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  1. #1
    SkiFlex is offline New Member
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    Any of you ever try the legal approach?

    For those of us who are long time bodybuilders, but have grown up and have families, careers and ASSETS to lose. Has anyone ever gone to their physician and had test prescribed? I realize for those under 30 there wouldnt be a medicinal purpose for such an office visit, but for those who can 1) afford it and 2) want to be able to sleep at night, does anyone have experience?

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Under 30 no medicinal purpose? I've met 19 year olds that were born with medical conditions that required them to be on TRT due to being born with naturally low Test levels. It's not a very uncommon thing. Just a heads up.

  3. #3
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    I'm 27 and have plenty to lose. I could afford going to the Dr. and, if I found the right one get AAS prescribed to me...but it would be quite a bit more expensive. Just because I can afford it doesn't mean I want to spend the money. I'd rather spend money on cooler KW Variant 3 coilovers for my car. I buy my gear online, it ships to a safe address, I take it home and it never leaves my house. I don't lose any sleep at all.

    Do you have a guilty conscience over AAS use?

  4. #4
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    Since when does gear cost as much as a set of KW V3??

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    Quote Originally Posted by vaders4 View Post
    Since when does gear cost as much as a set of KW V3??
    Thats what I'm's much cheaper to get gear the non-legal route than it would be to go to a Dr. and have it prescribed to you. Even then, who's to say the Dr. will actually give you the prescription and you aren't just wasting time?

    I'd rather get my gear from Poland, than from a Dr. and pharmacy here...and save some money for my KW V3s!
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 06-30-2010 at 02:35 PM.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    In the UK it isn't illegal to have or use steroids but I am on HRT from the Dcotor

  7. #7
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    Ok a real answer. I asked someone about this when I first got interested in a little help. I'm not going to talk specific prices locations compounds etc, but a guy told me his friend does it legit and pays 5 times what he does.

  9. #9
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    ^^^Exactly my point. Plus who the fk wants to go sit in a Dr's office?

  10. #10
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    the problem w/ going the legal route is like anything else medical wise, they are going to nickel and dime the **** out of you for everything they can. You'll be going to a Dr. 3x/month for something you can do at home. They'll start you off too ****ing low, or on that God damn andro patch, knowing good and well its not enough mg/wk, but it gets them another office visit and they can charge your ass again

  11. #11
    nwjt's Avatar
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    I am going the legal route. I have a good doc who goes more on "symptoms" than test results. I am on 200 mg of test cyp per week. Further, she has "over prescribed" me some test to get some extra. Its covered by my insurance, but the "Excess" is not. For exmple, I get 5 refills before a certain date, but I only need 3 refills by that date based on dose.

    I went in for checkup and I messed up, I told her how good I was doing. She mentioned the results may wear off and I may need to bump to 300 mg per week, but wouldn' do it now since my symptoms did not show I needed it.

    My test levels went from 294 to 750. But that 750 was 5 days after my last injection.

    Also note that on 200 mg per week, I am making good gains. Bench press went from 225 to about 260. My squats went up to about 350 so far.

    Still making gains. I am 32, 5'8" and about 185 lbs.. I gained about 3 lbs per week so far.

    Point is, if I wanted to..

    I could buy all the excess she prescribed, though its not covered by insurance. I could also "save" my test and just do cycles, living with low T in between. ALso I can refill at 75% gone so I always have 3 extra doses, and over time that would be 6, 9 etc... In time I will build up a nice stash even if I just use my insurance to get my prescribed doses.

    Note: My insurance does not cover the gel, but covers the test cyp completely minus a small copay. Pocket change.

    EDIT: Please note they let me inject at home. I do have to go in every 3 months but its all covered because I did have low T in the test and the symptoms.
    Last edited by nwjt; 06-30-2010 at 05:48 PM.

  12. #12
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i got a script from my dr. my insurance doesnt cover the test. any she prescribes me 200mg eow. so its a waste. its enough to get me normal test levels. but not enough to cycle so i would have to go the illegal route anyway. so i dont use the script at all and she knows.

  13. #13
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkiFlex View Post
    For those of us who are long time bodybuilders, but have grown up and have families, careers and ASSETS to lose. Has anyone ever gone to their physician and had test prescribed? I realize for those under 30 there wouldnt be a medicinal purpose for such an office visit, but for those who can 1) afford it and 2) want to be able to sleep at night, does anyone have experience?
    There is no comparison between what a doc will give you and a black market cycle...unless you think you'll get huge off 100mg/week of test cyp.
    Besides, are you REALLY that worried about getting busted for having a vial of test?

  14. #14
    n00bs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Under 30 no medicinal purpose? I've met 19 year olds that were born with medical conditions that required them to be on TRT due to being born with naturally low Test levels. It's not a very uncommon thing. Just a heads up.
    Yep im 23 and have never had proper testosterone metabolism... Its more common then people think i am finding out.

  15. #15
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    Ive got a ton to lose but its a risk im willing to take. My decisions may affect my family but more than likely they wont seeing as i live 200 miles away from the closest member.

    I have no trouble sleeping at night with my decision nor am i worried that anything will actually happen. You have to realize that your amount for personal use more than likely wont affect you with the law (unless you are caught in possesion of them at a traffic stop or something). Simply keep it in your house hidden and dont talk about it. I tell no one. And I can almost guarantee you that they will not have a raid on your house for a couple of vials of Test.

    So to sum it all up. No i would not go to a doctor and spend a fortune in order to get something that i do not medically need

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Ive got a ton to lose but its a risk im willing to take. My decisions may affect my family but more than likely they wont seeing as i live 200 miles away from the closest member.

    I have no trouble sleeping at night with my decision nor am i worried that anything will actually happen. You have to realize that your amount for personal use more than likely wont affect you with the law (unless you are caught in possesion of them at a traffic stop or something). Simply keep it in your house hidden and dont talk about it. I tell no one. And I can almost guarantee you that they will not have a raid on your house for a couple of vials of Test.

    So to sum it all up. No i would not go to a doctor and spend a fortune in order to get something that i do not medically need
    Its sad how somehting you choos to do for yourself is frowned upon as illegal..

    Yeah they are happy to feed us kilos of sugar food perservatives chemicals and other rubbish in our food that is kiling us...

    But heaven forbid you do some exercise and do something to help grow muscle..

    It is quite absurd..

    Im not sure about the states but here in oz we have methidone clinics for people to go and shoot up... Last time i checked that shit was illegal? But its ok for them to do?

    The world is a backwards place my friend...

  17. #17
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    Its sad how somehting you choos to do for yourself is frowned upon as illegal..

    Yeah they are happy to feed us kilos of sugar food perservatives chemicals and other rubbish in our food that is kiling us...

    But heaven forbid you do some exercise and do something to help grow muscle..

    It is quite absurd..

    Im not sure about the states but here in oz we have methidone clinics for people to go and shoot up... Last time i checked that shit was illegal? But its ok for them to do?

    The world is a backwards place my friend...
    I believe sports are the main reason for them being illegal

  18. #18
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    I believe sports are the only reason they are illegal. No one had a problem with the side affects of steroids , they had a problem with how they were making sports unfair.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    I believe sports are the only reason they are illegal. No one had a problem with the side affects of steroids, they had a problem with how they were making sports unfair.
    So they make it hard for people who truly need this stuff to fucntion as a normal human being because of sprots cheats?

    Bigger strogner faster was right!

    ITs all a load of shit...

    Maybe time to move countries me thinks...

  20. #20
    ds53 is offline Junior Member
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    The FDA approves up to 500 mg/week of Testosterone . You can also be prescribe Anavar for muscle wasting while dieting and deca for sore bad joints. My Dr. is prescribing test for low T and muscle wasting while dieting (200 mg/week).

    If you have lifted a lot of weights over the duration of your life, I started in my teens. You have a good foundation and muscle memory in place, so when you start HRT it doesnt seem to take very much test to kick things in. At the lower doses it does take about 3 weeks and you start getting stronger, by week 5 through 6, I made some really good gains. 70 lbs in the bench in 2 weeks. After that your blood levels seem to settle in and your balls drop back in your nut sack. You still make gains and your weight loss seems to settle in at a more predictable and controllable rate at about 2 lbs a week and your fat percentage really dropping, it was the reverse at first (1/2 lb/day, but a lot of muscle lost).

    I also had more refills than required for my therapy and have played around after 10 weeks with the dosage and found that 150 mg bi-weekley is very good for me. The twice weekly shots keep the ups and downs from happening. My blood work and PSA are great, Test is around 725, normal for my age is according to my Dr. is 300 to 950. Dr wasnt to concerned I had changed things up a bit because I have got him quite a few customers lately because of the transformation that has occured with me.

    I feel like HRT save my life! I would have never taken something from the gym at the time, at my age because of 1.) I would have had no Idea of what I was taking. 2.) concerns about my prostrate and blood lipid profile. At the time I started HRT I had no idea that there were web sites like this. But now I feel pretty comfortable with some of the members here and there are some really smart people that I think are being straight shooters

  21. #21
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    There's a nice youtube video about steroid use in healthy adult males done by Bryan Gumbell. It basically says that there is virtually no health risk for healthy adult males on long term use of steroids . Steroids became illegal basically because Lyle Alzedo died of a brain tumor and blamed his steroid use. Then the politicians HAD to save the public. It's so bogus.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    There's a nice youtube video about steroid use in healthy adult males done by Bryan Gumbell. It basically says that there is virtually no health risk for healthy adult males on long term use of steroids. Steroids became illegal basically because Lyle Alzedo died of a brain tumor and blamed his steroid use. Then the politicians HAD to save the public. It's so bogus.
    You know what i find funny about "saving us"

    More people die from asprin then steroid use ... Yet a 10yo can go buy asprin at a supermarket.

    Also i just got this from emed today..

    Diabetes Drug Linked To a 39% Higher Risk of Heart Attack
    A common drug used to treat type-2 diabetes has been shown to boost the risk of heart attack by an astounding 39%. This revelation comes after extensive research into the possible dangers of this drug.

    Around 80,000 Australians use the drug everyday. With type-2 diabetics already having a 68% higher chance of experiencing a heart attack as compared to non-diabetics, it's time to take a natural approach to reducing or even eliminating the need for dangerous drugs.

    Will that drug be banned and become illegal? huh **** no... IT is all a joke. They think we are idiots.

    Even tap water is worse for us then testosterone ... After all testosterone is natural...

  23. #23
    SkiFlex is offline New Member
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    Wow, Ive been traveling over the holidays and I have to say Im pleasantly surprised that so many posted replies to this thread. First, let me say I didnt mean to step on any toes with having things to lose comment in my original post. I know we all do. What Im saying is that you may have a different perspective at 40 then you do at 19 or 27 or whatever. Youll find that life becomes all about balance sooner or later. If it doesnt you most likely will still have 19" arms at 40 but most likely wont have much of a career or family.

    Back to the subject......where do you start? Your family Dr? Yellow pages? are there any web sites that can get you to a Dr that is receptive to what we are really trying to accomplish? Any insight would be great.

  24. #24
    rbg is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkiFlex View Post
    Wow, Ive been traveling over the holidays and I have to say Im pleasantly surprised that so many posted replies to this thread. First, let me say I didnt mean to step on any toes with having things to lose comment in my original post. I know we all do. What Im saying is that you may have a different perspective at 40 then you do at 19 or 27 or whatever. Youll find that life becomes all about balance sooner or later. If it doesnt you most likely will still have 19" arms at 40 but most likely wont have much of a career or family.

    Back to the subject......where do you start? Your family Dr? Yellow pages? are there any web sites that can get you to a Dr that is receptive to what we are really trying to accomplish? Any insight would be great.
    first, go to your normal doctor. If you are experiencing the symptoms of hypogonadism, and explain those to him/her...and say that you're not interested at all in sex, and it's a struggle to get the job done, you're fatigued all of the time, and feel a bit depressed, the doctor will prolly order a blood work done. If the doc jumps straight onto wanting to prescribe anti depressants, tell the doc you want to be sure it isn't low T first. If your doctor isn't receptive to the idea, visit an Endocrinologist.

    It seems from alot of the feedback I read, and from experience, that doctors tend to start off on the 'safe' starting dose of 200mg once per They know it isn't enough, but they want to see how it affects you. If you have low T, then a week after injecting that 200mg, you'll be itching to do another, because it made you feel like you've got your life back. You go back to the doctor, explain how it's wearing off, and how the symptoms are back, and get him or her to up the dose. The doctors usually tend to check your T level after the 13 day from the day of the first injection. This is to see what level you have in the 'trough' period.

    I was originally prescribed the Androgel stuff to rub on my arms, but I didn't want that kind of fixed level low dose, so I told the doctor I have very young kids and that I do not want to risk them absorbing any of it when playing with them.
    If you don't have kids, tell the doc your other half isn't comfortable getting intimate with you having that gel on, and is afraid of absorbing it too. Or tell them your insurance won't cover the $300 the gel costs per month..Docs always seem to want to prescribe that gel crap first. Testosterone Cyp is usually covered by insurance and requires a small copay.

    I had a lot level of 141ng/dl....very low....I read that this could have been caused by the fact that I didn't sleep the niht before my blood work was taken, and leading up to the day of the blood work, I ate bowls and bowls of Special K and Granola mixed together. Apparently high fibre diet and lack of sleep can knock upto 30% off your normal T level.........useful to know for the future blood work days I thought

    Good luck
    Last edited by rbg; 07-08-2010 at 12:03 AM.

  25. #25
    Firestorm#1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkiFlex View Post
    For those of us who are long time bodybuilders, but have grown up and have families, careers and ASSETS to lose. Has anyone ever gone to their physician and had test prescribed? I realize for those under 30 there wouldnt be a medicinal purpose for such an office visit, but for those who can 1) afford it and 2) want to be able to sleep at night, does anyone have experience?
    I went to my family doctor and came clean on what I was using and how it was making me feel. He tested my test levels and they came back low. He wrote me for 1000ml every 8 days. I only pay $10 per month for the meds. Before going to this docotr I went to a urg and he was going to put me on the cream. I did not want it due to having kids and fear of transering unto them. I am very pleased with the results.

  26. #26
    SkiFlex is offline New Member
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    Thanks!!! A friend of mine is a general surgeon and he is going to refer me to an endo. Hopefully he/she will be receptive. Ill take all of your advice and try to make the most of it.

    Although Ive been natural for the past 20yrs, I still train hard eat right. Therefore I still look like a bodybuilder. Do you think this will hurt my chances or do you need to be soft and depressed in order to get a prescription? My hope is that they will just do a testosterone level on me and make it easy.

  27. #27
    HITTMANN is offline Junior Member
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    one of my best sources gets his stuff by a script. i have no idea how he does it but if i could figure it out i would do it myself. the script is in his name and after he picks it up he sells it. he gave me the box with the script label still on it one time by accident and it had the price printed on it. 100 bucks. and that for a 10 cc bottle of test cyp made in america. i pay him more than that per bottle but it is by far the best test i have ever used. plus you dont have to worry about fake gear. i would say its worth looking into.

  28. #28
    rbg is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkiFlex View Post
    Thanks!!! A friend of mine is a general surgeon and he is going to refer me to an endo. Hopefully he/she will be receptive. Ill take all of your advice and try to make the most of it.

    Although Ive been natural for the past 20yrs, I still train hard eat right. Therefore I still look like a bodybuilder. Do you think this will hurt my chances or do you need to be soft and depressed in order to get a prescription? My hope is that they will just do a testosterone level on me and make it easy.
    I think their primary goal is to restore a good quality of life, and not pass judgement. If your symptoms are there, and you have a low T level, I don't think it would be correct for them to judge you on your size, whether they suspect you had used AAS before..They may just start you on a limited prescription, so you can't go and buy bottles of the stuff straight off, and may want to monitor your levels to begin with. But, it's pretty easy to influence the T levels.

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