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  1. #1
    Tefflondon is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010

    Can I gain weight off this cycle ?

    I wanna burn some fat but still put on a bit of lean muscle at the same time.. Im not that fat or anything probably about 13 or 14 % but I'd for sure like to get ripped under 10% but continue to add lean mass.... if I do a really clean high calorie diet can I do this while running prop and winny? and is winny something I should run the whole cycle or just 4 weeks ?

  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2009
    To build muscle you need a calorie surplus. To lose fat you do not need such a calorie surplus. It is best to drop the bodyfat, then attempt a clean bulk. Diet controls your weight gain.

    I would not run winstrol for an entire injectable cycle (assuming 10 weeks or more). I would only run an oral steroid for up to 5-6 weeks. That would also be at a very moderate dose.

    Bro, it is hard as **** to drop fat and pack on muscle. It can be done, but you need to seriously lay out your diet and training, and follow it to a 't'.

    You are not going to go from 200lbs at 14%bf, to 220lbs at 10%bf, It doesn;t really work like that. Not off of a single cycle


  3. #3
    Tefflondon is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    Yeah I wasn't expecting to gain 20 lbs or anything Im just wondering if I can gain maybe 5-10 lbs of only muscle off this cycle while leaning out by a couple % at the same time ? and would you recommend the winny for the beginning of the cycle or the end of the cycle ?

  4. #4
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2009
    I can't recommend Winistrol in any way because I have never tried it before- sorry. Yes you can add 10lbs of muscle, but you need to pack in the protein and carbs hard. Leaning out is controlled by cardio. However, too much cardio is catabolic. So I suggest you also ask around in the diet and training threads. I would lay something out for you, but I still haven't found out what works for me

  5. #5
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    To build muscle you need a calorie surplus. To lose fat you do not need such a calorie surplus. It is best to drop the bodyfat, then attempt a clean bulk. Diet controls your weight gain.

    I would not run winstrol for an entire injectable cycle (assuming 10 weeks or more). I would only run an oral steroid for up to 5-6 weeks. That would also be at a very moderate dose.

    Bro, it is hard as **** to drop fat and pack on muscle. It can be done, but you need to seriously lay out your diet and training, and follow it to a 't'.

    You are not going to go from 200lbs at 14%bf, to 220lbs at 10%bf, It doesn;t really work like that. Not off of a single cycle

    Best advise ever you can't do both, even on roids. I am currently losing weight and fat before doing a cycle. Test makes you eat like a pig

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