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  1. #1
    abraham23 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Please read this, it may be affect you!!

    I have a friend who is an analytical lab chemist for a pharmecutical agency.

    He is involved in doing tests and research on legitamate, generic and illegal drugs.
    I was talking to him earlier today and we got onto the topic of steroids etc.
    I was shocked when he told me the that many steroids (both fake human grade and underground) are not only faked or underdosed, many in fact contain estrogen and toxic filler.

    I then asked him why would they bother putting these substances into the steroid , he then said that many characteristics of these toxic substances are very similar to what the real thing would look/react like, so it is used as a substitute. An example he also gave me was a certain lubricant oil being sold as a steroid.

    It also crossed my mind, that many people selling these fakes are out there to actually hurt people at the lowest price possible, they find a way to mess someones life up,and make money and it gives them a thrill (similar phycology to a serial killer)

    when he spoke about many fake steroids containing mostly estrogen i was confused at first, then he explained why its used... - typical side effects from aromatizalbe steroids are the same side effects of estrogen, ie. gyno and water retention.

    so by taking estrogen, and getting gyno and some water retention we are lead to believe that all these side effects are coming from good gear that has just aromatized to estrogen, but in actuall fact you are consuming pure estrogen.

    estrogen is also used since it is much more readily availabe and is much cheaper in forms birth control pills etc.

    This news is very shocking and scary esp, if you are a relativley new steroid user or you have unreliable sources.

    imagine injecting yourself with cooking oil that contains mecury, lead and estrogen. really not good.

    And if you are unfortunate enough to be a drug addict, the same applies to illegal drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy, crystal meths...etc
    almost all fakes actually contain very dangerous and harmfull toxins.
    (don't be fooled the originals are toxic as well )

    If you are getting your gear from an UGL or an untrustable source, the least you can do is make sure you get legitamate Anti estrogens and PCT, becasue in the event you were on an estrogen cycle, you do not want to let estrogen to steal your manhood.
    estrogen will make you weaker, fatter, more girly, shy ... and the list goes on

    getting legitamate anti e's and PCT is your number 1 priority.

    remember that there are sick minded individuals out there that find any way to mess up peoples lives and society.

  2. #2
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    thanks for posting the obvious, and I think you and your friend needs to do some research, just a fyi.

  3. #3
    abraham23 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    thanks for posting the obvious, and I think you and your friend needs to do some research, just a fyi.
    thanks for taking time to read the obvious

    god bless you

    have a great day

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