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  1. #1
    RugbyGuy22 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2010

    Question Will a Detox mess up my cycle?

    Hey guys long time reader first post and yes i did use the search and didnt find any information that was useful.

    I have to do a detox for ten days because i have a job interview that i will get drug tested for on the 27 of august but i was supposed to start my cycle on the 23 of august. My detox consist of taking these pills that i got from the shed to get the stuff out of my system running a ton and being the sauna alot while drinking a lot of water. If i have to i also bought this drink for the day off the drug test if im still dropping dirty, i bought a few drug test just to check the day of. Now my question is should i wait to start my cycle a week later because of this detox cause the guy in the store said it washes everything out of my system, which i find hard to believe but i thought i would check here first. I am not worried about being tested for steriods just plants.

    age 21
    height 5'10
    weight 195ish
    body fat 12%
    years training 7

    My cycle experience is ive been using juice off and on for the past year. I have ran a few dbol cycles, and also i have ran a test deca dbol cycle. So far i have prefered to try and keep the dosages lower so that its easier to come off. My diet has been in check mostly, and i have begun to get into powerlifting. My next cycle is to consist of primarily test winny and halo.

    Thanks for any feed back guys i would really apperciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Newark, DE
    The detox teas and such really do work. I know guys who have used them the morning before an afternoon test and passed. If you're still worried you can always use the "I smoke cigarettes" excuse, as apparently that will increase certain levels of the same things that a certain herb increases, so you get a bump in what they consider clean.

    I'd wait until you get this behind you to cycle. Why risk complications? Plus urinating and sweating a lot will also remove vitamins and protein from your system. This puts you at a disadvantage to make max gains.

    If you're powerlifitng stay away from Winstrol . This stuff is bad for all your connective tissue and joints. You really don't want that while you are trying to build unprecedented strength with other compounds. Deca works the exact opposite, and will actually strengthen connective tissue, which is why you've had no issues thus far. Test is still king for strength. If you want to cut, or eliminate water retention I'd run test and Anavar . Anavar has the same positive connective tissue properties as Deca, but with much lower chance sides.

  3. #3
    RugbyGuy22 is offline New Member
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    Thanks a lot, any help is greatly apperciated. I think im gonna hold off on my cycle and wait till this is all cleared up like you suggested. I had known that winstrol wasnt the greatest for your joints but i had already bought the stuff unfortuantly and i was only planning on runnning the two for about five weeks or so. I am hoping that it will minimize the joint damage you were talking about. Do you have an idea on how much Anavar to run just to get the positive sides from the joints??? I had a buddy that ran it at 40mg ED and he got cut up and strong as hell but the cycle costed a shit ton id prefer spending that kinda money on a variety of gear than on just one thing, ya know??

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Newark, DE
    40mg/day is about the lowest dose of Anavar I've ever heard of anyone running. The dose of Anavar to prevent collagen synthesis slowdown would depend on the amount of Winstrol used. However, using both Anavar and Winstrol at the same time is going to be very taxing on your liver because they are both 17aas. Even injectible Winstrol is still a 17aa, meaning it's hepatoxic (many don't know this).

    Per forum rules I'm not allowed to post pricing. I will advise that if you can get Anavar in powder form it is much cheaper than packaged form. Also, it's expensive because it works and has low incidence of side effects. In my line of work I have a saying "Quality doesn't cost, it pays." Remember that.

    If I were you I'd consider a test/Anavar cycle before any cycle incorporating Winstrol. I'd leave the Winstrol alone. At your age you really shouldn't be running steroids . You'd be better off to wait until 25. Anything that is test suppressive is going to run the risk of permanent HPTA damage at your age. Unfortunately test is test suppressive, so you may already have done damage. I would advise you to stay away from steroids for another four years and train naturally.

  5. #5
    RugbyGuy22 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2010
    Thanks again i greatly apperciate the help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Newark, DE
    No problem, that's what we're here for. If you need anything else post back or PM me. It's nice to have someone who requests advice and then listens to it for a change : )

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