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Thread: squat stats

  1. #1
    no1tou's Avatar
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    squat stats

    This may not be the palce for this thread but I'm a little bothered maybe just confused.

    I see many stats showing low bench numbers and super high squat numbers. Now I will be the first to admit I have only recently started training legs but I have been training upper body off and on since middle school. So yeah my upper body is a good bit stronger. 6' tall weigh 202lbs Bench 365 squat 295.

    Here's the issue...I can actually bench a good bit more then I squat but both are done with competition form. When I see peoples squat stats I find it hard to believe some numbers are based on a proper competition form squat. Otherwise some of these guys should be competing cause they are close to world records.

    I see dumbasses all the time in the gym loading up plates then not even coming close to 90 degrees much less past 90. So are my legs really that weak or are most considering as long as their knees are bent it's a squat?

  2. #2
    Vullfromsc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportbikeBob View Post
    This may not be the palce for this thread but I'm a little bothered maybe just confused.

    I see many stats showing low bench numbers and super high squat numbers. Now I will be the first to admit I have only recently started training legs but I have been training upper body off and on since middle school. So yeah my upper body is a good bit stronger. 6' tall weigh 202lbs Bench 365 squat 295.

    Here's the issue...I can actually bench a good bit more then I squat but both are done with competition form. When I see peoples squat stats I find it hard to believe some numbers are based on a proper competition form squat. Otherwise some of these guys should be competing cause they are close to world records.

    I see dumbasses all the time in the gym loading up plates then not even coming close to 90 degrees much less past 90. So are my legs really that weak or are most considering as long as their knees are bent it's a squat?
    Well, i guess we're all built differently, maybe you work chest / tris way harder than your legs, who knows..

    But yeah I see why that's strange, my bench is 255 for 1 where my squat is 365 for 1 (basically the opposite of yours but a little less).. I wish i could bench what i squat lol you should consider yourself lucky..

    **You are walking on the beach in a bathing suit** Girl: "Look at that guys chest, OMG! so hot"

    (what girl is gonig to be like "OMG HIS LEGS ARE SO MUSCULAR I WANT HIM" ??? none that I know hahaha)

    just my point of view on it lol, you are lucky

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Yes this is in the wrong place, maybe admin can move it..

    You should put more time and effort into training legs, imo more so than any other muscle...

    Many people lie about what they can and cant lift, the correct form is also lacking with to many...

  4. #4
    no1tou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Yes this is in the wrong place, maybe admin can move it..

    You should put more time and effort into training legs, imo more so than any other muscle...

    Many people lie about what they can and cant lift, the correct form is also lacking with to many...
    Ok cool I'll see if an admin can move it.

    I recently (this past year) have been spending a lot more time on legs and they are coming up fast but they have never been what I'd consider weak. The only guys I see at my gym squating more then me are the really big guys. Mostly fat guys and even most of them have horrible form. Shit I can throw 400 on my back and bend me knees a bit no problem but to go past 90 is another story.

    I just rearly see guy do much weight with proper form and I'm willing to bet most stats are based on bad form.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
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    I can squat 470lbs but I only bench 370lbs. However lately I have been doing much lighter squats A2G. I used to go aprox parallel but I am liking the deep squat lately.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
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    Go deep bring it to the floor.You will get so much more out of it.

  7. #7
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
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    I'm 172cms and 190lbs. I squat 352 for 6-8 reps. What I beleav to be good form. Down to 90 degrees, push off my heels and don't let my knees fall over my toes... There's alot people at my gym that put big weights on and don't do proper reps and people that don't even train legs, I don't care about them or what they think bout me, I just concentrate on what iv gotta do. My question for you guys is, with good form how heavy will u go before using knee sleeves/straps? Can u blow out ur knee on a heavy weight even with good form??

  8. #8
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    I bench 5000 and squat 6000

    Remember, you can injure yourself by going too low. Also, it is ok to go above 90 degrees sometimes. You have to mix up your leg workouts. Maybe do cheat squats one day with heavy weight, then a2g squats next time with light weight. Then do a few weeks of normal range squats.

    It has been proven that you can do half reps with heavier weight to break past plateus.

    I will NEVER go below 90 degrees again. Once my knees started to get a sharp pain, I knew it was it. Now I am happy with my 90 degree or higher squats.

    You can still blast quads with leg extensions and hack squats. No need to go all crazy and put all your focus into one leg exercise

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    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    And yeah, many people lie about their lifts. I wish I could lift as much as redz, but I am not that strong. The most I benched was 335 x 5, and I know for sure I cannot squat 470. More like 395

  10. #10
    boxer1's Avatar
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    forget the weight, leave the ego at the door. Remember we are bodybuilders not powerlifters, the idea is to get the best poss contraction and if that means dropping the weight then so be it, form is everything.

  11. #11
    no1tou's Avatar
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    My body is retarded.

  12. #12
    sixxer is offline Associate Member
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    From a BBing perspective, squatting below paralell is really not necessary.

    From my undertstanding of a lot of the PLing feds in the States, squatting below paralell is also not necessary.

    Unless you're an OLer, in which case more focus would be on your front squat and the competition lifts, back squatting below paralell isn't really optimal.

    I used to PL and would squat below paralell all the time, only just past too, A2G is not necessary in any circumstance for PLers or BBers. Only a year or so ago I was diagnosed with a twisted pelvis and scoliosis and no longer squat below paralell, I barely reach paralell to be honest. But my current 3x8 is 140kgs and 175kg for a single, I weigh 82kg.

    But I agree, a lot of people I see at the gym don't go anywhere near paralell. A lot of people don't even squat. No matter what your goal is though, I think squatting should be a part of your training program.

  13. #13
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportbikeBob View Post
    My body is retarded.
    well it sounds like youre tall and lanky. which means youre gonna have a harder time, lifting big weight. you have to move it a lot farther than us short bulky guys do. the only odd thing, is that it should be the same problem with your bench as well, since you probably have long arms. but everyones tendons are different. and thats where your strength comes from. so maybe you just have weak tendons in your lower half??

    i bench the same as i squat, which is 315. but i do more reps with squats, like around 8. but with bench i only do 3-4 with that weight currently. although, i havent been doing squats or deadlifts for the last 2 years either. i just started picking them up again 2 workouts ago.

  14. #14
    no1tou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Someguy123 View Post
    well it sounds like youre tall and lanky. which means youre gonna have a harder time, lifting big weight. you have to move it a lot farther than us short bulky guys do. the only odd thing, is that it should be the same problem with your bench as well, since you probably have long arms. but everyones tendons are different. and thats where your strength comes from. so maybe you just have weak tendons in your lower half??

    i bench the same as i squat, which is 315. but i do more reps with squats, like around 8. but with bench i only do 3-4 with that weight currently. although, i havent been doing squats or deadlifts for the last 2 years either. i just started picking them up again 2 workouts ago.
    No I'm only 6ft tall and I weigh 205 today 12%bf. Definitely not tall and lanky. However I am very top heavy. I lifted for years upper body only. I didn't realize how important legs were and the effect it had on overall growth. I just figured my legs should have kept up a little better. Oh well I will get them there in a year or so.

  15. #15
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    remember some people cant go all the way down. like myself, I have blown discs in my back and my knees are shot. I at one point could squat (with perfect form to 90+ deg) 345-350# for 15+ reps no problem. but even though 405# was not actually real heavy to me, my knees and back were so strained from that weight I would get to rep 3 and it would feel like my knees and back were going to blow! That is with wrapping my knees and wearing an oversized belt. So I am only able to do slow controlled squats halfway down until I hit the stress point. NO they are not as good as a full squat but still helps more than not doing them at all

  16. #16
    JasonT's Avatar
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    ^^^ you should check your form....a full squat takes pressure off the knees and onto the hips, which can withstand more

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