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Thread: 1st cycle help

  1. #1
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    1st cycle help

    i want to do a light cycle. i was thinking something like

    week 1-10 deca 200 mg
    week 1-10 test 150-200 mg.

    around 6 foot
    215 lbs
    12 %bf
    diet = 3500 cals low fat low carb.300 g protein.
    5-6 years 2 yrs srs training

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    Test Beginner Cycle Guide
    Written by Phate
    Day 1-18: Clomid @ 100 mgs
    Day 1-18: Nolva @ 40 mgs
    Day 18-36: Clomid @ 50 mgs
    Day 18-36: Nolva @ 20 mgs

    dont run deca first cycle read up my friend.

  3. #3
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    Test Beginner Cycle Guide
    Written by Phate
    Day 1-18: Clomid @ 100 mgs
    Day 1-18: Nolva @ 40 mgs
    Day 18-36: Clomid @ 50 mgs
    Day 18-36: Nolva @ 20 mgs

    dont run deca first cycle read up my friend.
    thanks man

  4. #4
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    One compound is recommended for a first cycle, that being test, this allows us to correctly monitor how our body reacts.....

    Deca is definitely not for a first cycle...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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    16 years old, you shouldnt even be here...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  6. #6
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post

    One compound is recommended for a first cycle, that being test, this allows us to correctly monitor how our body reacts.....

    Deca is definitely not for a first cycle...
    i want to rehab a tendon and i read low dosed both of them would help collagen alot.

    what bout bold200 and deca ?

  7. #7
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    16 years old, you shouldnt even be here...
    going to do it ethier way idc bout my age. tendons = fcked n i dont want surgery

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    Well for now you will be suspended....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  9. #9
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    going to do it ethier way idc bout my age. tendons = fcked n i dont want surgery
    This mentality is a perfect representation of why you are not mature enough to put something in your body. You think that building extra muscles for ligament to deal with and carry is going to help? Test will not heal you

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    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    thanks for the help

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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Well for now you will be suspended....

    Its crazy that he has been a member for two years also.

  12. #12
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    This mentality is a perfect representation of why you are not mature enough to put something in your body. You think that building extra muscles for ligament to deal with and carry is going to help? Test will not heal you
    i think deca will help heal my tendon

  13. #13
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    i think deca will help heal my tendon
    Trust me it wont. If you need surgery then get it. There is no easy way out. If there was then they wouldnt do the surgery ever

  14. #14
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Trust me it wont. If you need surgery then get it. There is no easy way out. If there was then they wouldnt do the surgery ever
    its a partial tear of my bicep tendon to my shoulder and they said rest. i rested 3 months...month back into lifting pain again...i just want to get that collegan with low dose of deca

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    its a partial tear of my bicep tendon to my shoulder and they said rest. i rested 3 months...month back into lifting pain again...i just want to get that collegan with low dose of deca
    You arent a doctor. Go see one who can find out what is really wrong

  16. #16
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    You arent a doctor. Go see one who can find out what is really wrong
    lol i went to one 3 mri, its parially torn thats why they wont do surgery

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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    lol i went to one 3 mri, its parially torn thats why they wont do surgery
    I promise you that deca and test will not repair a torn muscle. Time will. If it still hurts give it more time. These things happen. You are very young and have lots of time to heal and then grow. Why would you want to stunt your growth and possibly cause permanent shutdown of your hormones before you are even an adult. It is not worth it

  18. #18
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I promise you that deca and test will not repair a torn muscle. Time will. If it still hurts give it more time. These things happen. You are very young and have lots of time to heal and then grow. Why would you want to stunt your growth and possibly cause permanent shutdown of your hormones before you are even an adult. It is not worth it
    3 months annd i did pt during that time was plenty....

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    3 months annd i did pt during that time was plenty....
    Obviously it wasnt because it still hasnt healed

  20. #20
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    3 months annd i did pt during that time was plenty....
    sometimes itll never heal on its own and i want that extra bit

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    sometimes itll never heal on its own and i want that extra bit
    Have you not read any of the posts?

    Steroids do not heal torn tendons. Plain and simple. At 16 the only thing steroids will do is ruin many things you have going for you like growth and development of your HPTA.

    Do you think it would be worth it to not have any test in your body a few years from now (Meaning no sex drive, gaining extra bf, tired, lethargic, depression) all do to running a cycle at 16?

  22. #22
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    sorry did not catch that tisk tisk tisk

  23. #23
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Have you not read any of the posts?

    Steroids do not heal torn tendons. Plain and simple. At 16 the only thing steroids will do is ruin many things you have going for you like growth and development of your HPTA.

    Do you think it would be worth it to not have any test in your body a few years from now (Meaning no sex drive, gaining extra bf, tired, lethargic, depression) all do to running a cycle at 16?
    deca increases callogen sythesis by 270 % with a low dose of test along with that itll be in the 300's..

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    deca increases callogen sythesis by 270 % with a low dose of test along with that itll be in the 300's..

    Let me ask this again

    Do you think it would be worth it to not have any test in your body a few years from now (Meaning no sex drive, gaining extra bf, tired, lethargic, depression) all due to running a cycle at 16?

  25. #25
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Let me ask this again

    Do you think it would be worth it to not have any test in your body a few years from now (Meaning no sex drive, gaining extra bf, tired, lethargic, depression) all due to running a cycle at 16?
    one low dosed cycle at 16 wont shut me down for life...i know how to pct right, tired and lethargic = same thing = due to low test levels, which i wont have...depression isnt from 1 cycle....

    theres been many people that have done harsh cycles....and id rather be able to lift and be a fat tired slob then not lift and be fat and lazy =]

    just anwser this question....would deca have any positive affect to repair a partially torn tendon by increasing callogen sythesis?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    one low dosed cycle at 16 wont shut me down for life...i know how to pct right, tired and lethargic = same thing = due to low test levels, which i wont have...depression isnt from 1 cycle....

    theres been many people that have done harsh cycles....and id rather be able to lift and be a fat tired slob then not lift and be fat and lazy =]

    just anwser this question....would deca have any positive affect to repair a partially torn tendon by increasing callogen sythesis?
    One cycle can shut you down for life. Its a risk that people who have actually researched know. And yes low testosterone levels can cause depression. Tired and lethargic are not the same. Being lethargic is feeling sluggish and dull not sleepy. Go ahead and look up what the side effects of low testosterone are if you do not believe me.

    Now yes people have done harsh cycles but no they often dont do them at 16. They usually have fully developed systems.

    Finally once again steroids will not help you. Rapid increases in size and muscle will do more harm than good when you have brittle and torn tendons. Imagine putting a weight on the end of a dried out rubber band compared to a new one. The dried out smaller one is more likely to tear and break easier.

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  28. #28
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    While injecting test increases Protein synthesis by roughly 50 times, depending on dose and time, most bodybuilders forget that it will reduce collagen synthesis by more than 50% -- more like 80%, giving you the collagen synthesis rate of a senior citizen. Since collagen makes up tendons, bros are very prone to injury if they continue to lift very heavy, unless they cycle off T and let their collagen synthesis get back to normal. It's like having the skeletal muscle of a gorilla with the tendons of a very old man.

    winstrol increases collagen synthesis. It will give you bigger tendons. However, your body compensates for this by making them more brittle, weaker, and more prone to injury. I can't tell you how many bros work out anaerobically and become injured while on winstrol. Guys who lift in the 1-5 rep range while on winstrol, to baseball players who sprint all out from a stationary position -- winstrol should be the LAST drug they choose. Most of them like winstrol because they don't get the weight gain from it but it is very detrimental to bros who train for any sport anaerobically. tendons tear easily on it.

    Also, the drugs I mention increase collagen synthesis while also increasing collagen cross-linking integrity, making for a much stronger tendon.

    winstrol, on the other hand, will dramatically increase collagen syn, but ironically it decreases collagen cross-linking integrity, thus making a much weaker tendon.

    You can plan a cycle of anabolic steroids which will increase collagen synthesis and skeletal muscle growth at the same time. The key is the drug(s) you choose.

    deca , Equipoise , anavar , and primobolan will ALL increase skeletal muscle while at the same time dramatically increase collagen syn and bone mass and density, leaving you with a substantially reduced chance of becoming injured than if you choose to use anabolic steroids like sus, testosterone cypionate , or testosterone enanthate .

    While testosterone will increase bone mass and density, even at supra-physiological levels, the result is weaker tendons due to inhibition of collagen syn.

    To plan a cycle where the goal is to increase skeletal muscle mass/strength while at the same time increase Joint/tendon/ligament strength, enough to keep up with the dramatic increase in skeletal muscle, you must choose drugs like eq, deca, anavar, or primo as the base of your cycle. testosterone and its esters can be added to your cycle to keep levels within a 'normal' physiological range (ie, 100-200 mg/wk) but must not go above this. Since drugs like eq, deca, anavar and primo will reduce endogenous, natural levels of test, these levels may be maintained with exogenous test in the 100-200 mg/wk range. Test at this dose will not inhibit collagen syn, but paradoxically, will help increase it. It is when exogenous testosterone is used > 200 mg/wk that collagen syn is inhibited.

    deca @ 3 mg/kg a week(about 270 mg/wk for a 200 lb male) will increase procollagen III levels by 270% by week 2. Procollagen III is a primary indicator used to determine the rate of collagen syn. As you can see, deca is a very good drug at giving you everything you want -- an increase in collagen syn, an increase in skeletal muscle, and increases in bone mass and density. The one thing it does not give you is wood

    primobolan, @ 5 mg/kg, will increase collagen synthesis by roughly 180% -- less than deca and equipoise but still substantial.

    Equipoise @ 3 mg/kg will increase procollagen III by approximately 340% -- slightly better than deca.

    Oxandrolone has over a hundred studies doenting its effectiveness at treating patients needing rapid increases in collagen syn to enhance healing.

    These drugs have longer half-lives than most other anabolic steroids, so this should be considered when timing your post cycle Clomid use. Here they are:

    deca: 15 days Equipoise: 14 days primobolan: 10.5 days

    anavar has a half-life of only 8 hours so it should not pose a problem.

    GH is probably the most remarkable drug at increasing collagen synthesis. It increases collagen syn in a dose dependant manner -- the more you use, the more you will increase collagen syn. It has also demonstrated this ability in short and long term studies. From what I've read, HGH at 6 iu/day increased the collagen deposition rate by around 250% in damaged collagen structures. This result indicates that the increased biomechanical strength of wounds to collagen structures treated with biosynthetic human growth hormone was produced by an increased deposition of collagen in the collagen structures.

    eq, primo, anavar, and deca are all good -- they increase several biomakers of collagen syn -- ie, type III, II, I, procollagen markers. GH just seems to do so most dramatically.

    Use of any of these drugs @ supra-physiological levels with a maintenance dose of test will increase collagen syn while at the same time increase skeletal muscle mass. Skeletal muscle mass gains will not be as dramatic as with large testosterone doses but you have to weigh the risk/reward basis for yourself. Also, these drugs do not satisfy the libido like testosterone, but that is not the point of this thread. It is only to demonstrate that you can increase skeletal muscle and collagen syn at the same time with certain anabolic steroids, the decision is up to you.
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    While injecting test increases Protein synthesis by roughly 50 times, depending on dose and time, most bodybuilders forget that it will reduce collagen synthesis by more than 50% -- more like 80%, giving you the collagen synthesis rate of a senior citizen. Since collagen makes up tendons, bros are very prone to injury if they continue to lift very heavy, unless they cycle off T and let their collagen synthesis get back to normal. It's like having the skeletal muscle of a gorilla with the tendons of a very old man.

    winstrol increases collagen synthesis. It will give you bigger tendons. However, your body compensates for this by making them more brittle, weaker, and more prone to injury. I can't tell you how many bros work out anaerobically and become injured while on winstrol. Guys who lift in the 1-5 rep range while on winstrol, to baseball players who sprint all out from a stationary position -- winstrol should be the LAST drug they choose. Most of them like winstrol because they don't get the weight gain from it but it is very detrimental to bros who train for any sport anaerobically. tendons tear easily on it.

    Also, the drugs I mention increase collagen synthesis while also increasing collagen cross-linking integrity, making for a much stronger tendon.

    winstrol, on the other hand, will dramatically increase collagen syn, but ironically it decreases collagen cross-linking integrity, thus making a much weaker tendon.

    You can plan a cycle of anabolic steroids which will increase collagen synthesis and skeletal muscle growth at the same time. The key is the drug(s) you choose.

    deca , Equipoise , anavar , and primobolan will ALL increase skeletal muscle while at the same time dramatically increase collagen syn and bone mass and density, leaving you with a substantially reduced chance of becoming injured than if you choose to use anabolic steroids like sus, testosterone cypionate , or testosterone enanthate .

    While testosterone will increase bone mass and density, even at supra-physiological levels, the result is weaker tendons due to inhibition of collagen syn.

    To plan a cycle where the goal is to increase skeletal muscle mass/strength while at the same time increase Joint/tendon/ligament strength, enough to keep up with the dramatic increase in skeletal muscle, you must choose drugs like eq, deca, anavar, or primo as the base of your cycle. testosterone and its esters can be added to your cycle to keep levels within a 'normal' physiological range (ie, 100-200 mg/wk) but must not go above this. Since drugs like eq, deca, anavar and primo will reduce endogenous, natural levels of test, these levels may be maintained with exogenous test in the 100-200 mg/wk range. Test at this dose will not inhibit collagen syn, but paradoxically, will help increase it. It is when exogenous testosterone is used > 200 mg/wk that collagen syn is inhibited.

    deca @ 3 mg/kg a week(about 270 mg/wk for a 200 lb male) will increase procollagen III levels by 270% by week 2. Procollagen III is a primary indicator used to determine the rate of collagen syn. As you can see, deca is a very good drug at giving you everything you want -- an increase in collagen syn, an increase in skeletal muscle, and increases in bone mass and density. The one thing it does not give you is wood

    primobolan, @ 5 mg/kg, will increase collagen synthesis by roughly 180% -- less than deca and equipoise but still substantial.

    Equipoise @ 3 mg/kg will increase procollagen III by approximately 340% -- slightly better than deca.

    Oxandrolone has over a hundred studies doenting its effectiveness at treating patients needing rapid increases in collagen syn to enhance healing.

    These drugs have longer half-lives than most other anabolic steroids, so this should be considered when timing your post cycle Clomid use. Here they are:

    deca: 15 days Equipoise: 14 days primobolan: 10.5 days

    anavar has a half-life of only 8 hours so it should not pose a problem.

    GH is probably the most remarkable drug at increasing collagen synthesis. It increases collagen syn in a dose dependant manner -- the more you use, the more you will increase collagen syn. It has also demonstrated this ability in short and long term studies. From what I've read, HGH at 6 iu/day increased the collagen deposition rate by around 250% in damaged collagen structures. This result indicates that the increased biomechanical strength of wounds to collagen structures treated with biosynthetic human growth hormone was produced by an increased deposition of collagen in the collagen structures.

    eq, primo, anavar, and deca are all good -- they increase several biomakers of collagen syn -- ie, type III, II, I, procollagen markers. GH just seems to do so most dramatically.

    Use of any of these drugs @ supra-physiological levels with a maintenance dose of test will increase collagen syn while at the same time increase skeletal muscle mass. Skeletal muscle mass gains will not be as dramatic as with large testosterone doses but you have to weigh the risk/reward basis for yourself. Also, these drugs do not satisfy the libido like testosterone, but that is not the point of this thread. It is only to demonstrate that you can increase skeletal muscle and collagen syn at the same time with certain anabolic steroids, the decision is up to you.
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    In bold. Showing what i was saying about building muscle with steroids and injured tendons

  30. #30
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    In bold. Showing what i was saying about building muscle with steroids and injured tendons
    deca @ 3 mg/kg a week(about 270 mg/wk for a 200 lb male) will increase procollagen III levels by 270% by week 2. Procollagen III is a primary indicator used to determine the rate of collagen syn. As you can see, deca is a very good drug at giving you everything you want -- an increase in collagen syn, an increase in skeletal muscle, and increases in bone mass and density. The one thing it does not give you is wood

    explain that to me? not trying to argue with you or bash you...i just want you to explain what that means in english

  31. #31
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyesallday View Post
    deca @ 3 mg/kg a week(about 270 mg/wk for a 200 lb male) will increase procollagen III levels by 270% by week 2. Procollagen III is a primary indicator used to determine the rate of collagen syn. As you can see, deca is a very good drug at giving you everything you want -- an increase in collagen syn, an increase in skeletal muscle, and increases in bone mass and density. The one thing it does not give you is wood

    explain that to me? not trying to argue with you or bash you...i just want you to explain what that means in english
    It means deca will make joints feel lubricated while on it. It will not however heal tendons. But the increase in skeletal muscle and bone density is a negative effect in your situation because you have an injury. This would make it more likely to tear completely due to the new strain on the ligaments and tendons. Also deca shutdown testosterone levels hard. This is why it says you will not get "wood" while on it(deca dick)

  32. #32
    buckeyesallday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    It means deca will make joints feel lubricated while on it. It will not however heal tendons. But the increase in skeletal muscle and bone density is a negative effect in your situation because you have an injury. This would make it more likely to tear completely due to the new strain on the ligaments and tendons. Also deca shutdown testosterone levels hard. This is why it says you will not get "wood" while on it(deca dick)
    okay thank you

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