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  1. #1
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Three days after injection still really sore!

    I shot 500mg or 2ml into my quade (I know perhaps to much at once)...Im running 250mg a week and wanted to front load the shit week. Now my leg is killing me! its not red or hot but it is a bit swollen and I have hardly bend it even after 3 days...I shot wed night and its not fri.

    The needle was 22 (kinda large), I loaded and switched the needle to injected and I cleaned the vial and my leg before injection.

    Should I worry? how long until it goes away? and what can I do to help the pain go away!

  2. #2
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    first time?

    what did you shoot?

  3. #3
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    first time?

    what did you shoot?
    500mg test cyp and yes its my first time

  4. #4
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    The quad is a big enough muscle, and you should have gone deep enough, that it may not turn red or hot.
    My buddy had a bad injection in his quad. He got an infection. He was clean the whole time, did everything right, then went to inject in his quad and hit a nerve, he pulled out, moved over an inch, and went back in. He knew better than to use the same needle that he just pulled out, but took his chances.
    He got an infection. His leg swelled up, became very painful, and he complained that he could hardly bend at the knee. After four days of it not getting better, he noticed it was actually getting worse. He said the pain was bad and he noticed he was even starting to feel sick (like he wanted to throw up all the time).
    So he finally went in to the hospital and had it checked. They confirmed that he had an infection, and gave him antibiotics and it got better.
    They warned him that it was bad enough by the time he came in that if he had waited just another day or so to come in, they would have had to split his quad and drain in.

    Not trying to freak you out, most of the time pain is normal, even for a few days. But keep an eye on it. Infections can happen, even over something simple, and they can cause major problems. Keep an eye on your leg. Check to see if it is swelling, especially if it his hard to move. Also, check your temperature. If you start running a fever, it may be serious.
    Don't over react, but don't just ignore it either.
    Good luck, hope all turns out well.

  5. #5
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Thx man Im gunna keep an eye on it forsure! Im thinking of going into the doc tomorow if it doesnt get any better because although it might not be anything I dont want to loose a leg over it...Im guessing its just to much too much substance all at once for a virgin leg but when I hear stories like that it scares me!

  6. #6
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Try rubbing it out too. You could have just hit a nerve and irritated it. During my first cycle, I found out how much i loved injecting the delts, and since I am right handed, my left delt got alot of attention. Since I injected there too often, I started building up scar tissue, and then one day when I pinned it, it was never the same. I woke up the next morning and it was swollen, red, hot, I could hardly move it, etc.
    I thought I had an infection (I could have, but my buddy said I had irritated the delt from pinning it too much)
    He told me to rub it out. So that whole next day I spent lying on my right side, so my left delt was elevated. Then I heated up a rice bag in the microwave and kept heat on it for 10-15 minutes at a time, and in between heat sessions, I would have my wife rub it.
    Now the rubbing wasn't easy. I had to bite a rag the whole time, because it felt like she was ripping my delt apart, but I let her keep rubbing it really aggressively, similar to a deep tissue massage, to loosen it up and get the blood moving through it.
    Although it was very painful and hard to do, I kept at it all day. By the end of the day my delt wasn't perfect, but it was alot looser, alot easier to move, with better range of motion, and it didn't hurt as bad. Within a few days, it was perfect.
    Again, not saying I know what is going on with your leg, or telling you rubbing it out is gaurenteed to solve the problem, but its worth a try.
    I was panicked that day and thought for sure I was screwed, but i took care of it the way my buddy instructed me to, and it turned out ok.
    Hope this helps!

  7. #7
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Bro... it's your first cycle, how could you not expect post-injection pain from 2mL into a virgin muscle. I despise quads out of all the muscle groups. Awful place if you do a bad injection, you'll be limping for half a week.

    It's not infected, it's just sore. lol.

    Try the glute next time, it should be painless. Even delts will be good to go.


  8. #8
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    I completely agree it might just be sore over sore (alot of fluid going into a muscle thats never had to hold ANY fluid before)
    But as far as best places to inject, you will find out with experience. For example, I have never had any problems with injecting my quads. Ever. I inject them pretty often. I go high on the thigh, low on the teardrop, right on top, on the side, etc.
    I go all over the place, there have been times I know I hit a nerve, because as I push it in I will suddenly have a big jolt of pain, and my foot will go fuzzy and numb. I will inject anyway though. Even then I have never been sore the next day, or anything like that.
    On the other hand though, I hear alot of guys love the glutes as their favored injection spot, and alot of those same guys have trouble with the quads.
    I am the opposite.
    I love the quads, but NEVER inject my glutes. EVER. My glutes give me intollerable pain and discomfort before I am ever even deep enough to inject, and even once I get it all the way in (only got that far twice), just the movement of the pin as i try to handle it makes me want to pass out. I pull out every time and do it somewhere else. After countless attempts going wrong, I just realized I can't inject in the glute.

    Most people say the glute is the best spot though, you may love it.

    Either way, no matter what it causing the discomfort, rubbing it will make it feel better (even just for the fact that it is loosening and relaxing the muscle) and you should take care of it. Don't ignore it.

  9. #9
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    2ml into virgin muscle its gonna be sore

    where did you get the idea to frontload on a first cycle?


  10. #10
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Thx guys this makes me feel alot better! I got the idea from this forum...thought that I would front load so that the test would peak faster and since I am only going to be running 250mg a week I thought it might be a good idea?

    My cycle:

    tbol 80mg a day weeks 1-4
    Test 250mg a week weeks 1-10 (front loaded 500mg first week)
    Arimdex 1mg ever 3 days

    I want to put on around 15 solid pound of muscle with out bloat.

  11. #11
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    if your only frontloading with 500mgs per week why wouldn't inject 250mgs e3.5d

  12. #12
    ArmedHammerd's Avatar
    ArmedHammerd is offline Associate Member
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    Your fine bro this happens with first time injections in the quads lol you will get used to it

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