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  1. #1
    focus1234 is offline New Member
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    Experience Lifter/Dieter 4th Week of Cycle

    I am 29 yrs old. 5'11" 190 lbs. Injecting doesnt bother me. I really didnt have any sides from my first two cycles. I did get noticeably bigger and extremely cut from Test E and Tren A in my second cycle. I did the proper clomid PCT. I kept almost all of the gains and have now finished 16 weeks off of everything (still working out though)

    I am now in the 4th week of a 12 week cycle. I have gained almost 12 lbs since day 1.

    I eat as much as possible. But this is my daily intake (it sucks)

    5 am 6 eggs with 2 cups of fruit
    10 am 1.5 grilled chicken breast plain, 6 oz steak & protein shake
    12:00 typical lunch
    1 pm 1.5 chicken breast, 6 oz steak cottage cheese, peanut butter sandwich
    4 pm 8 oz tuna packet
    5:30 pm and pre-workout drink
    6 pm Intra workout drink
    8 pm steak, mashed potatoes, etc

    my cycle is:

    Test E 250mg every 3.5 days weeks 1-6
    Tren A 100 Mg every other day weeks 6-12
    Winny 50 mg every other day weeks 6-12
    Clomid every day? weeks ?

    Should I start the Tren A early, like in week 5 or stick with week six. Also is it necessary to use Winny? When should I take Aromasin ? I am trying to get SUPER Cut and Jacked. I have put on decent size in the first 4 weeks but am adding size to my stomach area and face.

    Your help is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    You're adding "size to your stomach and face" because your diet sucks.

    There's so many things wrong with your cycle I don't know where to start:

    -6 weeks of a long estered test is not long enough (10-12wks is more like it)

    -Why would you stop the test and continue the tren ?

    -Winny should be run ED, not EOD.

    -If this is your third cycle, you should know how to set up a pct.

  3. #3
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Two cycles and you don't even know that test e needs to be done longer than 6 weeks? What damn rock have you been under... Just stop honestly....... Your by far no where near ready for a cycle.. let alone sad to say you did two already...

    What were they by the way?

    Such a mess.... Go back to a beginner cycle... start learning there.

  4. #4
    focus1234 is offline New Member
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    damn. I am actually doing Test E weeks 1-12. I meant to include it with the rest of the cycle.

    i am listening about my diet. there is no way strictly following the diet i posted can be terrible. It is all lean (except the steak). I didnt include that i take protein immediately after my workout and casein immediately before bed.

    I am looking for great advice, not a bunch of bitching. I do now how to use clomid properly. I was just looking for addtional advice since i am taking aromasin (for the first time) and winny for the first time.

    My last cycle was test e and tren a for 12 weeks.

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by focus1234 View Post
    5 am 6 eggs with 2 cups of fruit
    10 am 1.5 grilled chicken breast plain, 6 oz steak & protein shake
    12:00 typical lunch
    1 pm 1.5 chicken breast, 6 oz steak cottage cheese, peanut butter sandwich
    4 pm 8 oz tuna packet
    5:30 pm and pre-workout drink
    6 pm Intra workout drink
    8 pm steak, mashed potatoes, etc
    ^Off the top of my head, you're not getting a very balanced marco break down.

    You have almost no EFA's, very little carbs, and waaay too much protein.

    I'd take a trip to the diet forum if I were you, to make the most out of your cycle. There's much more to dieting than just eating lean meats, my friend.

    Quote Originally Posted by focus1234 View Post
    damn. I am actually doing Test E weeks 1-12. I meant to include it with the rest of the cycle.

    i am listening about my diet. there is no way strictly following the diet i posted can be terrible. It is all lean (except the steak). I didnt include that i take protein immediately after my workout and casein immediately before bed.

    I am looking for great advice, not a bunch of bitching. I do now how to use clomid properly. I was just looking for addtional advice since i am taking aromasin (for the first time) and winny for the first time.

    My last cycle was test e and tren a for 12 weeks.
    What's your body fat?

    Ok. As far as the pct. Why don't you tell us how you would run it, and we'll critique it.

    Why are you taking aromasin?

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