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  1. #1
    tawoos is offline Banned
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    HEEEEELP ... can't gain any weight .. tried almost everything

    man ... some peeps just can't gain weight .. such as myself ..
    i gained 10 klgs 22 pounds in 2 years and that's it ... it's been a year and my weight is not moving a gram :S
    still 75 klgs ... no matter what i eat

    my training is close to perfect cause i read a lot and i know all about overtraining and lack of training and switching routines and all of that
    so i'm sure the training effort is not the problem

    1st thing in the morning
    24 grams of whey protein + 30 grams of fast carbs

    then every 2 hours (sometimes every 3 hours) i eat:
    a whole loaf of white bred (that's 5g of protein and 23 g of carbs) and about 30 grams of protein + 1 whole egg + a scoop of milk (25 grams of powder milk) + 2 small tlbs of peanut butter + 1 big tbls of olive oil
    not mentioning the usual things i eat daily like sweets, chips, fries, meat, rise, chicken, nuts lemon juice, chocolate, ahmnmnmn ... you name it
    what ever my mom's cooking :P


    24 grams of protein + 1 scoop of milk + about 30 grams of carbs

    post workout:
    60 grams of whey + 1 scoop of milk powder + 60 grams of fast carbs + 5 grams of bcaa

    day in day out and my weight is not moving up

    i need 22 pounds in addition
    is there any first cycle that can get me there?

    165 lbs
    40 cm arms
    114 cm chest
    73 cm waist

    do you think sustanon would get near these 22 pounds i'm after
    any 1st cycle suggestions?

  2. #2
    Arem is offline New Member
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    Couple questions; age? estimated kcals ingested per day? has your strength increased even though your weight hasn't in the past year?

    Gaining 22 lbs is possible on a first cycle, however keeping all 22 lbs would be much harder, and if you are having trouble gaining weight now you would probably have more trouble than most keeping gains.

    I think there is more than likely another solution to your problem. Why dont you also break down your general workouts and how many sets/reps you are doing.

  3. #3
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    you should really keep track of all the food you're eating. you didnt mention alot of whole foods there, whole foods should ideally make the bulk of your diet. the general rule of thumb to gain weight is to have 1.5g of protein per pound you weigh, 2g of carbs per pound you weigh and 0.5g of healthy fats.
    i was the same. i used to weigh 50kg a few years ago and i naturally went to 100kg with proper eating and heavy lifting, then after a couple of cycles and extra calories i went upto 120kg. just keep at it, make sure you're training intensely and heavy and eating atleast 3500 cals.
    my first cycle wast sust and deca but you should wait until youve researched AAS to the fullest and now everything about pct. good luck

  4. #4
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Its your diet that needs work. drop by the diet section and read the stickies

  5. #5
    gobblear is offline New Member
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    22 lbs is very doable for your first cycle. thats exactly what i gained my first go at roids and sus was my first aas. I really dont think u will need anything else withit since it is yur first cycle of anything other than some estrogen blockers and be prepped for pct.
    You gotta include a lot of whole foods in your diet. Be interested to see yur training regimen.

  6. #6
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    I would also be interested in seein some stats.

  7. #7
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    a whole loaf every 2 hrs?! hope thts a mistake lol

    your diet looks real bad

  9. #9
    bber99 is offline Junior Member
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    its pretty REALLY simple, if your not gaining weight you need to consume more calories+ lift progressively heavy weights

  10. #10
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Diet is poor. IF you're not gaining weight now, you won't be able to gain and maintain with AAs either. Visit the diet section of the site and learn.

  11. #11
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bber99;522***0
    its pretty REALLY simple, if your not gaining weight you need to consume more calories+ lift progressively heavy weights
    Not only that but he needs to be consuming the right calories at the right time of day. your diet is really poor bro. No offence

  12. #12
    bber99 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC;522***6
    Not only that but he needs to be consuming the right calories at the right time of day. your diet is really poor bro. No offence
    my diet is really poor? What?

    And no actually, if hes not gaining weight then the problem is hes not eating enough, its not a nutrient timing factor.

  13. #13
    tawoos is offline Banned
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    okay guys

    i do eat regular meals in between the shake that i mentioned above
    and yes i do put all of what i mentioned in the blender and drink it
    i'm that desperate

    i eat 1 cheese croissant at 9: 30am + 250 ml of pineapple juice + the shake i mentioned

    at 12 :00 i eat a plate of rise + some vegetables (home cooking stuff)
    sometimes i eat about 5 ounces of fish nuggets + fries + 1 big cup of pepsi + mayo etc + bred

    and at around 16:00 i sometimes just have a snack ... no big meal
    cause i take the shake ... so i might have a cheese sandwich with a cup of tea or something

    at 00:00 i eat fries + a can of tuna + pepsi + corn + mayo + bred
    sometimes i just eat a stake or so ... u know .. what ever i can get my hand on

    as for strength .. no doubt it's getting better
    i did calculate my cals and you're not gonna believe this
    it's about 6 000 cals (not counting the snacks)
    i'm scared i might be damaging my body by eating too much maaaan
    but just to be 100 % honest .. somedays like .. every 7 days or so .. i reduce my intake to 4000 cals ... maybe

    ps : i never let my self feel hungry

  14. #14
    tawoos is offline Banned
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    ( i can't post every change i do to the routine .. i keep changing the routine every week or 2)

    my routine is like so :

    monday: chest
    bench presses : 4 sets 10 reps then 10 then 8 then 7
    incline bench presses: 3 sets .. 10reps .. 8 .. 8
    dumbbell presses: same + ( drop set at the end)
    dumbbell flyes (incline or decline): 3 sets .. 10 reps + 10 + 10

    tuesday: legs (no calves cause i got huge ones naturally, genetics)
    squats : 4 sets .. 15 - 20
    leg curls: 4 sets.. 15 - 20 (drop set at the end)
    leg extensions: 4 sets 15 - 20

    wednesday: OFF

    thursday: back
    reverse pull downs: 4 sets / 8 - 12 reps
    rows: 4 sets/ 10 reps
    dead lifts: 4 sets/ 8-10 reps

    Friday: triceps + biceps
    pull downs (flared elbows) : 4/ 7- 10 reps
    cable push outs : 3 / 10 reps
    scull crushers extensions: 3 / 10
    dips (on bench with loading) 3/ 12 reps

    barbell curls (wide or narrow grip): 3x 10 -7 reps
    incline dumbbell curls: 3x 10 -7 reps
    hammer: 3x 10-7 reps
    might do some preacher curls with EZ bar (it depends on how i'm feeling)

    sat: Delts

    behind the neck presses : 4x 8 - 10 reps
    upright rows : 3 x 8- 10 reps
    dumbbell lateral raises : 3 x 7-10 reps
    dumbbell rare raises: 2x 10 reps
    dumbbell front raises: 2x10 reps

    sunday : off

  15. #15
    tawoos is offline Banned
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    1 more thing ...
    what's wrong with the diet man
    i'm getting all the stuff the body needs (almost ... protein carbs and fat)

  16. #16
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Read this link and watch the vids. Everything you need to know about diet.

  17. #17
    tawoos is offline Banned
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    i'm already watching them .. thnx alot guys
    + no offense is taken .. i'm here to learn
    shit .. that game is all about food :S hehe

  18. #18
    c-Z's Avatar
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  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your diet is rubbish, the foods you are eating are a complete waste, you need to read the links people have posted and head over to the diet section, size/weight is governed by the foods you eat, best of luck

  20. #20
    LouHulk's Avatar
    LouHulk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tawoos View Post
    ( i can't post every change i do to the routine .. i keep changing the routine every week or 2)

    my routine is like so :

    monday: chest
    bench presses : 4 sets 10 reps then 10 then 8 then 7
    incline bench presses: 3 sets .. 10reps .. 8 .. 8
    dumbbell presses: same + ( drop set at the end)
    dumbbell flyes (incline or decline): 3 sets .. 10 reps + 10 + 10

    tuesday: legs (no calves cause i got huge ones naturally, genetics)
    squats : 4 sets .. 15 - 20
    leg curls: 4 sets.. 15 - 20 (drop set at the end)
    leg extensions: 4 sets 15 - 20

    wednesday: OFF

    thursday: back
    reverse pull downs: 4 sets / 8 - 12 reps
    rows: 4 sets/ 10 reps
    dead lifts: 4 sets/ 8-10 reps

    Friday: triceps + biceps
    pull downs (flared elbows) : 4/ 7- 10 reps
    cable push outs : 3 / 10 reps
    scull crushers extensions: 3 / 10
    dips (on bench with loading) 3/ 12 reps

    barbell curls (wide or narrow grip): 3x 10 -7 reps
    incline dumbbell curls: 3x 10 -7 reps
    hammer: 3x 10-7 reps
    might do some preacher curls with EZ bar (it depends on how i'm feeling)

    sat: Delts

    behind the neck presses : 4x 8 - 10 reps
    upright rows : 3 x 8- 10 reps
    dumbbell lateral raises : 3 x 7-10 reps
    dumbbell rare raises: 2x 10 reps
    dumbbell front raises: 2x10 reps

    sunday : off

    Your w/o routine is pretty weak also. Your not doing enough exercises. I do around eight to nine exercises per body part per week and it's still probably not enough. After a quick look you need decline bench and pushups at least on monday. I see no pullups, chinups, or neutral pullups anywhere. You can add those in. You should workout your calves regardless of what you think of them. You are wasting your time doing dumbell and bench presses on the same w/o. One week do dumbells next week do bench press. Honestly this whole thread sounds like a troll but w/e there is your advise. Also eat more foods like everyone else told you. Your mom's home cooking is not doing it.

  21. #21
    gettingthere's Avatar
    gettingthere is offline Senior Member
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    you cant gain weight? its no suprise you cant gain weight with this diet!! go to the diet section, people will help you...yep they will also tell you your diet is crap but they will help you

  22. #22
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouHulk View Post
    Your w/o routine is pretty weak also. Your not doing enough exercises. I do around eight to nine exercises per body part per week and it's still probably not enough. After a quick look you need decline bench and pushups at least on monday. I see no pullups, chinups, or neutral pullups anywhere. You can add those in. You should workout your calves regardless of what you think of them. You are wasting your time doing dumbell and bench presses on the same w/o. One week do dumbells next week do bench press. Honestly this whole thread sounds like a troll but w/e there is your advise. Also eat more foods like everyone else told you. Your mom's home cooking is not doing it.
    utter rubbish

  23. #23
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    I never see a huge guy going crazy with 8-9 exercises.... those guys are in and out.

  24. #24
    Bossman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouHulk View Post
    Your w/o routine is pretty weak also. Your not doing enough exercises. I do around eight to nine exercises per body part per week and it's still probably not enough. After a quick look you need decline bench and pushups at least on monday. I see no pullups, chinups, or neutral pullups anywhere. You can add those in. You should workout your calves regardless of what you think of them. You are wasting your time doing dumbell and bench presses on the same w/o. One week do dumbells next week do bench press. Honestly this whole thread sounds like a troll but w/e there is your advise. Also eat more foods like everyone else told you. Your mom's home cooking is not doing it.
    That is funny. I do 3-4 tops. Except on legs where maybe I do 5-6 exercises.

  25. #25
    LouHulk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    That is funny. I do 3-4 tops. Except on legs where maybe I do 5-6 exercises.
    For example:

    Thursday is arms day for me.
    I do 4 exercies on Triceps and 4 on Biceps..that's eight.

    Tuesday is legs :
    I do Squats, two exercises on hamstrings, two on calves, two on quads. That's seven.

    Wednesday is back.Wide grip pullups, Pulldowns, rows, low back raises, deadlift, usually a superset of pulldowns and some other exercise. that's 6-7.

    Monday I do the least on chest usually 5 exercises. Bench/dumbell press, incline, decline, pushups, chinups, maybe another resistance exercise.

    Shoulders are pretty limited too.

    So eight to nine might be a tad high but not by that much. five to eight is more accurate but still 4 exercises in one day seems weak was my point. Three exercises on back and three on legs is not enough. I agree eight to nine after thinking about it is more than I even do.

    So here is a question, would I be wasting my time and energy doing an exercise routine like I posted? Is it really that bad of advise? The guys who trained me to workout are pretty strong and big guys. They seemed to know what they are doing and are good friends.
    Last edited by LouHulk; 06-19-2010 at 02:56 PM.

  26. #26
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouHulk View Post
    For example:

    Thursday is arms day for me.
    I do 4 exercies on Triceps and 4 on Biceps..that's eight.

    Tuesday is legs :
    I do Squats, two exercises on hamstrings, two on calves, two on quads. That's seven.

    Wednesday is back.Wide grip pullups, Pulldowns, rows, low back raises, deadlift, usually a superset of pulldowns and some other exercise. that's 6-7.

    Monday I do the least on chest usually 5 exercises. Bench/dumbell press, incline, decline, pushups, chinups, maybe another resistance exercise.

    Shoulders are pretty limited too.

    So eight to nine might be a tad high but not by that much. five to eight is more accurate but still 4 exercises in one day seems weak was my point. Three exercises on back and three on legs is not enough. I agree eight to nine after thinking about it is more than I even do.

    So here is a question, would I be wasting my time and energy doing an exercise routine like I posted? Is it really that bad of advise? The guys who trained me to workout are pretty strong and big guys. They seemed to know what they are doing and are good friends.
    your original post made it look like you meant per muscle group, be careful how you could mis-lead when advising

  27. #27
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Quality foods = quality gains, Pepsi, fish nuggets and croissants aren't the staple of someone who is looking to add quality muscle. As everyone has said Diet is the key. You maybe eating a ton of calories, but junk food is to nutrionally deficient to pack on muscle with.

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