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  1. #1
    gongshow is offline Junior Member
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    do roids really stunt your growth?

    just take a look at Lou and Arnold when they were 17-18 i would imagine they were both on roids, and both of them are massive men

    Lou: 6'5
    Arnold: 6'3

    so do steroids when taken properly with a strong workout rountine and meal plan stunt your growth?

  2. #2
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    most people are done growing by 19...

    I would more likely look at the cases of alexey lusekov (5'6) and lorenzo (5'7) who started juicing at like 14-15 years old...

    also it depends on how you react to the anabolic . Some people with great genetics will juice at a gram per week and not get any estrogen-related side effects. Stunted growth results from excessive estrogen. If your genetics shields you from eostrogenic effects, you are shielded from stunted growth as well i believe.

  3. #3
    gongshow is offline Junior Member
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    oh ok, ya i think its just soley genetics but im no doctor right

  4. #4
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    Well at the moment arnold did gear he didnt do any post-cycle. He had zero gyno. so i guess arnold had genetics to react well to juicing (obvious i guess)

  5. #5
    gongshow is offline Junior Member
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    how do you know that Arnold does not use pct?

    ive heard of guys not using it but here they are pretty strung up on it

  6. #6
    StangLaw's Avatar
    StangLaw is offline Junior Member
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    If AAS stunts your growth why do they give HGH to kids that would wind up dwarfed??? serious question. Same thing with test. If testosterone is needed for growth/height when young why would more cause it to stop??? or am i getting things confused?

  7. #7
    gongshow is offline Junior Member
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    You make a good point there Stang but i do not have an anwser for you sorry maybe someone else does

  8. #8
    StangLaw's Avatar
    StangLaw is offline Junior Member
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    Well i did a little research and HGH is used for, Idiopathic short stature (ISS) and growth hormone deficiency in children. Maybe its other types that stunt actual height growth.

  9. #9
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    HGH is a different compound than Testosterone . HGH grows muscle through the release of IGF. Testosterone is releases during puberty and starts the fusing of the bone pallets (sp?). A few years into puberty the bones no longer can grow because the pallets are fused together. If a young person takes testosterone there could be premature fusing of the bone pallets. There are exceptions to this rule based on genetics. The problem is that you don't know if you're one of the gifted ones until it's too late. HGH does not cause the bone pallets to fuse. So the individual can continue to grow. HGH is normally used by pre teens to grow. Once the testosterone sets in the bones fuse and no matter how much HGH they take they won't grow any more.

  10. #10
    MaNiCC's Avatar
    MaNiCC is offline AR's Think Tank - Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by StangLaw View Post
    If AAS stunts your growth why do they give HGH to kids that would wind up dwarfed??? serious question. Same thing with test. If testosterone is needed for growth/height when young why would more cause it to stop??? or am i getting things confused?
    Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

    Not only do these compounds have the potential to stunt or be the cause of ABNORMAL growth, but they can also do enough damage to your endocrine system to leave you with enough problems to last you a lifetime. Granted they will not do this to every single individual, but you dont know if you will be one of those lucky few. if your not your screwed

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    and if they did not start juicing at 18-19 they may have grown another inch or two still and been even broader. Remember, growth is not just about height, it is also about widening out like your shoulders.

  12. #12
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Estrogen is responsible for growth plate closure, not androgens per se.

  13. #13
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Estrogen is responsible for growth plate closure, not androgens per se.
    aye. Men with more natural testosterone production often end tall. So it might even help with growth.

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