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  1. #1
    Bucklefitz is offline Junior Member
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    Hey I'm about to start a 12 week cycle of Test E and Tren E, with a 4 week jumpstart of Anadrol . After searching the forums I found most of the answers I was looking for but a couple that weren't specific enough. But first here's my stats..

    24 y/o
    195 lbs
    4th cycle
    Not sure about the BF%
    I'll post a pic

    I have an excess of gear this is what I have on hand..

    Test E 250mg/ml, 20mL
    Tren E 200mg/mL, 20mL
    Anadrol 50mg, 50 count
    T3 50mcg, 60 count
    Clen 20mcg, 100 count
    Nolva 20mg, 50 count
    Adex .25mg, 100 count

    I don't feel comfortable running the T3 or Clen because of what I've read about them but if someone thinks they'd be a good addition by all means speak up. Otherwise my cycle looks like this

    1-12 Test E @ 500mgs per week
    1-12 Tren E @ 400mgs per week
    1-2 Anadrol @ 50mgs ED
    2-4 Anadrol @ 100mgs ED

    I have a couple questions:

    1) I'm a little prone to gyno so should I run Arimidex , Nolva, or both throughout this cycle? What dosages? Arimidex worked successfully before but with the A-bombs I think the game might have changed.

    2) What's a proper regimen to gradually lower the dosages to cycle off? It wasn't a problem before because I used short ester gear and I lowered the dose by .1mL EOD over a few weeks. Now I'm not sure with the long half life of enanthate .
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails TestE/TrenE/Adrol/???-img_0007.jpg  

  2. #2
    TTexas's Avatar
    TTexas is offline Associate Member
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    You look very lean so I don't know if I bother with the clen and t3 either.
    What exactly are your goals? As for as cycling off, what are you talking about? Also have you prepared your pct?
    U look like you have a nice base but could still probably gain some weight with dieting alone.

  3. #3
    Bucklefitz is offline Junior Member
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    Yea I didn't think the Clen or T3 were necessary.
    My main goal is to gain as lean of mass as possible. My diet is pretty good and it keeps my metabolism high so I don't have much trouble with fat. But at the same time I have a lot of trouble gaining mass so I set up this cycle to counter that.
    When I said cycling off I just meant stepping down the dosage gradually at the end of my cycle to avoid going from a ton of test to none at all.

  4. #4
    Bucklefitz is offline Junior Member
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    And I have Nolva on hand for pct

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Adex would be fine for E control, especially if it worked for you before.

    No need to taper off the dosages.

    I would actually end the tren at least a week before you end the test.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but at your height and after 4 cycles one would expect you to break the 200lb. mark.

    Drugs may not be the answer you're looking for.

  6. #6
    NMacFar's Avatar
    NMacFar is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Adex would be fine for E control, especially if it worked for you before.

    No need to taper off the dosages.

    I would actually end the tren at least a week before you end the test.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but at your height and after 4 cycles one would expect you to break the 200lb. mark.

    Drugs may not be the answer you're looking for.
    I gotta agree wih D7M on this one. You look great and seem very tight, but 4 cycles and less than 200lbs? I know you're deadset on running a cycle so skip the clen and ****ing eat. Run your cycle and EAT, EAT, EAT.

  7. #7
    Bucklefitz is offline Junior Member
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    Not taken wrongly at all D7M. I'd agree with you looking back on how I ran my last cycles- mostly I was worried about losing my physique and putting on too much fatty weight so I kept my calories low but after researching more its obvious now I have to suck it up with packing on the pounds and eat the necessary calories. Exactly what NMac said.. EAT, EAT, EAT.

  8. #8
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    This is a very powerfull combo, I am running it now and Im actually dropping the drol about a wk before planned because the sides are kicking my ass. Lethargic big time just want to sleep all the time, BP is high, I cant force food down my throat right now and I am still holding a good amount of water even with the tren and adex.

    IMO this is a great powerlifting combo but I dont know about for bodybuilding.

  9. #9
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Cycle looks perfect. I would probably do 25mcg of T3 each day for the whole cycle. Just a suggestion though.

    BTW, you only have enough Tren for 10 weeks @ 400mg/wk... Just an FYI.

    Good luck


  10. #10
    Bucklefitz is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks gymnerd I'll keep an eye on the BP.

  11. #11
    Bucklefitz is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Cycle looks perfect. I would probably do 25mcg of T3 each day for the whole cycle. Just a suggestion though.

    BTW, you only have enough Tren for 10 weeks @ 400mg/wk... Just an FYI.

    Good luck

    Yea I realized that, its the same with the test. I'm going to lower the dose of both to make 12 weeks and stop the tren a week early too.

    And I'm still not all that read up on the T3.

  12. #12
    Bucklefitz is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Vitruvian I was reading up on T3 in the 'Formula for Cycling and Dosing T3' thread and it suggests a ramp up period and a taper period and a much higher dose, around 100mcg per day. Also to do a shorter run of it for first timers. At a smaller dose of 25mcg per day I'm guessing I don't need to worry about that right?

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