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    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Deca, HCG and one shot wonder

    I'm entering week 9 of a Test C/Deca cycle. My second cycle. The first 6 weeks were 400 test/400 deca. In my 5th week I added in 125 iu of HCG twice a week with 10 mg Nolva ed just in case. In week 6 I upped the Test to 800 per week (at Ronnie Rowlands suggestion) and left the Deca at 400 mg. I was going to add 50 mg of winnie eod for the last 4 weeks.

    My stats are as follows:
    Weight:246 down from max 264
    BF%: 17.5 down from 20-22
    Mon - Chest/Shoulders - Decline bench - Prep Set, 3 x 4-6,8,10- Incline Bench 3 x 8,8,9 - Flat Bench Dumbell Press 3 x 8,8,8 Shoulders - Vert Rows 3 x 4-6,8,10 Side Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 Rear Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 AM Cardio 30 Min

    Tues - Back - Wide Grip pull ups 3 x 12,10,9 - Dumbell Pull-overs 3 x 6,8,10 - Bent Over Wide Grip Rows Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,10 - Supported one hand Rows 3 x 8,8,10 - Deadlift Prep, 3 x 4-6,8,7 Shrugs 6 x 4-6,8,9,10,11,12 AM Cardio 30 Min

    Wed - Abs - Weighted Decline situps 4 x 16,13,10,9 Weighted crunchs 4 x 20,16,14,12 - Leg raises 3 x Failure AM Cardio 30 Min

    Thurs - Legs - Squats, Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,8 Leg Extensions 4 x 7,8,8,8 Lunges 3 x 8,10,12 Leg Curls 4 x 8,9,9,10 Standing Calf Raises 6 x 14,12,12,10 AM Cardio 30 Min

    Fri - Arms - EZ Bar Preacher Curls 4 x 8,9,9,10 - Hammer Curls 3 x 8,9,10 - Spider Barbell Curls 3 x 8,9,10 Triceps - Decline Skull Crushers 4 x 8,9,10,12 - Over Head Tricep Extensions 3 x 6,8,10 Dips 3 x Failure No Cardio

    Sat - OFF

    Sun - 30 Min Cardio

    Diet-Cutting, Carb Cycling Ronnie Rowland 350/200/80 95% Clean

    Here's the problem. Over the last 2 to 3 weeks I've been having problems getting/maintaining an erection, especially the second time around and especially after a few drinks 6-8 vodka sodas (Sat night only) but some times the next morning or even without drinking, although not so noticeable. The girls vary and are all pretty cool, casual friends, so it's not the end of the world, but I used to be a comparative stallion and would definitely like to go back to the old ways. I don't want to have to take viagra since it was never needed before. I have some andriol that I bought when I was uninformed, but from what I've heard, it's all but useless.

    I know it's probably impossible to pin point the problem from the info given, but I thought you guys could rule out some of the things I'm worrying about. Deca, HCG, Nolva, Diet, alcohol(never a problem in the past).

    I'm willing to try anything, just need some advise on where to begin and a little assurance that some of these thing are not a problem (Diet?)

    Thanks for any help in advance...
    Last edited by The Titan99; 08-01-2010 at 09:52 PM.

  2. #2
    BROKEN is offline Associate Member
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    try cialis

    did you have any gyno or is the nolva for shits and giggles

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    Quote Originally Posted by BROKEN View Post
    try cialis

    did you have any gyno or is the nolva for shits and giggles
    No gyno. Maybe I should drop the Nolvadex unless I need it? Could this possibly be the problem?

  4. #4
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    One other thing. I've heard to split the Test up twice a week (400 mg mon and 400 thurs) I've also been splitting up the Deca 200/200. Anyway, I just read Ronnie saying only take the Deca once a week. How would this be beneficial? Like say 400 mg Test/400 mg Deca on Mon., then 400 mg Test on Thurs?

  5. #5
    wormwood's Avatar
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    They can correct me if I'm wrong but I'll bet that the vets would say that there's no reason to take such a high dosage (1.2 grams total) for a second cycle. And Theoretically speaking...the more often you take a compound (given that your overall dose remains the same) the better. ED injections are always optimal...though maybe not practical for each user. I don't know why somebody would reccomend taking something less often.

    Just my 2 cens. But wait to see what a vet says.

  6. #6
    shafts basson's Avatar
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    if there is no gyno and your not prone to it why r u running novla already?

  7. #7
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    One other thing. I've heard to split the Test up twice a week (400 mg mon and 400 thurs) I've also been splitting up the Deca 200/200. Anyway, I just read Ronnie saying only take the Deca once a week. How would this be beneficial? Like say 400 mg Test/400 mg Deca on Mon., then 400 mg Test on Thurs?
    Or maybe I'm splitting hairs here?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by shafts basson View Post
    if there is no gyno and your not prone to it why r u running novla already?
    It was recommended as a Novice cycle to take 10-20 mg throughout for a Test/Deca cycle on steroids .com, which is how I got the link to this form.

  9. #9
    bobofet's Avatar
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    You could be having prolactin issues related to the deca . I also think I read somewhere that running nolva at the same time could increase those issues. Look into adding pramipexole, it is a dopamine agonist and inhibit the release of prolactin. It also has some pretty interesting sexual benefits too.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobofet View Post
    You could be having prolactin issues related to the deca. I also think I read somewhere that running nolva at the same time could increase those issues. Look into adding pramipexole, it is a dopamine agonist and inhibit the release of prolactin. It also has some pretty interesting sexual benefits too.
    Is pramipexole injectable or in pill form? What type of dosage would you use?

  11. #11
    bobofet's Avatar
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    Liquid form available from sponsor here. 1/2mg to start up to 1mg from oral syringe.

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Get some blood work done.

    Your test could be converting into to much estrogen causing the ED issues.

    Even though you are in Thailand there is still a lot of fake test around or UNDER dosed so the Deca could be causing the ED.

    Splitting up the test and Deca 2x a week is always a good idea; better than 1x a week but it wont cause the ED.

    Agreed with above statements, dont take the Novla on cycle unless you need it and there is mixed reviews on how it works with the Deca.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobofet View Post
    Liquid form available from sponsor here. 1/2mg to start up to 1mg from oral syringe.
    I'm checking it out. Thanks

  14. #14
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Get some blood work done.

    Your test could be converting into to much estrogen causing the ED issues.

    Even though you are in Thailand there is still a lot of fake test around or UNDER dosed so the Deca could be causing the ED.

    Splitting up the test and Deca 2x a week is always a good idea; better than 1x a week but it wont cause the ED.

    Agreed with above statements, dont take the Novla on cycle unless you need it and there is mixed reviews on how it works with the Deca.
    Will get the blood work done. Under dosed Test had not occurred to me. The thing is is that while I was doing 400 mg/ 400 mg I was better than fine. I suspected this nolva business and appreciate the help.

  15. #15
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    The more I think about it, it seems that this started happening when I started taking the Nolvadex . I'm still gonna get the blood work done anyway though. Thanks guys. Excellent response time. Any other confirmation or ideas/opinions will be greatly appreciated.

  16. #16
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    I've also heard that taking bromocriptine or cabergoline while on cycle is a good idea. Can anyone tell me what form these come in and what dosages would be appropriate?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I've also heard that taking bromocriptine or cabergoline while on cycle is a good idea. Can anyone tell me what form these come in and what dosages would be appropriate?
    I got some Caber JUST in case and tried it but didnt notice any difference with or without but maybe it's because I never had a ED issue so I cant say if it would help or not. many say it helps a lot.

    Glad to hear you are going to get checked out; it's the best thing you can do/blood work.

    I agree, it sounds like it's the Nolva. Get to know your pharmacy owner also so he can help steer you away from any fake. Lots of good pharmacies in Pattaya. I have visited a few

  18. #18
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Dont use the winny. At your BF% it will do you no good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I got some Caber JUST in case and tried it but didnt notice any difference with or without but maybe it's because I never had a ED issue so I cant say if it would help or not. many say it helps a lot.

    Glad to hear you are going to get checked out; it's the best thing you can do/blood work.

    I agree, it sounds like it's the Nolva. Get to know your pharmacy owner also so he can help steer you away from any fake. Lots of good pharmacies in Pattaya. I have visited a few
    Thanks a lot man!! Samui, Phuket Pattaya all have excellent pharmacists. Unfortunately I work in Koh Tao and here I have to serve myself. The bakery chef knows more about AAS than this woman!! lol...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    Dont use the winny. At your BF% it will do you no good.
    Got it. I'll save it for next time. I was kinda waiting for a Vet to say that. Thanks for taking the time. What's a good percentage to have it have a decent effect?

  21. #21
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    The standard recommended BF% for using winny effectivley is 10% or lower. Sounds like a low number (and it is), but if you want it to show the way it is supposed to, thats where you need to be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    The standard recommended BF% for using winny effectivley is 10% or lower. Sounds like a low number (and it is), but if you want it to show the way it is supposed to, thats where you need to be.
    Check, thanks again. I will wait.

  23. #23
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    DAMN what are you doing out on the little speck of dust in the middle of no where? How long does it take to walk from one side of the island to the other, 30 minutes? LOL

    You must know ALL the local women there after a couple weeks.

  24. #24
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Also, you said you are having issues with ED. Now, are you just having trouble keeping it up, or are you having issues with sex drive (are you even in the mood)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    Also, you said you are having issues with ED. Now, are you just having trouble keeping it up, or are you having issues with sex drive (are you even in the mood)?
    Thailand is the WRONG place to have ED issues. LOL You do have a nice variety/access to Viagra, cialis and of course the liquids that I have head work great.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    Also, you said you are having issues with ED. Now, are you just having trouble keeping it up, or are you having issues with sex drive (are you even in the mood)?
    No, my libido is over the top, just stiffy problems...occasionally. Thailand is okfor ED cause everyone has a good sense of humor and pretty athletic if you know what I mean!! Still, I have an excellent reputation with the wild ones and definitely was reaping the benefits. NEED to get this corrected lol...

  27. #27
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    I got to go lift, then I'm gonna run some more Tests with a little brown friend of mine. I've been off the Nolva for two days now. I know the locals, but the problem is 75% of the tourists here are smokin hot chics between 20-25 years old. Not as tolerant as the little brown girls, especially of this type of thing. I'll check this out and respond in the morning. Thanks for all the good help guys!!

  28. #28
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    I'm sitting at home watching SportsCenter, talking on the computer, and he is running around Thailand banging Thai chicks..... wtf.....

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    I'm sitting at home watching SportsCenter, talking on the computer, and he is running around Thailand banging Thai chicks..... wtf.....
    Yes yes I know. I am just glad I have my little brown chick at home waiting for me now since I have not been back to Thailand/Philippines for 2 months now.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 08-02-2010 at 06:33 AM.

  30. #30
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Thanks a lot man!! Samui, Phuket Pattaya all have excellent pharmacists. Unfortunately I work in Koh Tao and here I have to serve myself. The bakery chef knows more about AAS than this woman!! lol...
    i just did some scuba diving there three months ago.. great place..

    As for the original question. I have read that Deca can cause problems with performance in the sack.. But i didn't experience it when i last did it (but i was also 19 y.o. at the time) Usually it is countered if you have a good test to deca ratio.. which you do, so i wouldn't think that the Deca would be causing it.. definitley get off the Nolvadex .. see if that helps.

    Also, if you are in Thailand you should be able to get some Proviron .. It is a good addition to your cycle, and is not 7-aa so it is not liver toxic.. read about it on the database, but you'll notice most all the Vets will swear by it.. i was fortunate enough to get some while on holiday in Turkey

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    I'm sitting at home watching SportsCenter, talking on the computer, and he is running around Thailand banging Thai chicks..... wtf.....
    Pros and Definitely cool in that respect.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yes yes I know. I am just glad I have my little brown chick at home waiting for me now since I have not been back to Thailand/Philippines for 2 months now.
    You'll be back, I'm sure of it!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i just did some scuba diving there three months ago.. great place..

    As for the original question. I have read that Deca can cause problems with performance in the sack.. But i didn't experience it when i last did it (but i was also 19 y.o. at the time) Usually it is countered if you have a good test to deca ratio.. which you do, so i wouldn't think that the Deca would be causing it.. definitley get off the Nolvadex .. see if that helps.

    Also, if you are in Thailand you should be able to get some Proviron.. It is a good addition to your cycle, and is not 7-aa so it is not liver toxic.. read about it on the database, but you'll notice most all the Vets will swear by it.. i was fortunate enough to get some while on holiday in Turkey
    I've been a diving instructor for 13 years here and around the Caribbean. It works as an aphrodisiac for sure, has for years. The Thai chics are an added bonus BIG TIME. Much cooler about all things sexual in my opinion. Anyway, I'm going to look in to this Proviron . Sounds good from what I read so far. By the way, the experiment went fine, but decided not to push the envelope. She was going out and I have AM cardio, work, and back day. Need some ZZZ's. Thanks again everyone.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Pros and Definitely cool in that respect.

    You'll be back, I'm sure of it!!

    I've been a diving instructor for 13 years here and around the Caribbean. It works as an aphrodisiac for sure, has for years. The Thai chics are an added bonus BIG TIME. Much cooler about all things sexual in my opinion. Anyway, I'm going to look in to this Proviron. Sounds good from what I read so far. By the way, the experiment went fine, but decided not to push the envelope. She was going out and I have AM cardio, work, and back day. Need some ZZZ's. Thanks again everyone.
    Of course, I'm definitely at Pattaya Addict. My first trip was in 06 and I bought my ticket for my next trip the day I got home. LOL 4 trips the next year. Now I bounce back between Thailand and Philippines.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Of course, I'm definitely at Pattaya Addict. My first trip was in 06 and I bought my ticket for my next trip the day I got home. LOL 4 trips the next year. Now I bounce back between Thailand and Philippines.
    I've been in Thailand 10 years and never been there. I KNOW what I'm missing, but every time I get some time off I go somewhere else. This year, when the season's over, I'm going, that's it!! It's like living in Nevada and never going to Vegas. Stupid. October, I'm there...

  34. #34
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    So I'm done with the Nolvadex until PCT and I'm looking at bromo, caber, pramipexole and/or especially proviron . Can someone give me a nudge in the right direction? I've got my Pharmacist seeing what she can get now...

  35. #35
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    Most people like the Proviron ON cycle, not for PCT. Caber is probably a good choice.

    When you are in Pattaya visit Secrets on Soi 7? It's only one street over from Angel Witch. Nice club, good food, good people (owner/manager). It's a place you can even bring a date or family for lunch but still had plenty of action, it's just not IN YOUR FACE.

    Yes I would agree, living in Thailand and never going to Pattaya is like living in Nevada and never going to Las Vegas. LOL Bangkok is more like Reno or Carson city in comparison.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    I'm sitting at home watching SportsCenter, talking on the computer, and he is running around Thailand banging Thai chicks..... wtf.....
    Lol I swear SportsCenter and the computer will ruin your life!! I thought I was the only one to discover that!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Most people like the Proviron ON cycle, not for PCT. Caber is probably a good choice.

    When you are in Pattaya visit Secrets on Soi 7? It's only one street over from Angel Witch. Nice club, good food, good people (owner/manager). It's a place you can even bring a date or family for lunch but still had plenty of action, it's just not IN YOUR FACE.

    Yes I would agree, living in Thailand and never going to Pattaya is like living in Nevada and never going to Las Vegas. LOL Bangkok is more like Reno or Carson city in comparison.
    HA! I, Carson City...what would Hua Hin be then? Lmao
    Hey, listen to this. My Pharmacist says you can't get Caber or Bromo without a prescription. Now I don't believe this for a second, but I'll have to go to Samui or get my buddy to send me some from Phuket. By the time my cycle ends I'll have it handled.

    One more question if you don't mind, I can't find an AI anywhere in Thailand. I've looked all over for aromasin or arimedex or letro or nothing. Any ideas for PCT? I guess I learned the hard way taking the Nolvadex when I didn't need it, but I suppose it would be good to have on hand. I have Clomid and Nolva.

  38. #38
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    Really no AI? I would do some more searching or find someone who is coming over and have them bring some since it can be ordered directly form ar-r above. Sorry Im not coming over for a while

    I was able to find the caber and the Provin so Im sure they can get it there without prescription.

    So how big is Koh Tao?
    I have only been to Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and ko chang. I walked from one side of ko phai to the other in under an hour with a little brown friend.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    HA! I, Carson City...what would Hua Hin be then? Lmao
    Hey, listen to this. My Pharmacist says you can't get Caber or Bromo without a prescription. Now I don't believe this for a second, but I'll have to go to Samui or get my buddy to send me some from Phuket. By the time my cycle ends I'll have it handled.

    One more question if you don't mind, I can't find an AI anywhere in Thailand. I've looked all over for aromasin or arimedex or letro or nothing. Any ideas for PCT? I guess I learned the hard way taking the Nolvadex when I didn't need it, but I suppose it would be good to have on hand. I have Clomid and Nolva.

    In BKK, I can find both Aromasin and Arimidex -original and UG- both are available but comparatively expensive and not everybody will have them. Your pharmacist is correct though, these things are prescription drugs and not even the stuff you are on now, should be available OTC, and yet they are... It's a gray zone and possible sourcing depends on demand.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Really no AI? I would do some more searching or find someone who is coming over and have them bring some since it can be ordered directly form ar-r above. Sorry Im not coming over for a while

    I was able to find the caber and the Provin so Im sure they can get it there without prescription.

    So how big is Koh Tao?
    I have only been to Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and ko chang. I walked from one side of ko phai to the other in under an hour with a little brown friend.
    It's small, 14 sq km. but that's deceptive since that's mostly mountain jungle. Probably 30% developed. Big diving community though, which is why I'm stuck here. More diving certs come from here than Queensland Australia if you can believe that. There are 50 dive schools on the island and I control about 40% of the wholesale/retail equipment business. I'm in full high season now but come Oct. I'm Pattaya bound. I usually feel like I need to go see my Mother, but this year I don't have the money sooo Pattaya!!

    This place definitely lacks the Pattaya talent but it makes up for it with ALL the 20-25 year old first time drinkers with Daddy issues. You've seen the buckets they serve the booze in I'm guessing? Problem is if you've got any semblance of ED with these types, they take it as a personal insult. This is my main reason for trying to grip (no pun intended) this problem immediately...

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