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  1. #1
    Chach's Avatar
    Chach is offline Associate Member
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    on clomid, can i start to brigde dbol?

    hey guys, i was wondering, im currently on day 11 of clomid and wanted to know if i can start takeing dbol 10mg every morning for the dbol brigdeing?...i searched the board with mixed if you guys can help i would appreicate that.......if so, when should i take the dbol and clomid, im takeing clomid every morning b4 i eat...thanx guys for ur help see ya!!!!

  2. #2
    Chach's Avatar
    Chach is offline Associate Member
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    please bump , i would like to get some input, thanx

  3. #3
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    The idea of a D-bol bridge is still a relatively new one and is often debated in terms of its effectiveness. It has been found that even as low a dose as 10mg daily is enough to suppress the HTPA slightly, hence a full recovery is not always possible... but I heard that generally 85% recovery can be achieved (don't quote me on that though).

    In my opinion you can take it during your clomid therapy.. however make sure to take the dose as early in the morning as possible to allow levels to taper off by the time you go to sleep.

  4. #4
    Chach's Avatar
    Chach is offline Associate Member
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    polska thanx for ur responce---hey wouldn't that defeat the whole perpuse of takeing clomid if the dbol will suppress my HTPA ??????? thanx again bro

  5. #5
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    i did it as soon as clomid was over even though i was told it didnt matter. i did the 10mg every day around 8 am and sometimes skipped a day or two per week toward the end to experiment and still had great results with the skipping.
    it kept me muscular,strong and big and still felt normal(system) like i was off cycle but with a better pump. some may be mental knowing "on something" but traing stayed good while on bridge

  6. #6
    FedSki's Avatar
    FedSki is offline Creator of Cycle Planner
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    Originally posted by Tapout
    i did it as soon as clomid was over even though i was told it didnt matter. i did the 10mg every day around 8 am and sometimes skipped a day or two per week toward the end to experiment and still had great results with the skipping.
    it kept me muscular,strong and big and still felt normal(system) like i was off cycle but with a better pump. some may be mental knowing "on something" but traing stayed good while on bridge
    for how long did you dbol bridge?

  7. #7
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    about 8-10 weeks off 2 then another cycle

  8. #8
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't taking any AS while on Clomid defeat the whole purpose? Isn't that what HCG is typically used for???

  9. #9
    Tank21's Avatar
    Tank21 is offline Associate Member
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    I used a dbol bridge similar to Tapout, however, it was during my clomid therapy. Then for two weeks at 5mg in the AM. Then Hit another cycle. I concur with all of what Tapout said as to its effects. yes, i do believe it still effects your HPTA but the idea is to keep the drug in your system in the morning to combat catabolism. The Clomid is then working its magic, helping to restore your HPTA. The Dbol bridge helped me keep pretty much all my gains and keep me crashing emotionally.

    From what I understand, HCG is not effective for what he needs. HCG is good for a cosmetic boost, albeit temporarily. From what i have read and understood, HCG does not trully help your HPTA recover.

    Stick with 10mg in the AM right when ya wake, as it is your most catabolic time. I would have started with the clomid, but starting now would be fine. Myself would continue for some at least two weeks after end of clomid, dropping it down to 5mg.

  10. #10
    RiptUp is offline Junior Member
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    I also agree with most of what Tapout and Tank said. I started my bridge after clomid and took 10mg pre workout at about 4pm and only on training days. I find it great that way. You keep alot of gains, strength and still get awesome pumps.

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