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Thread: Prohormones?

  1. #1
    eljay's Avatar
    eljay is offline Junior Member
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    I have been researching prohormones. are they any good? protomax or hdrol?
    bump if you have any information or experience from prohormones.

  2. #2
    deadly101 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2010
    H-Drol is just a methylated steroid . it's hard on the liver. and there are no extensive studies on it. however, steroids have lots of studies on them. I was actually thinking of prohormones but i decided to use roids instead, actually i might not use both. but if i would use anything it would definitely be roids. but they are legal where i live you can actually buy them over the counter from a pharmacy with no prescription!!!!

  3. #3
    eljay's Avatar
    eljay is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for that bro. was just looking at some and wanted to know if anyone had information. let us know if you ever use them. good luck with future cycles

  4. #4
    littlemansyndrome is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013
    if you have access to AAS use them rather than the pro hormones, the problem with most PH's is that they mix one or two Methylstenbolone with another liver toxic Compound. making it really harsh on your liver. still other illegal steroid orals are liver toxic they have been around long enough for people to know and research the long term effects, while these new ph's get banned and then remade have only been out for a few years.
    Make whatever decision you make PCT, and blood test should always be apart of your Physique building.

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