Hello all I am new to this forum and wanted to ask a few questions to get some opinion. I was wondering about the thoughts of Ronnie Rowlands 8 week cycles. The guy seems VERY well informed concerning AAS but we have all been taught for years that compounds like EQ don't even reach full potency until week 6 at the soonest. This discrepency has got me researching more than usual so that is a good thing. Do you guys really feel that a 12 week cycle with test E and Eq with a Dbol kicker at weeks 1-4 would produce minimal gains after week 8? And what about using Winny from weeks 8-12 to sort of solidify things and help with whats left of water retention? Would this protocol be shattered as well. I have observed quality gains (RETAINABLE FOR THE MMOST PART WITH PROPER PCT) by running such a cycle.....What do you guys think????