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  1. #1
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Test E/Dbol Cycle - Effect on Sperm Count/Production?

    I am about to start a 12 week cycle of 30mg/day dbol (weeks 1-4) and 500mg/week test e (weeks 1-12). Clomid and Nolva for PCT.

    I am just curious as to whether or not a cycle like this has any effect on sperm count and/or production? I know it obviously has an effect on the testes natural production of testosterone , but what about sperm?

    I have heard that increased libido/sex drive is a side (if you can call it a side) of test e - i'm looking forward to that, but it would be nice if sperm count isn't affected as my wife and I want to have a baby now. Probably a bad time to start getting into AAS, huh? =(

    I look forward to your responses, thanks.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Alot will depends on the idividual, i believe Dorian Yates had no issues...

  3. #3
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    BUMP - this is a busy forum!

    I really need help on this guys - i've done some research and all signs point to (temporary?) lowered sperm count and/or quality - but these were from typical 'commercial' websites, the same type that would tell you smoking marijuana leads to heavier drugs.

    If AAS do affect sperm count, would the use of an AI while on, and/or Nolva + Clomid post-cycle combat this? Is there anything else I can use while on cycle? HCG combats testicle shrinkage; would it also then combat sperm count reduction/quality?

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    Itīs a common side effect of steroids to cause temporary sterility in both males as well as females. In fact, anabolic steroids are so proficient at this that they have actually been studied and approved by the World Health Organization as a male contraceptive possibility. Steroids do this by disrupting the various hormones in women which potentiate the ability to have regular menstrual cycles. In men, steroids lower Follicle Stimulating Hormone to the point where normal production of sperm is not possible. This isnīt to say that nobody on a cycle has every conceived; quite the opposite, actually. There' ve been legions of "happy accidents" reported to me by athletes who were on cycles and thought they couldnīt possibly conceive.

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Itīs a common side effect of steroids to cause temporary sterility in both males as well as females. In fact, anabolic steroids are so proficient at this that they have actually been studied and approved by the World Health Organization as a male contraceptive possibility. Steroids do this by disrupting the various hormones in women which potentiate the ability to have regular menstrual cycles. In men, steroids lower Follicle Stimulating Hormone to the point where normal production of sperm is not possible. This isnīt to say that nobody on a cycle has every conceived; quite the opposite, actually. There' ve been legions of "happy accidents" reported to me by athletes who were on cycles and thought they couldnīt possibly conceive.
    Thanks for the reply 007, I'd be very happy to have one of these 'happy accidents'! Especially with the increased libido, it seems almost a waste.

    So the question remains - will any of the PCT compounds (Nolva, Clomid, etc), or an AI such as Arimidex help to combat this? How about HCG ?

  6. #6
    crabmasta's Avatar
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    all i can say is im midway through my test cycle and im not cumming very much compared to when i started, thats just me. it's a significant difference

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