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  1. #1
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Question Future once you enter the dark side?

    This may be a dumb question, but here goes:

    As I approach my plunge, I realize and have accepted that I will undoubtably be doing this for the rest of my life
    My goals are to continually get larger and stronger, looks not so much.
    Just addicted to the push/pull and the pumps
    I am currently 6'3" 220lbs, 12%bf, and would eventually like to be around 250-260 (and, no, I sure as hell do not think that one cycle will do this. Years and many cycles will)
    Will I get to a point, years down the road, where I will be able to maintain this without the use of aas?

    I have no intention of ever making this process into a sprint and could care less if this takes years. Does 40 lbs of lean permanent (maintained with diet and training only) gains seem feasible from a few years of 400-500mg test cycles with the eventual addition of low dose of deca for joint maintnenance.

    Will there ever be a point where I can stop once I start?
    Last edited by fattywarbucks; 05-27-2010 at 06:11 AM.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    You can stop anytime you want and 90% of the time life interferes and you have not choice but to stop.

    It all depends on your genetic limits and diet on what you will gain and maintain.

    400-500mg test for how long?

  3. #3
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You can stop anytime you want and 90% of the time life interferes and you have not choice but to stop.

    It all depends on your genetic limits and diet on what you will gain and maintain.

    400-500mg test for how long?
    10 to 12 week cycles at most 2xs per yeard over the a few years until I reach about 260lbs AS A POST-PCT WEIGHT. Sorry, I edited my post to make that more clear.
    Genetically, my frame could hold 40 lbs, without limiting motion in any way. Any more may be overkill which is why I'm aiming @ about 260lbs..far far down the road. Hell id be overjoyed with 5 to 10lbs per year from here out

    I plan on training forever

    So the question is, once I no longer want to grow anymore, will I need aas to maintain?
    Last edited by fattywarbucks; 05-27-2010 at 06:23 AM.

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattywarbucks View Post
    10 to 12 week cycles at most 2xs per yeard over the a few years until I reach about 260lbs AS A POST-PCT WEIGHT. Sorry, I edited my post to make that more clear.
    Genetically, my frame could hold 40 lbs, without limiting motion in any way. Any more may be overkill which is why I'm aiming @ about 260lbs..far far down the road. Hell id be overjoyed with 5 to 10lbs per year from here out

    I plan on training forever

    So the question is, once I no longer want to grow anymore, will I need aas to maintain?
    Probably not as long as the diet is where it should be and you keep working out. You will know if you stop dropping weight/muscles mass. Also once you reach your goal and since it's a LONG term plan (GREAT IDEA, Im the same) once you reach a certain age, above 40 you may want to get on HRT so basically you can cruise and maybe later consider a regiment of low dose 1-2iu of HGH to maintain.

  5. #5
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Probably not as long as the diet is where it should be and you keep working out. You will know if you stop dropping weight/muscles mass. Also once you reach your goal and since it's a LONG term plan (GREAT IDEA, Im the same) once you reach a certain age, above 40 you may want to get on HRT so basically you can cruise and maybe later consider a regiment of low dose 1-2iu of HGH to maintain.
    Yeah, that sound spot on. I'm 28 now and could not be happier. Hell if it tooke me the next 12 yrs to hit 260, then awesome. I'm not filling a void, so the journey is more fun than the destination. Thanks for the imput

  6. #6
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    yessir, its a long road ahead if you choose to live this lifestyle for any meaningful length of time.

    a long term goal is good. you and i are the same stats Fattywarbucks (diff age, im almost 26) and we have the same goals... a lean 260 eventually.

    while keeping that larger goal in mind, you must set smaller goals so that you know can achieve them, while not gettin discouraged. i go for 10lb increments. im up from 160 to 220 now. so ive achieved a bunch of those smaller goals so far. never happy of course. something always needs work or brought up. but thats what we've chosen.

    as for being able to maintain that final goal... its possible. as long as training, supps, and diet are up to par enough. then anythings possible..

    though i have no intention of ever stopping the use of gear

    i love it too much

  7. #7
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    yessir, its a long road ahead if you choose to live this lifestyle for any meaningful length of time.

    a long term goal is good. you and i are the same stats Fattywarbucks (diff age, im almost 26) and we have the same goals... a lean 260 eventually.

    while keeping that larger goal in mind, you must set smaller goals so that you know can achieve them, while not gettin discouraged. i go for 10lb increments. im up from 160 to 220 now. so ive achieved a bunch of those smaller goals so far. never happy of course. something always needs work or brought up. but thats what we've chosen.

    as for being able to maintain that final goal... its possible. as long as training, supps, and diet are up to par enough. then anythings possible..

    though i have no intention of ever stopping the use of gear

    i love it too much
    That's what I'm worried about. Never used, but I'm so into everything from the ritualization of pinning down to the science. I have a feeling I'm gonna end up feeling like you, never wanting to stop.

    By the way, have you started snoring since gaining the muscle? I'm up from 180ish and started snoring when I'm really tired. I think its bc I gained a shtload of neck and trap muscle, but its funny. (Not sleep apnea, just occaisional light intermitent snoring). My wife wants to kill me. Hahahahaa sucks to be her.

  8. #8
    sixxer is offline Associate Member
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    I think gains made with the assistance of AAS that still have you below your genetic potential should be able to be kept without continuing AAS use.

    However, gains that put you over your genetic potential, will most probably require continuous AAS use to maintain.

    I have no scientific data or even anecdotal experience to verify this, just my thoughts.

  9. #9
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixxer View Post
    I think gains made with the assistance of AAS that still have you below your genetic potential should be able to be kept without continuing AAS use.

    However, gains that put you over your genetic potential, will most probably require continuous AAS use to maintain.

    I have no scientific data or even anecdotal experience to verify this, just my thoughts.
    That definitely makes sense.

  10. #10
    Focusmen's Avatar
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    good info guys.

    what is it they say around here? you can gain 40% of your body mass in muscle from when you do your first cycle.

    my long term goal is 240 @8%... but when im on

  11. #11
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focusmen View Post
    good info guys.

    what is it they say around here? you can gain 40% of your body mass in muscle from when you do your first cycle.

    my long term goal is 240 @8%... but when im on
    Sweet!! If that's true, then I can go to 308lbs, so maintaining 260 shouldn't be unrealistic.

  12. #12
    Hazard's Avatar
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    After years of yoyo-ing from 225 to 240 - i've come to realise I can't maintain more than 225lbs without aas. My training is definately on par...... My diet is good..... my sleeping is on track..... yet I still drop weight.

    I'll always be on something now..... whether it be test or HGH lol.....

    Regarding the snoring...... My wife is ready to fvckin kill me also...... lol

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  13. #13
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    After years of yoyo-ing from 225 to 240 - i've come to realise I can't maintain more than 225lbs without aas. My training is definately on par...... My diet is good..... my sleeping is on track..... yet I still drop weight.

    I'll always be on something now..... whether it be test or HGH lol.....

    Regarding the snoring...... My wife is ready to fvckin kill me also...... lol

    How much is 225lbs over what you are naturally?

    The lowest I ever was at my height (back@15yrs) was 143lbs. With no exercise,bad diet, and a sitdown job I stay @ 180. Diet in check, and lifting 1 1/4 hrs, 5 days/wk. I stay @ 220 with 12ish%bf

    No cycles yet

    Years down the road, what do you think I could hold?

  14. #14
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    I started at 190 6'2 at 24. I am now 30 and been on for a good portion of the last six years. I have gotten up to 280 (not lean) and hoover around 265 lean. Which at 6'2 is really not that big. I clearly look enhanced but not freakish. Every time I stop I drop to 235, so I figure this is what I can naturally support. But my gym motivation also drops. wieght lifting is my only hobby and I lifted before I started aas, but if aas disapeared I am not sure I would spend much time in the gym. The progress is what I seem to really get off on and without the noticable progress I think my motivation would dry up. I plan on being on for a good while and switching to hrt. What I am getting at is after aas the gym is not the same place and it might ruin your enjoyment of the gym. But it's a risk I would take.
    I also started snoring after aas, but never made the connection to this thread.

  15. #15
    Chev's Avatar
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    Blasting and cruising becomes a life style at some point you cant stop. (HRT) I would do your homework and make sure you and your wife are in it for the long haul. good luck

  16. #16
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieseljimmy View Post
    I started at 190 6'2 at 24. I am now 30 and been on for a good portion of the last six years. I have gotten up to 280 (not lean) and hoover around 265 lean. Which at 6'2 is really not that big. I clearly look enhanced but not freakish. Every time I stop I drop to 235, so I figure this is what I can naturally support. But my gym motivation also drops. wieght lifting is my only hobby and I lifted before I started aas, but if aas disapeared I am not sure I would spend much time in the gym. The progress is what I seem to really get off on and without the noticable progress I think my motivation would dry up. I plan on being on for a good while and switching to hrt. What I am getting at is after aas the gym is not the same place and it might ruin your enjoyment of the gym. But it's a risk I would take.
    I also started snoring after aas, but never made the connection to this thread.
    Thanks bro. Really good response. I am abit worried about opening pandoras box and ruining my love for lifting...but fvk it ;p

  17. #17
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chev View Post
    Blasting and cruising becomes a life style at some point you cant stop. (HRT) I would do your homework and make sure you and your wife are in it for the long haul. good luck
    I have no intentions of ever stopping...lifting.

  18. #18
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattywarbucks View Post
    Sweet!! If that's true, then I can go to 308lbs, so maintaining 260 shouldn't be unrealistic.

    doubtful man. Im not trying to rain on your parade but even at 6'3 maintaining 260lbs WITHOUT gear..well..lets just say dont get your hopes up.

  19. #19
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    doubtful man. Im not trying to rain on your parade but even at 6'3 maintaining 260lbs WITHOUT gear..well..lets just say dont get your hopes up.
    Makes no difference bc its awesome trying. Its win win. Either a hit and then maintain 260, or I just chase it like a madman and love every second of trying.

  20. #20
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    thats a great attitude to have! like i said, wasnt trying to be asshole there, i hope i didnt come across that way!

  21. #21
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    thats a great attitude to have! like i said, wasnt trying to be asshole there, i hope i didnt come across that way!
    Not at all you were completely right

  22. #22
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    if you get to 260 on gear and stop AAS its gonna come off eventually. YOu can train and east your asse off to maintain some of that but it will never be like when your on.

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