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  1. #1
    silvernblack is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2005

    Swelling like a golf ball

    On thursday i injected 2cc of test400 in my glute, and all went well, with no pain. But after i injected i had to drive to work and i was sitting on it pretty much all day until after work. the next few days, i've been getting 2 golf size balls one in the area where i injected, which isnt very painful, and the other in my lower back. on the right side next my butt crack. Im thinking its from sitting down, because i didnt inject anywhere near that. Anyways, the pain is unbearable and i cant sit at all without any pain.

    Has this happened to anyone before? should i just ice it and give it a few more days, or should i see a doc?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Go to Doc, ice wont sort that out.

    jing jai

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    silvernblack is offline Junior Member
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    damn, really, thats the last thing i wanted todo. what do i tell him, yea i shot some steroids in my ass and now i cant sit down!! lol

    is there anything else i can take over the counter to reduce the swelling?

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by silvernblack View Post
    damn, really, thats the last thing i wanted todo. what do i tell him, yea i shot some steroids in my ass and now i cant sit down!! lol

    is there anything else i can take over the counter to reduce the swelling?
    Anti-flams. But visit your doctor. He's there to help you in any way he can. Yes, tell what you have done, and he'll do everything in his power to steer you in the right direction. They have a confidentiality policy they have to obey by. They aren't there to nark you out, they are there to save your lives.

  6. #6
    poppz's Avatar
    poppz is offline Senior Member
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    was your gear dirty or from a ugl?

  7. #7
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    Agree on the doctor. I had a recent reaction when starting a cycle and the doctors made it all better

    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Anti-flams. But visit your doctor. He's there to help you in any way he can. Yes, tell what you have done, and he'll do everything in his power to steer you in the right direction. They have a confidentiality policy they have to obey by. They aren't there to nark you out, they are there to save your lives.
    Agreed with telling the truth, but expect the doctors Ethical and Moral Opinion on that matter, educated or not, wanted or not.... you`re gonna get it.

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