human sponage with holes every where were fat had been removed and i havent noticed that either so, so far so good!
02-05-2003, 05:59 PM #30
Thanks for the info jarrett, you are helping me get ready to try this lovely little product.
02-05-2003, 07:33 PM #31
Just wondering if you had any other details about this. Is it really injectable L-Carnitine, I had a buddy at the gym offer me some (not cardispan). He showed me the box, looked like it was vet grade. I beleive it was 100 or 200ML at 200mg L-carnitine per ML. Is this the same stuff??
I found some info on cardispan but most was in spanish. used a translator program below...
INJECTABLE CARDISPAN *: Each hourglass con_tiene:
Levocarnitina 1 g
Vehicle, c.b.p. 5 mililiter.
CARDISPAN * ORAL SOLUTION to 30%: Each 100 mililiter contain:
Levocarnitina 30 g
Vehicle, c.b.p. 100 mililiter.
100 mililiter contain:
Levocarnitina 10 g
Vehicle, c.b.p. 100 mililiter.
CARDISPAN * TABLETS: Each chewable tablet contains:
Levocarnitina 1 g
Excipiente, c.b.p. 1 tablet.
THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS: CARDISPAN * is indicated in the treatment of the levocar_ni_tina deficiency, which can be primary (cardiomiopa_tías, mio_patías, innate errors of the metabolism and muscular dystrophy) or secondary, as well as in those conditions where it is required to increase the production of cor_poral energy by means of the fatty acid use like power source. Secondary deficiency of levocarnitina exists by:
Lack of synthesis and/or contributes (artificial nutrition, undernourishment or bad habits of feeding, premature, neoborn and young of low weight, suckling babies fed with formulas on soya or casein, strict vegetarianism, hepática cirrhosis).
Consumption of acute and chronic levocarnitina (isquemia miocárdi_ca: infarct of the myocardium, angina of chest, congestiva insufficiency cardiac, arrhythmias, miocardioes_cle_rosis, senile heart, aortocoro_nario surgery of bypass, peripheral vascular disease and patient in rehabilitation or physical preparation).
Loss of levocarniti_na (renal insufficiency dealt with dialysis or hypercatabolic hemodiálisis, conditions, like greater sepsis, burns, surgery and traumatismos, hiperti_roidis_mo, pregnancy, secondary cardiomiopatías to the tricyclic antidepressant use, valproico acid or anti_neoplá_sicos).
Metabolic alterations and endocrinas (diabetes mellitus, diabetic cetoacidosis, hiperlipoproteinemia, endogenous obesity, hipotiroidismo, hipopituitarismo, disease of Addison and syndrome of Cushing).
Other uses: In medicine of the sport, the levocarnitina is used as a ergogénica substance and nutricional supplement in healthy people who make sport activities. Due to his paper in the lipid metabolism, one is used as helping in the medical handling of the control of weight in patients with exogenous obesity, had to the excessive and disordered ingestion of foods.
FARMACOCINÉTICA And FARMACODINAMIA: CAR_DIS_PAN * contains the levocarni_tina, natural component of the human organism.
Only the isomer levógiro is biologically active. An essential paper in the metabolism for the energy production plays. The betaoxidación of fatty acids intramito_condria_les, is the greater and more efficient power plant (ATP), but to produce it it is required of the essential, levocarnitina transport, physiological substance that energy when transporting generates fatty acids of citosol to the mitocondrial matrix where the betaoxidación with the production of acetilcoenzi_ma is carried out To and ATP by means of the cycle of Krebs, facilitates the carbohydrate metabolism and removes toxic compounds of the interior of mitocondria. Therefore, the levocarnitina is essential to provide the power substrate, mainly in es_quelético muscle and myocardium; its deficiency brings with himself important alterations in the metabolism of lipids, showed so much by a deficient production of energy like by a free and triglicéridos fatty acid accumulation.
Isquemia and intense the physical activity causes important metabolic changes, since an increase in the power requirement exists. In these conditions it happens a great loss and/or increase in the demand of levocarnitina for the metabolic lipid use, cetónicos bodies and chains of amino acids. Tissue deficiency of acute or chronic levocarnitina in patients with isquemia and in people is identified after the physical activity. The levocarnitina is a natural compound that improves the cardiovascular function and increases the physical yield, improving the ergométricas evaluations.
When desbalance between the contribution of power nutrients and the demand of ATP exists, the power crisis happens. In the boy, the demands of energy increase during the growth, sport exigencies, periods of uninformed, fever, infections and convalecencia. The deficiency of levocarni_ti_na and energy is pronounced by low pondostatu_ral index, lack of progress in the development, little appetite, infections of repetition, apathy, disinterestedness, lethargy, under sport yield, weakness and little development to _muscular.
The levocarnitina is acquired naturally by the food ingestion, mainly of origin animal and can synthesize in liver and kidney from the amino acids lisina and metionina. The levocarnitina is absorbed in the thin intestine, mainly in yeyuno. It enters to the circulation and it is distributed widely in the or_ganismo. Its weave presence suggests the existence of a cellular system of selective pick up in muscles skeletal and miocárdico, as well as in liver and kidney. Most of the corporal levocarnitina it is excreted in tinkles and lees.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hipersensibilidad to the levocarnitina.
RESTRICTIONS OF USE DURING The PREGNANCY And The LACTANCIA: Use restrictions do not exist during the pregnancy and the lactancia. In fact, the requirements are incre_men_tados in these conditions. The levocarnitina is a normal component of maternal milk.
SECONDARY And ADVERSE REACTIONS: Daily 5 greater doses from 3 to g in adults, are associated with softening of lees and, in some cases, the presence of diarrea without clinical importance.
Other adverse events with the levocar_nitina administration have not been described.
INTERACTIONS MEDICAMENTOSAS And OF ANOTHER SORT: They have not been reported to the date.
ALTERATIONS IN THE RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTS: They have not been reported to _fecha.
PRECAUTIONS IN RELATION TO EFFECTS OF CARCINOGÉNESIS, MUTAGÉNESIS, TERATOGÉNESIS And ON The FERTILITY: Being a substance that exists normally in the human organism, it does not present/display adverse effects, even to daily as high doses as 15 g.
The studies have demonstrated that the levocarnitina is not mu_tagénica, teratogénica nor has effects on the fertility. Studies have not been carried out on carcino_génesis, since the levocarnitina is a natural component of the hu_mano.
DOSE And VIA OF ADMINISTRATION: 50 the recommended dose is of mg/kg of peso/día divided in 2 or 3 doses, but it can be increased or be reduced according to the clinical answer and criterion of the doctor. In general, in daily to 5 adults they are administered from 3 g, whereas in children, half of the dose of the adults. In children with primary deficiencies of levocarnitina, 100 are used mg/kg of weight to the day. The injectable solution can be administered by intramuscular or intravenous route. If last one is preferred this, can be applied in direct or diluted form in intravenous solutions. It is suggested to use Injectable CARDISPAN * in artificial nutrition, is_quemia miocárdica acute and renal insufficiency dealt with dialysis or hemodiálisis. CARDISPAN * oral Solution to 30% recommends in isquemia miocárdica chronicle and peripheral vascular enferme_dad. In undernourished, premature, neoborn and young children of low weight when being born, the presentation of CARDISPAN * pediátrica Solution to 10% is the suitable one. In medicine of the sport, endogenous obesity and patients in rehabilitation or physical preparation, are advised to use CARDISPAN * masticables Tablets.
MANIFESTATIONS And HANDLING OF SOBREDOSIFICACIÓN Or ACCIDENTAL INGESTION: One has not inquired with respect to the presence of cases of overdose with this product.
Injectable CARDISPAN *: Box with 5 hourglasses of 1 g of levocarnitina each one.
CARDISPAN * oral Solution to 30%: Box with bottle of 60 mililiter; each 5 mililiter contain 1,5 levocarnitina g.
CARDISPAN * pediátrica Solution to 10%: Box with bottle with 120 mililiter; each 5 mililiter contain 500 mg of levocar_nitina.
CARDISPAN * masticables Tablets: Box with 20 tablets; each tablet contains 1 g of levocarnitina.
RECOMMENDATIONS ON STORAGE: Consérvese in fresh and dry place. Consérvese the covered affluent bottle to not more of 25ºC.
It is not left within reach of the children. Its sale requires
it prescribes medical. Exclusive Literature for doctors.
Regs. Núms. 509M89, 508M89 and 037M93, S. S. A.
Dear-301147/rm99, Jear-406715/rm98 and
02-05-2003, 10:49 PM #32
good post Growphaster...all that frickin espanol tripped me out though.
Neways, is this stuff illegal or can you buy it from pharmacies??
02-05-2003, 11:15 PM #33Associate Member
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Trying to get your abs out for spring break this year and gonna show me up huh! Let me know how good that shit works for you.... how much weight has your girl loss on the clen /xen? Yall need to come up to sm and party sometime
02-06-2003, 12:09 PM #34Senior Member
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yeah tryin to get swoll you jsut need to start putting some more weight on them dumbells and on the smith machine....
looks like i need to stat hiting the weights MONDAY!!
02-06-2003, 12:57 PM #35Originally posted by GrowPhaster
Just wondering if you had any other details about this. Is it really injectable L-Carnitine, I had a buddy at the gym offer me some (not cardispan). He showed me the box, looked like it was vet grade. I beleive it was 100 or 200ML at 200mg L-carnitine per ML. Is this the same stuff??
02-06-2003, 01:01 PM #36Senior Member
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i'll take a pic of everything tonight for you guys.. pretty much all they are is 5 cc brown amps that say cardispan
02-06-2003, 01:32 PM #37
do a search on Google..you should get all your questions answered with enough digging.
02-06-2003, 01:56 PM #39
i'm pretty interested in all this.. i'm about 20% bf (and falling thanks to keto), i think i might order some and test it out.. next paycheck will determine if this is gonna happen
02-06-2003, 05:17 PM #40
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