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  1. #1
    Get BIG! is offline New Member
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    Which is better?

    First off i take all of my gear in the mornings at the same time: with that said

    Am eating 8 times a day tring to gain Crazy mass.. Am currently running
    Test e 450 1cc a week stacked with dbol 25mg a day. been on this stack for 3 days in counting now..

    Is the gym best for me in the morning or afternoons?

    Is drinking ur egg whites the same protein value as cooking them?

    Should i take my creatine while on or off my Dbol at all?

    Last edited by Get BIG!; 06-17-2010 at 11:50 AM.

  2. #2
    o-lineman60's Avatar
    o-lineman60 is offline Junior Member
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    Well first of all, what are your stats? what are you trying to accomplish? What are you eating?

    Eating egg whites uncooked is not as beneficial to you as eating them cooked. When cooked, humans can use the protiens and nutrients up to 40% better. You still get some value out of them when you consume them raw, but your better off cooking them.

  3. #3
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Get BIG! View Post
    First off i take all of my gear in the mornings at the same time: with that said

    Am eating 8 times a day tring to gain Crazy mass.. Am currently running
    Test e 450 1cc a week stacked with dbol 25mg a day. been on this stack for 3 days in counting now..
    better off taking .5 cc twince a week for more stable blood levels

    Is the gym best for me in the morning or afternoons?
    doesnt really matter

    Is drinking ur egg whites the same protein value as cooking them?
    Ive been told its better to drink the raw, but I dont like eating snot

    Should i take my creatine while on or off my Dbol at all?
    creatine is a great suppliment, no reason to stop while on dbol. When I was taking creatine, I did it 3 months on, 2 off, repeat. Might want to have an AI while on cycle if you are concerned about excessive water retention

    answers in bold

  4. #4
    Get BIG! is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    answers in bold
    thanks am now spiting my test 1 cc a week up to .5 cc 2 times a week spread out.

    One last question.. After i run this Dbol & Test 450

    A week after my last test shot am running this Pct for a week

    1: 20mgs/day of nolvadex

    2: 500iu/day of Hcg

    3:20-25mgs/day of Armoasin

    4: 1000iu/day Vitamin E

    WOW!.. thanks guys.. Yesterday i didnt even know what a Pct was. Now i have a plan mapped out & everything thanks to you guys . "I run this pct for only a week tho? Anything else after this week to stay stable until next cycle?

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Get BIG! View Post
    thanks am now spiting my test 1 cc a week up to .5 cc 2 times a week spread out.

    One last question.. After i run this Dbol & Test 450

    A week after my last test shot am running this Pct for a week

    1: 20mgs/day of nolvadex

    2: 500iu/day of Hcg

    3:20-25mgs/day of Armoasin

    4: 1000iu/day Vitamin E

    WOW!.. thanks guys.. Yesterday i didnt even know what a Pct was. Now i have a plan mapped out & everything thanks to you guys . "I run this pct for only a week tho? Anything else after this week to stay stable until next cycle?
    sorry to burst your bubble, but you didnt do enough reading. PCT starts minimum 14 days after your last shot of test which the Test Enan ester in there. Really it should be 18 days with the cyp ester. And your PCT should run 4 weeks, not 1. Scary to think what would have happenned if you had run your original cycle. Thats a very advanced PCT, your cycle is simple. You wont need the HCG and the aromasin should be used on cycle if you see a lot of estro sides. Just research a simple nolva/clomid PCT

  6. #6
    Get BIG! is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    sorry to burst your bubble, but you didnt do enough reading. PCT starts minimum 14 days after your last shot of test which the Test Enan ester in there. Really it should be 18 days with the cyp ester. And your PCT should run 4 weeks, not 1. Scary to think what would have happenned if you had run your original cycle. Thats a very advanced PCT, your cycle is simple. You wont need the HCG and the aromasin should be used on cycle if you see a lot of estro sides. Just research a simple nolva/clomid PCT

    i wouldnt have started that first cycle anyways until i confirmed threw you guys anyway. I know why my pct was so intense now. I took it from Anthony Roberts PCT.. lol..

    Am learning now am learning..

    I was just worryed about my body producing natural test after this 10 week test run of .5 cc 2 times a week thing is over... thats why i mentioned Hcg .. So me no needie?
    Last edited by Get BIG!; 06-17-2010 at 01:19 PM.

  7. #7
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    HCG is good for on cycle if you notice your nutz start to atrophy

  8. #8
    Get BIG! is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    HCG is good for on cycle if you notice your nutz start to atrophy
    THanks again always.. If i start to annoy you just let me know : )

    How about Insulin levels. When do i need to worry about that? I noticed today after working out later on in the day i felt so drained..

  9. #9
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I think you're confused about the egg-white thing.
    1. Drinking unpasteurized/raw eggwhites is not advised, the body cannot process the protein as well when its completely Raw.
    2. Drinking Pasteurized eggwhites is all good and I drink up to 30 egg whites a day.
    check out:

    What Are Egg Whites?

    Egg whites are exactly that, 100% pure liquid egg whites, just as if you cracked and separated them yourself at home. The only thing we did was to pasteurize them to avoid salmonella. There are no additives or preservatives, no artificial ingredients or food colorings. Egg whites have a naturally light yellow color to them. You will notice this more in the bottle than in the frying pan. The white substance floating on top of the bottles is the same white particle you see when you put an egg in the frying pan. This connects from the egg white to the egg yolk. We leave this in the egg whites because it has the highest concentration of protein in the egg. Just shake up the bottle before using. Egg whites are completely tasteless and odorless.

    How Can Egg Whites Be Used?

    They can be prepared and eaten the same way you eat eggs today. You can use them in baking and making pancakes or whatever you would normally use eggs for now. However, due to the heat pasteurization process, we do not recommend them for meringues or angel food cake. They do make great omelets and scrambled eggs. Because the yolk is gone, so is the fat and the cholesterol. Therefore, the eggs tend to be fluffier and healthier without the yolk. They also make great smoothies and protein shakes, thanks to the pasteurization process that has eliminated the salmonella threat from drinking raw egg whites. See our Recipes page for more great ideas.

    How Do I Measure Egg Whites?

    3 tbsp of Egg Whites = 1 whole egg
    2 tbsp of Egg Whites = 1 Egg White
    1/2 cup of Egg Whites = 4-5 Egg Whites

    Is It Safe to Freeze Egg Whites?

    Absolutely! You can even put a previously opened, partially used container of Egg Whites in the freezer. They will last indefinitely while frozen. To defrost, put the container on a paper plate and leave it overnight. Once defrosted, you must keep them in the refrigerator. When Egg Whites freeze, the water separates from the egg and settles on top. Therefore, it may be necessary to Shake the bottle well before using. If the eggs tend to cook up watery, simply blend in a blender for a few seconds, or pour back and forth into another container to assure that the water mixes back into the egg. For gallon containers, you nay need to pour back and forth into a larger pitcher. We do not recommend that you re-freeze the Egg Whites if it's not necessary.

    What Is the "Shelf Life" of Egg Whites?

    Our own personal tests have shown that Egg Whites, if maintained at 40 degrees or lower in the refrigerator, stay good for up to 6 to 8 months, even when opened. However, we recommend that you use them in 3 to 4 months to assure the best quality product. If you freeze them, they will last indefinitely. To determine if they are good or not, the best test is to smell them. If there is any odor whatsoever, discard them. Egg Whites have no odor or taste.

    What Is The Protein Benefit of Egg Whites?

    Egg White protein is the purest form of protein known to man in the entire world. Each 8-ounce cup gives you 26 grams of pure protein, only 2 grams of carbohydrates, NO fat and NO cholesterol. They are 100% bio-available, which means NONE of it's amino acids are wasted. No artificial protein powder can make that claim. Other high protein sourced foods and supplements need to be broken down before the body absorbs the protein. All natural products have always been the recommended way to get the nutrients your body needs.

    How Are Egg Whites Separated?

    The eggs are washed and placed onto a conveyor. The conveyor then cracks the eggs, drops them into a tray with holes in it. The tray catches the yolks but allows the Egg Whites to fall through the holes to another tray below. A quality control person is there to clean out any broken yolks that might fall through with the whites. There is also a USDA Inspector that oversees the entire process to ensure consumer safety.

    What Is Salmonella?

    More than 90% of all eggs are free of contamination at the time they are laid. Contamination with Salmonella bacteria and with certain spoilage organisms occurs essentially afterward. Proper washing and sanitizing of eggs eliminates most Salmonella and spoilage organisms deposited on the shell. Furthermore, our egg whites are pasteurized and 100% safe.

    How Do You Pasteurize Egg Whites?

    The Egg Whites are run through a series of heated tubes, almost like a big still, just hot enough to kill bacteria but not enough to cook the eggs. They are then tested for any signs of Salmonella bacteria.

    What Happens To The Rest Of The Egg?
    The yolks are sold to various companies that produce salad dressings, ice cream, mayo, etc. The egg shells are sold to various companies that include them in pet food as a calcium supplement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Get BIG! View Post
    First off i take all of my gear in the mornings at the same time: with that said

    Am eating 8 times a day tring to gain Crazy mass.. Am currently running
    Test e 450 1cc a week stacked with dbol 25mg a day. been on this stack for 3 days in counting now..

    Is the gym best for me in the morning or afternoons?

    Is drinking ur egg whites the same protein value as cooking them?

    Should i take my creatine while on or off my Dbol at all?

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