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Thread: Test Suspension

  1. #1
    schrodinger123's Avatar
    schrodinger123 is offline Junior Member
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    Test Suspension

    I was never able to find a good human or vet grade test suspension in stock, so I went another way.

    I hooked up with a good test base powder source, and dug around online for some homebrew recipes. I found a simple one, and damned it if it just worked out perfectly exactly as the recipe said it would. So I managed to cook up 30mls of 100mg/ml (took about 5 minutes), and have remaining ingredients to cook up 5 more bottles. When I added the water to the melted powder, it turned creamy white, like milk (as expected).

    I shook it, and tried to draw it up into a 29 G insulin syringe, but it clogged after 0.1 ml. So I grabbed a 25 G and easily drew up 1 ml. Does this mean my suspension is bad, or is this the expected?

    Next, I injected the 1 mil subcutaneously using the 25 G and I didn't feel much at first. After a couple of minutes, it started to sting. Stung about like a bee sting. I pressed on the area, and I guess I worked the liquid into new areas of my skin, and then they started to sting as well. Honestly, it was tolerable, and I guess this is why they say water based suspensions hurt. Does this sound normal, or have I created a strange brew?

    I could deal with this pain daily, went away mostly after about 30 minutes, gone completely after an hour. So I can easily do 100 ml shot, but when do I do it? Morning? Preworkout? Night? Is 100 ml per day sufficient? 200 ml/day? I read that the half-life of testosterone is 2-4 hours. So my guess is the stuff is going to come out of my system really quickly. Does this mean I should do 2 shots daily?

    Any way to thin the stuff so it works in a smaller needle? Would human grade suspension pass a 29 G needle? I noticed that mine would actually pass that needle, until I shook it. Seems I should shake it though, so the test is truly 100mg/ml. Should I?

    Is it best to store this stuff in the fridge?

    I'm psyched about getting my hands on such a powerful form of test. Just wanted to pick the brains of those who have been there...


  2. #2
    schrodinger123's Avatar
    schrodinger123 is offline Junior Member
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    Oh, when speaking about the dosage, I meant 100 mg/ 200 mg = 1 ml/ 2 ml shots per day.... ooops...

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Next time:
    use 2% BA
    5% PS80
    15% BB

    Filter just the distilled water into the vial with a .22um syringe filter.
    Mix everything else in with the powder and shoot that into the vial with a .45um

  4. #4
    schrodinger123's Avatar
    schrodinger123 is offline Junior Member
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    My mix was 30% BB, 5% PS80 and was supposed to be 5% BA. But I added the BA in the melting step, then used bacteriostatic water (cause I didn't have any distilled). Since bacteriostatic water has BA in it, I made this number much higher. Could the stinging be from the BA- Benzyl Alcohol? This would make sense... Probably have 8-10% BA in there, theres no way I need this much BA.. the stuff would be sterile with a number more like you prescribe, I would think...

    Oh yeah, and I did use a .22 micron whatman filter, but doing this confuses me because we have melted the test base. I have heard theories about small particles of test that must be broken down once in your system, but my understanding of a melted solid is that now there are individual test molecules swimming around in the solvents. So what are we doing with the filter? Am I just way off in the weeds with my understanding??
    Last edited by schrodinger123; 06-10-2010 at 08:44 PM.

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