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  1. #1
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    Testosterone and Estrogen Build Up........

    Ok Never really had a problem or thought much about it.. I am Lucky and I am not very prone to getting bad sides while 'ON"
    But I have been wondering something lately... I think I might be prone to Getting a high level of Estrogen While taking test!!!!

    Here is the situation..Been On and off for about 4 1/2 months now.. after my last little stint with Oral Tren @ 750mcg a day and 500mg of test Ew, I went back to cruising for about 5 weeks Decided to Blast it and went back to 600mg a week of test and to be honest, the 1st 2 weeks had the signs, Good libido, Quick to snap (agression I get it pretty bad) since then, it has really leveled off)!

    Seems wierd though Do not really end up retaining a lot of water and never had even a sign of Gynocomostia But I think my Estrogen levels may be high enough to be combating the the test I am taking..I have never upo to this point taken an AI I have it on the way now so I want to see if with thew AI the effects feel like they come back. I have never had a cycle make me feel like "superman like some people say they do But I Do get very strong very quick while on. Only problem is I am unable to tell right now because I am dieting and cutting and of course as you lose size, you lose strength.
    Will keep ya posted.....

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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