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Thread: Sustanon Help

  1. #1
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Sustanon Help

    So I'm in week 3.5 of a 10 week sustanon cycle. I was supposed to do this in January but I decided not to since my schedule was insane with classes and I wanted to eat to get to my target weight and not piss away gear.

    I'm 27 6' and 189lb @ ~9% BF. I'm shooting for 205 but moreso looking for the strength gains than making weight.

    I frontloaded a tad the first two weeks, I know some of you may disagree with this but I found the first time using sust (in a cycle cut short) that it just didn't kick in like I wanted it to at just 500mg a week. Test is the only thing I want to do, in the past I've done tren /deca /halo with test (not all at once). I didn't like the prolactin from the tren/deca and it caused some nipple leakage and the shittiest PCT ever.

    So here is my problem, at week 2 I had flu like symptoms which I'm guessing was from taking in about 2 grams of sustanon and the short esters shot my test levels up. I couldn't stay out of bed either but in just 3 weeks already I'm at 203... I'm eating better than ever before but I'm guessing more than 50% of that is water weight. I've never gone over 500mg of test in any cycle until now so never had any estrogenic sides and never even ****ed with AI's.

    Last night I noticed nipple tenderness and so I took nolva and some adex. For the past week though my sex drive has been in the shitter. I'm not even getting erections sporadically like normal (even off cycle). This is coming at a shitty time when my wife is pregnant and putting on weight so she thinks it's ****ing her of course when it's just me. I have zero libido.

    When I get erections they aren't entirely hard and climaxing isn't possible but I think that is more mental since I don't even want sex. Her and I even watched some porn together last night and I couldn't get hard from watching it and obviously that doesn't normally happen.

    So you guys think it's high estrogen or high prolactin? My Adex from lion ****ing sucks and it pisses me off, I just got it from him and you can tell all the stuff has precipitated out. I microwave it 10 seconds and each time I can tell that cooks off whatever polar compound that's in it (probably an alcohol) so it just crashes worse now. I'd like to order just an AI or cabergoline but not really both as last time the cab was expensive as **** and I felt it did little for me.

    Any feedback is appreciated and thanks again guys!

  2. #2
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    So it has been 24 hours since the nipple soreness and that has abated almost completely. At least I know my nolvadex is square... Still not feeling much libido though.

    I'm really thinking estrogenic because of the test dose and HCG I started last week.

  3. #3
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
    ThatGuyYeahHim is offline Associate Member
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    Nolva will assist you with gyno. What dosages are you taking?
    Have you tried viagra?

  4. #4
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Now I only do 500mg of sust a week but i frontloaded the first two...

    I'm guessing my problem was from estrogen because I took adex and now feel much better and woke up to a raging hard-on.

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