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  1. #1
    efiles123 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2008

    liquid nolva expiration

    I bought a 60ml bottle of liquid nolva a couple of years ago and i'm ready to do my 1st cycle. After about a year from when I purchased the nolva I noticed small flakes of something at the bottom of the bottle, almost look like small bits of skin when you peel from a sun burn. People on another board said its probably ok and its just the nolva seperating from the solution. Some said just shake the sh*t out of it and submerge in warm water and it'll be good to go. What do you guys think and how well does this liquid formula work in comparison to actual tablets? I'm a little woried making this decision and I do have a source for nolva tabs, but i'm just not sure if this stuff is still any good.

  2. #2
    boxa06's Avatar
    boxa06 is offline Productive Member
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    I've herd that liquid only lasts for a year. I'm not sure if it'll still work. Does it have a use by date on it?

  3. #3
    efiles123 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    I've herd that liquid only lasts for a year. I'm not sure if it'll still work. Does it have a use by date on it?
    no "use by" date and was totally unaware that the stuff lasts for only 1 year. I unscrewed the cap for the first time today and the stuff smells really strong, kinda like hard liqour.

  4. #4
    boxa06's Avatar
    boxa06 is offline Productive Member
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    If I were you I'd be worried if the stuff still works.. I've also herd liquid smells nasty. I'd just get a new bottle or tabs because the last thing you want is for it not to work.

  5. #5
    efiles123 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    If I were you I'd be worried if the stuff still works.. I've also herd liquid smells nasty. I'd just get a new bottle or tabs because the last thing you want is for it not to work.
    Ya i'm definately worried but I don't want to chuck it until I get a straight answer. I tried soaking the whole bottle in hot water last night and shaking the sh*t out of it but the particles are still at the bottom.

  6. #6
    Lion of Zion is offline New Member
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    I used liquid torem that was about 2 years old. I had it in my fridge the whole time tho. I used it after a cycle and everything seemed fine. Didn't encounter any problems but if you could afford it I would suggest you buy a fresh one. I think it loses potency. I used mine because I was on a budget but it seemed fine.

  7. #7
    efiles123 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the responses guys. Is there any way to tell if this stuff still contains adequate potency? It definately smells like something is still in the bottle, not saying this automatically defines the potency level though.

  8. #8
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    May 2006
    I would stay on the safe side and just order another bottle of liquid nolva. PCT is important better safe than sorry.

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