Ok after having reviewed the forums ive decided on this to be my first cycle. I have all my PCT in hand along with 3/4 of the remaining compounds. Here is the cycle spelt out. Age 30, 194lbs, 12%BF...Ex college athlete. Cardio for nearly 6 years now straight, lifting nearly 1.5 years straight when I sat down and did the math. My lifting was a lot heavier in my early 20's till about 23.

Weeks 1-52 HGH 3 IU's daily 5 on 2 off.
Weeks 1-12 Test Enanthate 500mgs/ Weekly 2 injections a week
Weeks 1-4 Dianabol 50mgs/ ED
Weeks 6-12 Winstrol V 375mgs/ EOD
Weeks 1-12 Armidex .5mgs depending on bloating weeks 1-6

Weeks 14-18 Clomid 100/50/50/50
Weeks 14-18 Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

Also will have some natural supplements for washing out my liver for the D-Ball and Winstrol. Also for the advance users, HGH something I should spend the money on??? I see very many mixed comments on the HGH...