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  1. #1
    Spa's Avatar
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    2nd Cycle Advice

    Hi Guys,

    I'll list the stats 1st before I go on
    Age 30
    Height 5"10
    Weight 76kg
    BF% Unknown
    cycle exp: 1 Cycle (DBOL /SUS 350/Trenalin 75)
    PCT knowledge: Only used tamoxifen /general knowledge
    Training exp: 3 Years (1st year cardio, 2nd/3rd weights/resistance)

    Well i'm about to start a 14week cycle. It will be my 2nd and consist of:
    Week 1-12 400mg Equipoise
    Week 1-14 400-500mg Test Enanthate (dosage depends on my ability to handle the test first few weeks)
    PCT Week 16-20 20mg Tamoxifen/day

    My goal is to build more dense,lean muscle and strip excess fat gained from my last cycle at the start of the year.
    My questions are:
    1. Does anyone suggest I add to my PCT? and if so what suggestions would you add?
    2. I also have about 7ml of sus 250 & 5ml of Deca 250...would it be unwise to try and add these to my cycle at any stage?

    I was thinkin' about startin' off with a sus250/deca stack running a ml of each roughly for 4 weeks, then starting the 14 week cycle with the Test E taking over from the sus 250 and the EQ continuing over from the deca (i know they act differently and are not as similar as alot of ppl say). My concerns are that I would be running test for 20 weeks straight and also that I am unaware if this should be avoided altogether and I just stick with my Test E/Eq stack. All advice is welcomed and will be noted seriously.

    My 1st cycle was a mess, I started with 10mg DBOL tabs for 6 weeks (2 tabs/day for 3 weeks. 3-4tabs/day the remaining weeks) before I was given left over sus 350 (udg) and trenalin 75...i then shot a ml of each for another 6 weeks...I was a novice and kept the dosages low, the gains were still satisfactory however I started my PCT a little early and ended up with about 2 kg of fat to my frame when i finished up. I'm alot wiser now and have actually researched and purchased all my goods upfront and won't be taking freebies from friends any more lol
    sides i experienced from the 1st cycle was just the usual bloating and some hair thinnage.

    Thanx in advance!

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Id like to see your diet, as i think you should be able to gain more with the correct diet...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Newark, DE
    Not my area of expertise, but 14 weeks seems long. Isn't 12 more like the standard?

  4. #4
    Spa's Avatar
    Spa is offline New Member
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    Thanx for your reposonse 007.

    My diet was high protien/low-mod carbs during my cardio phase. When I got into weights I bumped up the carb levels.
    Generally 6-8 small servings throughout the day although lunch can get a tad larger as my job as a storemen is physically demanding.
    I cook all my meals, 9/10 I'm baking lean cuts & veggies. It's not confirmed but I do believe i gain fat very fast so I stay away from sat fats and refined sugars/processed foods.

    I have no clue about counting calories and kilajoules etc and I find it very hard to understand the concepts in order to help with my dietry needs. I'm quite sure I would gain a bit more muscle without AAS using a properly constructed diet regime but I don't believe it would be an immense amount.

    I am half chinese-malaysian/australian and admit my genes are not the best. My legs & back have always been defined and muscular but I gain fat first around the abs and hips and just behind the deltoid area rather than evenly. My friend who gave me the Trenalin used it to cut his abs...I also revealed a six pack after 6 weeks of Trenalin only to have fat cover them when winter broke in.

    Whatever suggestions people have, I'm all ears and grateful.

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