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  1. #1
    teenanabolic is offline New Member
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    How much do you alter your workout when you are on cycle?

    Right now I am doing a modified 5x5 type of routine, with my own kind of stuff in it that lasts around an hour... I just turned 20 and this will be my first cycle and I'm not sure what to expect.

    How long? How many reps? These are newbie questions I know but I'm sure its so much different while using AAS.

    I'm really sorry if this is posted a lot, I know you guys hate asshole newbies who don't use the search function.

    I am not a newb bodybuilder by any means by the way, I don't want to give the impression that I'm some scrawny 140 lb guy on his first cycle asking for workout advice
    Last edited by teenanabolic; 08-19-2010 at 12:16 PM.

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Don't cycle, rely on food, training, rest, and supplement in that order. You are too young.

    Re-post any training related questions in their designed forums.

  3. #3
    teenanabolic is offline New Member
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    Sorry for the inconvenience .

  4. #4
    topshelf75's Avatar
    topshelf75 is offline Junior Member
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    The guy is asking for advice on his workout, not advice on if he should cycle or not. A post from some guy on an internet forum is not going to change his mind on cycling or not. He's already made the decision to cycle, so answer his question if you're gonna post on his thread.

    I don't change much as far as my workout routine goes, except that you will start feeling like you can go harder and the weight is easier to move once you're in a couple weeks on the cycle. I might throw in an extra exercise per body part, but that's about it. I think its a good time to push yourself on heavier weight (6-8 reps) to build the muscle so that when you cycle off, your muscle memory is there for heavier weight, which equals bigger gains. Obvously that depends on your goals and what you're cycling as well, but that's generally what I do.

  5. #5
    Sector's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topshelf75 View Post
    The guy is asking for advice on his workout, not advice on if he should cycle or not. A post from some guy on an internet forum is not going to change his mind on cycling or not. He's already made the decision to cycle, so answer his question if you're gonna post on his thread.
    His name is TEENanabolic and he is 20 years old yet you want to give him advice on how to train while on cycle? And for your information a post from some guy on an internet forum changed my mind. I did a anavar cycle at 20 and joined these forums soon after. It took less then a week to convince me to wait until I was a few years older and give my body a chance to develop.

    Do you want to be the one who told him how to train while on AAS when he ends up in the hospital from taking YOUR advice because his body was not ready for AAS or to handle that kind of training?

  6. #6
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topshelf75 View Post
    The guy is asking for advice on his workout, not advice on if he should cycle or not. A post from some guy on an internet forum is not going to change his mind on cycling or not. He's already made the decision to cycle, so answer his question if you're gonna post on his thread.
    Listen jackass. He posted a training question in the AAS Q+A, so you better believe I'm going to make a remark about pumping synthetic hormones into his premature body. That's an indication that I actually give 2 shits about his health. I've influenced tons of kids to do the right thing on dozens of forums over the years, sure some of them don't listen, but it's worth giving a try. That's what makes guys like me and the rest of the members/staff that do what I do special.

    Now if you want to cry about me telling him whats good for him, you can leave your unserviceable remarks out of the thread.

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Listen jackass. He posted a training question in the AAS Q+A, so you better believe I'm going to make a remark about pumping synthetic hormones into his premature body. That's an indication that I actually give 2 shits about his health. I've influenced tons of kids to do the right thing on dozens of forums over the years, sure some of them don't listen, but it's worth giving a try. That's what makes guys like me and the rest of the members/staff that do what I do special.

    Now if you want to cry about me telling him whats good for him, you can leave your unserviceable remarks out of the thread.
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Listen jackass. He posted a training question in the AAS Q+A, so you better believe I'm going to make a remark about pumping synthetic hormones into his premature body. That's an indication that I actually give 2 shits about his health. I've influenced tons of kids to do the right thing on dozens of forums over the years, sure some of them don't listen, but it's worth giving a try. That's what makes guys like me and the rest of the members/staff that do what I do special.

    Now if you want to cry about me telling him whats good for him, you can leave your unserviceable remarks out of the thread.

    I was going to comment but it looks like you covered everything I wanted to say.

  9. #9
    wizard1997's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Listen jackass. He posted a training question in the AAS Q+A, so you better believe I'm going to make a remark about pumping synthetic hormones into his premature body. That's an indication that I actually give 2 shits about his health. I've influenced tons of kids to do the right thing on dozens of forums over the years, sure some of them don't listen, but it's worth giving a try. That's what makes guys like me and the rest of the members/staff that do what I do special.

    Now if you want to cry about me telling him whats good for him, you can leave your unserviceable remarks out of the thread.

    Agree 100%

  10. #10
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Your training and training frequency shouldn't change whether you are on or off cycle, just as you would if you were training naturally. Too many guys think they can train more frequently while on cycle due to increased recovery, and while this is the case, anabolic steroids do not increase recovery to the point where you can train each muscle at a high intensity every 3 days or something. The body, while on AAS, still takes an average of a week to recover. And everybody recovers differently. While I train each muscle once ever 7 days, you may require once every 9 days (or perhaps only for select muscles), while someone else may have astonishing genetics that enables them to recover within 4 days.

    As for the training itself... once again, shouldn't change. The only thing I change is dependant on whether I am cutting or trying to gain muscle. If I am cutting, I reduce the amount of super-intense techniques that I use, such as rest-pause sets, forced reps, etc. due to the fact that while dieting these techniques can present a greater risk of injury. While on a cycle to gain lean mass, I train as I would if I was training naturally to gain muscle.

    Anabolic steroids don't create, they only enhance [what you have already been doing]. This is why (ONE of the many reasons) it is very important to train naturally for as long as you can before using anabolic steroids, so that you will know the basics and foundations of how to cut, how to add muscle, how to properly train - all naturally. So when anabolics DO come along, it's a walk in the park when you want to achieve the goals you want, because you already know what to do.

  11. #11
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Listen jackass. He posted a training question in the AAS Q+A, so you better believe I'm going to make a remark about pumping synthetic hormones into his premature body. That's an indication that I actually give 2 shits about his health. I've influenced tons of kids to do the right thing on dozens of forums over the years, sure some of them don't listen, but it's worth giving a try. That's what makes guys like me and the rest of the members/staff that do what I do special.

    Now if you want to cry about me telling him whats good for him, you can leave your unserviceable remarks out of the thread.
    x3.. well said HP.

  12. #12
    Neevor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Listen jackass. He posted a training question in the AAS Q+A, so you better believe I'm going to make a remark about pumping synthetic hormones into his premature body. That's an indication that I actually give 2 shits about his health. I've influenced tons of kids to do the right thing on dozens of forums over the years, sure some of them don't listen, but it's worth giving a try. That's what makes guys like me and the rest of the members/staff that do what I do special.

    Now if you want to cry about me telling him whats good for him, you can leave your unserviceable remarks out of the thread.
    F@&K YEAH! Now thats what I'm talkin about HP! Absofriginlutley! I was thinking "wtf? actually younger dudes change their mind all the time about goin on cycle" and was gonna post something but then POW!!
    HAWAIIANPUMELLED... Somebody should rep you for that

    Must remember not to get on your bad side...
    Last edited by Neevor; 08-19-2010 at 04:16 PM.

  13. #13
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    lol, don't mess with HP!!!!!

    Your absolutly correct by the way.

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