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  1. #1
    NJLifter is offline New Member
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    New to the forum- Next cycle criticism

    Little about me:

    23 years old
    Lifting for 6 years
    Bench: 410

    This will be my 3rd complete cycle. Past 2 cycle were bulking with test E and dbol and sust/deca .

    Just wanted to put this new cycle up for other input. Also need PCT help from someone.

    AAS being used:
    Oxandrolone (anavar )
    Test Prop
    Methenolone Enanthate (Primo)
    Stanozlole (Winny)

    Have it going a little like this:

    Weeks 1-6 Oxandrolone 50mg/day
    Weeks 1-12 Test Prop 100mg/EOD
    Weeks 1-10 Methenolone Enanthate 600mg/week
    Weeks 9-12 Stanozlole 50mg/ED

    Was going to throw in Arimidex at .5 everyday.

    This cycle is going to put a pretty big dent in my wallet. So any knowledge would really help me out.


  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Now I just need to ask you a few things, what are your goals here? 23% bf is pretty high for cycling. What pct did you use in the past?

  3. #3
    suttie is offline Banned
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    1 your body fat is too high for winny imo

    2 primo for 10 weeks is a waste

    3 anavar as a ick start is not the best imo

    if i were you i would drop some body fat (maybe clen ) to around 15% then do a nice lean bulk cycle ,maybe something like prop/npp/wiiny ,you wasteing your money on the above cycle imo.

  4. #4
    NJLifter is offline New Member
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    My goal is to get more cut. I understand m bf is high for completing a cutting cycle with extreme gains. My diet is in check and cardio 3 days a week for 60 mins. Im not going to start the cycle for 3 months. Bought p90x an hoping that i can achieve ~18% bf before start

    PCT in past was clomid and Nolv.

    10 wks a waste on primo?

    Better than var for kickstart?

    explain please

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Newark, DE
    23 is too young to be using. You may have already done permanent damage to your HPTA. Most guys here who used at your age wish they hadn't. I would advise that you get bloodwork done and check all levels, especially test.

    Clen at your weight and body fat is a terrible idea. Could lead to heart problems and may actually hinder cardio. If you want to lose weight you need to look at diet and exercise combined with cardio. Trying to shred yourself up with Winstrol and Anavar won't work the way you think it will.

    I would spend more time worrying about diet and proper training that drugs. I'm 32 and all natural with the same strength to weight ratio you have. If I'd have know what I do now at your age I'd be benching 500 or more.

  6. #6
    NJLifter is offline New Member
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    Besides the high bf and age. Anyone wanna comment on the cycle?

  7. #7
    Sector's Avatar
    Sector is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NJLifter View Post
    Besides the high bf and age. Anyone wanna comment on the cycle?
    Sorry my friend but because of those two things nobody wants to give cycle advice. Its a simple matter of none of us want to be "that guy" that gave you info on how to cycle just to have you end up with serious health issues and regretting your cycle down the road.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Newark, DE
    My advice would be to just follow the P90X routine. I have and use the DVDs weekly as part of my training regimen. You must, must obey the diet strictly though. I have lost 20lbs with it in the past in 45 days, so I don't doubt that it works. The downside to being heavier when you start is that it will beat up your joints and you will burn your muscles out during some of it before you reach cardio exhaustion.

    My advice, spend two-three months prior dieting, lifting three days a week, and jogging three days a week. You'll be ready for P90X then, probably having lost 20 lbs or so, then P90X will take you down another 30 probably.

    Anavar only works well to help guys cut who are already at lower BF. Ditto with Winstrol , which is a terrible drug in every aspect of the word I might add. Test is king. If I were looking to build mass and cut at the same time I'd do a test/Anavar cycle and be done with it. Still, though I think you'll gain mass I don't think you will cut the way you think you will, so I'd just save the money for now. Follow the cut down and P90X plan and you'll see all the results you want without exposing your body to side effects and potential harm.

  9. #9
    NJLifter is offline New Member
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    Thanks TKO.
    Im gonna wait til Jan. to start my next cycle. Gonna diet and cardio hard. I've completed 2 months of the p90x and lost 36 lbs backi april.

    Thanks for all the advice guys

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