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  1. #1
    maggibagg is offline New Member
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    May 2010

    beginner's cycle tips and gyno.

    when i was 17(and stupid) i tried testosterone and diabol i can't remember how much, and i didnt use anti estrogen and got gyno. now i am 19 and want to try again. but this time i want to use anti estrogen and do it properly. So basicly what i'm here for is suggestions on cycles, how much i should take, and if using steroids again will make my gyno go way bigger or if the anti estrogen will lower it or keep it the same.

  2. #2
    Emperor9's Avatar
    Emperor9 is offline Associate Member
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    I think you are way too young still ,but im no expert.

  3. #3
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    Jesus christ, your way to young!

    In humans your Endocrine system is not fully functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates a little bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take AAS to young and you could end up with symptoms of andropause and HRT for life. Symptoms could be Limp dick, low libido, depression, low energy, low endurance, erection problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

    Around this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and don't take the risk of damage, I am passionate about this because ive seen it many times with young kids wanting to looking like their heroes and they think the answer is in an injection/tablet.

    Taking AAS to young can also cause problems with development, one other main problem is premature sealing of your epiphyeal bone and the consequences mean that you wont grow as big as your genetics could allow you to, there is a test which can be done to see if your growth plates have sealed yet but the average age is around 21yrs old.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    body fat%?
    years training?

  5. #5
    maggibagg is offline New Member
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    May 2010
    Thanks for those advices CMB. i really appritiate it. And i know i am quite young. specially when i did my first/last cycle when i was 17. Now i am 19 like i said and most of my friends have been using steroids since they were around 17-19. and it hasn't done anything dangerous to them yet other than gyno, pimples and things like that. I just can't stand them being this far ahead of me in every side of bodybuilding and strength hehe. i've been training since i was 15 (4 years) and they are just way bigger than me. i maybe have cleaner muscles and am more cut but i want more.

    height : 186cm
    weight :93kg
    body fat : guessing around 10-12%
    4 years

  6. #6
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    The bad side of AAS isn't just the pimples and gyno. It's your endocrine system shutting down so your body will no longer produce testosterone . You won't know if that will happen until a little later. This board is all about safety. It's strongly recommended that mid 20's is the age to start AAS cycles. Your need to "catch up" is an emotional response that, hopefully, will disappear when you get a little older. Most adult males are ready to cycle but it takes a few years for the emotional maturity to set in, thus the mid 20's before cycling.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by maggibagg View Post
    Thanks for those advices CMB. i really appritiate it. And i know i am quite young. specially when i did my first/last cycle when i was 17. Now i am 19 like i said and most of my friends have been using steroids since they were around 17-19. and it hasn't done anything dangerous to them yet other than gyno, pimples and things like that. I just can't stand them being this far ahead of me in every side of bodybuilding and strength hehe. i've been training since i was 15 (4 years) and they are just way bigger than me. i maybe have cleaner muscles and am more cut but i want more.

    height : 186cm
    weight :93kg
    body fat : guessing around 10-12%
    4 years
    I remember being that age and thinking it's not to young to xxx hahahaha You are a baby, only a few years out of diaper and Im sure still living under your mothers wing at home, right?

    Ever hear the expression because your fiends jumped off a xxx does that mean you should? This is one of those cases.

    You have NO idea what is has done to them or what it will do to them. They might not show any serious problems until they are 20, 25 or 30. There are plenty of post from people who have problems years later and 100x more we never hear about.

    You need to start learning what AAS will do to you. Not only the positive the the negative and you need to listen to the people where with the experience. There are many here who come back later and say I WISH I had listened and due to ego there are 100s more we never hear from again because they are to embarrassed to say anything or admit they have a problem.

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