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  1. #41
    Bigdog99's Avatar
    Bigdog99 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    well, yall see what im at now with not lifting a weight in almost 2 long would yall think it would take to get back to my old size?
    i mean, im expecting to hit my best size in a month, but im tired of looking so fagile,ya know?

    my bet size was 252lbs at 8%BF

    a few stats are...
    chest 56"
    arms 19-1/2"
    legs 36"
    waist 30-1/2"
    and calfs where 18"

    252? 8% ? 2 years ago? come on now.........sorry by looking at your pics...I am having a hard time beliving that. Sorry not trying to be an a$$ or anything. Did you mistype something?

  2. #42
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    what? you go from a good job and great food, too no job and ramen noodles every day and ONLY ramen noodles along with no traing and see where you get. well, ever once in a while, i ate some pb&j on white.
    but when we had rmen noodle, i ate them like they were the last food i would ever 8 packs a day.

    did i also mention sometimes no eating for 2-3 days at times?
    i know, you would figure i would be a lot skinnier..but, i also put on a good bit of fat after i lost my job..just cause i had a few hundred bucks left over an i started eating garbage food for about a month/two months straight. after that...bad food, no exersize and no job = what i look like.

    thats 2 years of no training, no real diet, no exersize and not working my construction job. tell me you wouldnt get fat and maybe you wont...but everyones body is different.

    i had my body fat checked twice a month by a doctor the closer i got to comp day and th elowest bodyfat was 8%. at that time i weighed in at 252lbs.

    please, dont call me a liar. i am not and will never be.
    Last edited by chevy355s10; 06-21-2010 at 08:28 PM.

  3. #43
    Bigdog99's Avatar
    Bigdog99 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    what? you go from a good job and great food, too no job and ramen noodles every day and ONLY ramen noodles along with no traing and see where you get. well, ever once in a while, i ate some pb&j on white.
    but when we had rmen noodle, i ate them like they were the last food i would ever 8 packs a day.

    did i also mention sometimes no eating for 2-3 days at times?
    i know, you would figure i would be a lot skinnier..but, i also put on a good bit of fat after i lost my job..just cause i had a few hundred bucks left over an i started eating garbage food for about a month/two months straight. after that...bad food, no exersize and no job = what i look like.
    hey man I feel for you....252 8% BF are pretty killer stats that many of us on here would kill for.....and from your pics....I just didn't see it. But if so then you must be bumming right now. I just thought you mistyped something. Did you have you BF tested when you were at 8% or are you guessing that is about what it was?

  4. #44
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    you throw in high stress on top of all that and i dont really see where this is far from what you would see.

    yeah, i was tested by my doctor twice a month. kinda awkward when she would start checking my lower body, but i still had it done.

  5. #45
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    im beyond bumbed out. almost depressed. it sucks.

  6. #46
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    If you're cutting I'd get rid of that Syntha-6 casein and replace it with ON Casein.

  7. #47
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    im still figuring out if im gonna bulk up a good bit..or if im gonna cut and "try" to be happy with my size. what do you suggest i do?

  8. #48
    nwjt's Avatar
    nwjt is offline Associate Member
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    CUT then bulk.

  9. #49
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    im thinking about it. at least im not around the same people that used to look up to me at the gym, so that might help me when it comes to the craving of wanting to bulk.

    that used to get to me a lot. the being around guys that back in the day wished they could be like me and be my size...and then try and workout around those guys and se the look on their face. almost like they were looking at a hurt dog that they wanted to help and others rubbed it in my face about how small i had gotten and how i need to "look up" to them now. lived aroud some REAL pricks back in FL. it also made me laugh cause i would remind them that they wouldnt get near as big as i used to be...they hated that.

    any one here ever have to deal with that kinda crap before?

  10. #50
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    i just noticed something...the camra REALLY covered up most all my strech

    i wear those things like a badge of

  11. #51
    cybernox is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    i just noticed something...the camra REALLY covered up most all my strech

    i wear those things like a badge of
    lol. I know girlfriend screwing up .. then no job .. more stress .. sitting down with high cal food .. and you get to something like you are right now.

    But you can always get over it. You just need to work hard in gym. Increase your cardio. You'll get fine in few months.

  12. #52
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    definitely cut first

  13. #53
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    ok, then its official...ill cut first. im gonna post my diet in the diet threads and let yall tell me what im doin

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