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Thread: How much HCG?

  1. #1
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    How much HCG?

    Hey guys i have a strong Deca /Test cycle coming up. Im prolly gonna end up doin up to 1000 mgs of test. anywho i want to be prepared for the pct in advance. Normally clom/nolva was fine. but since i've never used a high dose of test/deca. this would be a first, in that im incorporating HCG . The cycle should be 12 weeks.

    Now my source only has 5000 i.u. per amp....How would i incorporate this in to my pct along with nolva and clom..please let me know

    safe cycling

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    best take it throughout @ 500ius e5d. prevention beta than cure mate

  3. #3
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    Most people are in total shutdown after 6-7 weeks of 500 mg of test/deca , so even if you take 5000 mg that shouldn't make a difference. All that matters is how long you're on strong gear, not how much you take....just take the hcg during cycle to help speed up the recovery.

  4. #4
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Most people are in total shutdown after 6-7 weeks of 500 mg of test/deca, so even if you take 5000 mg that shouldn't make a difference. All that matters is how long you're on strong gear, not how much you take....just take the hcg during cycle to help speed up the recovery.
    So how do u propose i use the 5000 i.u Amp. once open dont i have to use all of it? and how do u suggest i use it throughout the cycle, at what dosage? and how often do i inject...ecnomically speaking wouldnt it be more viable to use a week after the end of the cycle for about 3 week b4 doing nolva/clomid???

  5. #5
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    best take it throughout @ 500ius e5d. prevention beta than cure mate
    How do u propose i use the 5000 i.U...just draw a little bit and store the rest???? can u be a bit more specific...cuz u cant really restore broken amps.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by brnxbomers View Post
    Hey guys i have a strong Deca /Test cycle coming up. Im prolly gonna end up doin up to 1000 mgs of test. anywho i want to be prepared for the pct in advance. Normally clom/nolva was fine. but since i've never used a high dose of test/deca. this would be a first, in that im incorporating HCG . The cycle should be 12 weeks.

    Now my source only has 5000 i.u. per amp....How would i incorporate this in to my pct along with nolva and clom..please let me know

    safe cycling
    I dont like HCG during PCT. We use it during the cycle 500iu every 5 days.

  7. #7
    bowly is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brnxbomers View Post
    How do u propose i use the 5000 i.U...just draw a little bit and store the rest???? can u be a bit more specific...cuz u cant really restore broken amps.
    mix 5ml bac water with 5000i.u hcg get 1000 iu for every 1ml.i am using 250 iu for .25cc you will get 250 ius..

    inject it sub q or intra musc with slin pin/29 g..

    use the pack that provides hcg vials with bac water ampules...the mixture in the vial can be stored in a refrigerator..

  8. #8
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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