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  1. #1
    furthur2k is offline New Member
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    Depression after PCT?

    I usually do one cycle per year, and I finished my 4th cycle (in 4 years) in mid May. This cycle was just Sustanon 250 and Deca 200, while using some oral Anadrol 50 to kick start the beginning of the cycle. I followed my normal PCT routines just like I always have. I've never had a problem with gyno, and up until this time, I have never had any issues with depression and stress following my PCT.
    Last week I started having serious bouts of depression, mood swings and stress. Today is the best I have felt since then, but I have had the most ridiculous thoughts running through my head. The slightest comment may send me on an emotional roller coaster. Thoughts such as my wife cheating on me and leaving me for a coworker. Thoughts when Im driving of if I get in an accident and I die, I dont care. Just off the wall stuff I would never think of.
    Im completely out of all my clomid and nolva for PCT. Im trying to self medicate the depression with vitamin B12 (advice from a fellow juicer). Does anyone have any suggestions of what else I can do to about this? Or from anyone else's experiences, how long did it last? I am a genuinely happy guy, never had problems with depression before. Its killing me!

    Thanks for the input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    hmmm honestly, maybe its something else?

  3. #3
    matt77's Avatar
    matt77 is offline Member
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    You need to get some blood work to find out if you recovered fully. Your PCT may have not been enough. I would do that first, if the results are good you may wanna go to the doc.

  4. #4
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by furthur2k View Post
    I usually do one cycle per year, and I finished my 4th cycle (in 4 years) in mid May. This cycle was just Sustanon 250 and Deca 200, while using some oral Anadrol 50 to kick start the beginning of the cycle. I followed my normal PCT routines just like I always have. I've never had a problem with gyno, and up until this time, I have never had any issues with depression and stress following my PCT.
    Last week I started having serious bouts of depression, mood swings and stress. Today is the best I have felt since then, but I have had the most ridiculous thoughts running through my head. The slightest comment may send me on an emotional roller coaster. Thoughts such as my wife cheating on me and leaving me for a coworker. Thoughts when Im driving of if I get in an accident and I die, I dont care. Just off the wall stuff I would never think of.
    Im completely out of all my clomid and nolva for PCT. Im trying to self medicate the depression with vitamin B12 (advice from a fellow juicer). Does anyone have any suggestions of what else I can do to about this? Or from anyone else's experiences, how long did it last? I am a genuinely happy guy, never had problems with depression before. Its killing me!

    Thanks for the input.

    Have you ever been diagnosed with depression?

    What was your pct? How long? When was the date of your last pct dose?

  5. #5
    bdodge2's Avatar
    bdodge2 is offline Junior Member
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    I just keep looking at matt77's avatar and it cures my depression.....

    then it gets me depressed cuz I want one too

  6. #6
    furthur2k is offline New Member
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    I never have been diagnosed with depression. I was in a serious relationship about 10 years ago that ended with her cheating on me, and I was cheated on by another girl I was with for a while too. Im thinking thats whats causing me to feel this way. My wife and I have a great relationship. Or did until this all started.

    I did Clomid and Nolva both for 3 weeks, just like I have the previous 3 cycles I ran. 100mg clomid first week, then 50 week 2, 25 week 3. Nolva was 80-60-40. Last dose was June 19. I got the first hint of having a mood change on June 28.

  7. #7
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    As someone who has suffered greatly with depression I say actively combat it. The B12 was a good start. What I did was make a list of things that made me feel better. Going outside for a walk or bike ride is a big one. For some reason tanning makes me feel good especially if done in the sun. Probably the vitamins it soaks up. I bought a cheap mp3 player for the bathroom and routinely sing in the shower. A good diet tends to make me feel good, just like going to mcdonalds a couple of times in one day can really make you feel like crap. Before I fall asleep I almost always pray for the good things in my life and I make a list of all of them out loud.

    When you have an irrational thought, actively say to yourself something positive. For example sometimes I will believe my roommate is getting on my nerves for no reason. I realize he isn't even doing anything. I say things like "he's your friend and has been there for you" to myself. If I have a suicidal thought I will think about someone I respect such as my dad and how much he has been through and overcome. It makes me realize how selfish and weak such a thing would be. A lot of things are relative and in depression mole hills become mountains.

  8. #8
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    You need to get some blood work to find out if you recovered fully. Your PCT may have not been enough. I would do that first, if the results are good you may wanna go to the doc.
    Yeah do this; maybe your test levels are low or something

  9. #9
    Madman2010 is offline New Member
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    Hey, sorry to hear about the depression. My wife had serious depression for about 6-8 months. She was not on any meds. We picked up some B50 and found that she was much better after a few weeks of consistently taking them. I'd also stay away from a lot of processed foods, get lots of sleep and sunshine. I'm sure you might of herd this already.

    Hope my suggestions can help. Just remember that it can take just as long to get well as it did to feel the way you do.

    Keep Smiling!

  10. #10
    furthur2k is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the input guys. I've been running some this week, which is something I never do. My cardio is usually interval training on the elliptical and a 20 minute walk on the treadmill. But the running has really helped. Cherrydrpepper, I am going to use those strategies to combat the depression. Thanks. And my diet is pretty good, even though I have had a loss of appetite the last week or so. Thanks again for the input guys.

  11. #11
    Myalansky's Avatar
    Myalansky is offline Junior Member
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    How about your gains from the cycle? Muscle mass (or water weight) loss after cycle?

  12. #12
    furthur2k is offline New Member
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    My traps got bigger, and still are. My chest got real hard as did my bi's and tri's. I have lost a little on those areas but not too much. My quads and calves started getting pretty big before the cylce was over. My bench went from 300 to 325, my squat went from 350 to 375 (even though I did 505 as a junior in high school), and my power clean went from 165 to 185. I was real happy with the cycle until all this started happening. The B12 seems to be working though cause Im feeling better with each passing day.

  13. #13
    Tha Freak's Avatar
    Tha Freak is offline Junior Member
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    St John's Wart is pretty good to combat depression. Helped me after my last cycle. Hit the gym hard! That will help too Good Luck

  14. #14
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Unfortunately sometimes coming off can be quite difficult. This time around I`m kinda shocked I have had no sex drive problems or depression. I`m currently on pct and feeling 100% maybe it's because I have a trip to mexico coming up in september for 10 days then 25 days in colombia starting december 30th. WOO!

  15. #15
    AwarenessDrone is offline New Member
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    I really hope depression is all you have to deal with but I do very much hope it goes away. Try an SSRI such as paxil or celexa, they are very cheap and work pretty well. Also they are not scheduled so you dont have to worry about that.

    If anxiety kicks in then immediately see your doc and get on a benzo unless you can tolerate it because they are addictive. I have had depression and anxiety my entire adult life so I feel your pain and listen to cherrydrpepper he is right on the money.

  16. #16
    rbg is offline Junior Member
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    Blood work.....low T level can cause severe depression, and anxiety.

    I was suffering with bad depression, and fatigue, aches, and so on, and this time went to the doc for blood work. I had a T level of 141ng/dl.....way too low.

    Bloodwork will tell you if you have the onset of hypogonadism.

    Doctors can often treat the symptoms of hypogonadism, such as anxiety, blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, etc, with individual medicines, before checking this with a simple blood test, to find the underlying cause.

    If your blood work comes back low T level, nerd up on ASIH...anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism

    Good luck

  17. #17
    nilrac is offline Member
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    L-Tyrosine is a good mood enhancing amino as well, according to studies.
    Otherwise, try and stay as positive as you can bro.


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