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  1. #1
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2005

    HIGH blood pressure on cycle

    Im at the end of my 2nd week on 600mg EQ, 500mg test and 60mg tbol. Im also using HGH at 4ius per day and 8ius of slin post workout 3xper week. its my 1st cycle in arounf 4-5months. Oh, and im on letro at 2.5mg per day to reduce gyno and MT2 for tanning.

    Just did my blood pressure and it was 148/53. now im being told this is high blood pressure! Nevewr had this b4 and im worried to say the least. should i knock the tbol on the head and drop the letro down to 1mg per day??

    How high is this blood pressure?? should i be worried? is there anything i can take to reduce it??

  2. #2
    ArmyMan04 is offline Junior Member
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    Far away
    Policosanol and CholestOFF for cholesterol... your blood pressure doesn't seem too high... if it gets to >160 then I would be worried... you are just in the precautionary stage between 120 - 160. So it could be from your diet...

    I am not sure how much the AAS are causing it (that would have to be answered by a senior member) but heres an article i just searched...

    ps i am no doctor... so my opinions are just that... opinions.


  3. #3
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    Im at the end of my 2nd week on 600mg EQ, 500mg test and 60mg tbol. Im also using HGH at 4ius per day and 8ius of slin post workout 3xper week. its my 1st cycle in arounf 4-5months. Oh, and im on letro at 2.5mg per day to reduce gyno and MT2 for tanning.

    Just did my blood pressure and it was 148/53. now im being told this is high blood pressure! Nevewr had this b4 and im worried to say the least. should i knock the tbol on the head and drop the letro down to 1mg per day??

    How high is this blood pressure?? should i be worried? is there anything i can take to reduce it??
    It's the EQ that is causing your BP to be elevated.

    It increases your RBC count pretty dramatically.

    I get around the same numbers (148/53) when I run EQ @ 1g/wk.


  4. #4
    Blue Monkey's Avatar
    Blue Monkey is offline Junior Member
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    That's interesting. I wouldn't consider that "high". Your systolic number is "high", but that's more "borderline hypertensive" - I've seen much worse. Your diastolic number, however, is pretty low (normal range is 60-80). Interestingly enough, you're mildly hypertensive when your arteries are contracting (peak pressure), and your're actually hypotensive when your arteries are "at rest".

    What does your cardio look like? Water intake? Diet?

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