I have been reading a lot of the information on this site as well as others and from what I can tell, there are a lot of people here who seem to have some good knowledge about steroid usage.

I wanted to write as I am simply looking for some honest recommendations if anyone has the time and/or willing....

I am 34 yrs old, 5' 7", 165lbs, BF12%, have been training for over 15 yrs.....

I am thinking about the below cycle:

week 1 - 10 Test Cyp 500mg per week
week 1 - 6 Adex 1mg EOD
week 1 - 6 Deca 300mg per week
week 7 - 10 Masteron Enanthate 300mg per week
week 7 - 10 Adex 0.5mg EOD

Week 1-4 Dbol 30mg ED

Week 11 + 12 Nolva 40mg per day
Week 13 + 14 Nolva 20mg per day

I would like to bulk up during weeks 1 - 6 then start cutting from then on....

How does this cycle look (doses for my bodyweight, etc?)?

If I cannot get hold of the Masteron Enanthate what would you suggest as an alternative (primobolan depot or anavar oxandrolone?) and at what doses?

Your comments/advice will be greatly appreciated....

Look forward to hearing from you further.
Many thanks.

Best regards,
