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  1. #1
    JohnnyClutch's Avatar
    JohnnyClutch is offline Junior Member
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    Need a few tips on this first cycle...

    Hey fellas... Ive been researching for about a month now. Think its time for my first it is. I got it from "Anabolics 2005"...

    Tren Acetate
    week 1-4 150mgs/week
    week 5-8 225mgs/week

    Injectable Winny
    week 2-7 150mgs/week
    week 8 100mgs

    I think its appropriate, considering my goal isnt to be gigantic. Im shooting for a lean, hard appearance.
    So here are my questions....

    1) Im aware that Tren will produce some negative side effects...acne, body/facial hair, hair loss, natural test suppresion...
    what do you guys recommend I use to counter these side effects?? HCG ? Nolvadex ? Is the dosage and cycle big and long enough to cause these side effects?? and how should I dose HCG/Nolvadex?

    2)How do you guys recommend I dose the tren/winny? I understand this is a very small dose per cycle, but from my understanding, these are very active AAS's and the dosage is enough to produce pronounced results. I was thinking 50mgs of Tren EOD and 25 mgs of Winny ED....?

    As far as my exercise and diet go, (cuz Im sure someones gonna ask), I got that covered. Other than that, whatever input is much appreciated...I have spent a measurable amount of time doin research, both on this site and textbooks. I know if I continue doin research, eventually Ill have an extensive understanding of AAS and such, however Ive learned a lot this last month. enough (I think), to treat myself with my first cycle. So...that being said, once again I appreciate any feedback/input given.

  2. #2
    bodybuilder's Avatar
    bodybuilder is offline Senior Member
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    What are your stats


  3. #3
    tembe's Avatar
    tembe is offline Member
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    terrible first cycle

    absolutely terrible

  4. #4
    tembe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyClutch View Post
    Hey fellas... Ive been researching for about a month now. Think its time for my first it is. I got it from "Anabolics 2005"...

    Tren Acetate
    week 1-4 150mgs/week
    week 5-8 225mgs/week

    Injectable Winny
    week 2-7 150mgs/week
    week 8 100mgs

    I think its appropriate, considering my goal isnt to be gigantic. Im shooting for a lean, hard appearance.
    So here are my questions....

    1) Im aware that Tren will produce some negative side effects...acne, body/facial hair, hair loss, natural test suppresion...
    what do you guys recommend I use to counter these side effects?? HCG ? Nolvadex ? Is the dosage and cycle big and long enough to cause these side effects?? and how should I dose HCG/Nolvadex?

    2)How do you guys recommend I dose the tren/winny? I understand this is a very small dose per cycle, but from my understanding, these are very active AAS's and the dosage is enough to produce pronounced results. I was thinking 50mgs of Tren EOD and 25 mgs of Winny ED....?

    As far as my exercise and diet go, (cuz Im sure someones gonna ask), I got that covered. Other than that, whatever input is much appreciated...I have spent a measurable amount of time doin research, both on this site and textbooks. I know if I continue doin research, eventually Ill have an extensive understanding of AAS and such, however Ive learned a lot this last month. enough (I think), to treat myself with my first cycle. So...that being said, once again I appreciate any feedback/input given.

    You obviously have not done enough research....even looked at the basics in fact

    otherwise you would know that testosterone should be at the base of every cycle.


  5. #5
    timjitsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    You obviously have not done enough research....even looked at the basics in fact

    otherwise you would know that testosterone should be at the base of every cycle.

    im still learning but even if you dont want to get big shouldnt you still do a maintenance dose of test to keep your willy working? is that a big reason why test should be a base?

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timjitsu View Post
    im still learning but even if you dont want to get big shouldnt you still do a maintenance dose of test to keep your willy working? is that a big reason why test should be a base?
    I would throw that book away what your reading and read the education threads of this site,tren on a first cycle isnt a wise move, check out first time cycles and then read the profiles of the drugs you will be using, once you have come up with a decent first cycle please post it along side your pct and we will go over it for you.

  7. #7
    JohnnyClutch's Avatar
    JohnnyClutch is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitbulllock View Post
    What are your stats

    25 years old
    190 lbs
    11% bf

  8. #8
    JohnnyClutch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    You obviously have not done enough research....even looked at the basics in fact

    otherwise you would know that testosterone should be at the base of every cycle.

    ok, so should I just add some test to the cycle? at what dosage?

  9. #9
    JohnnyClutch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I would throw that book away what your reading and read the education threads of this site,tren on a first cycle isnt a wise move, check out first time cycles and then read the profiles of the drugs you will be using, once you have come up with a decent first cycle please post it along side your pct and we will go over it for you.
    Its recommended you run a test only cycle for your first...I did read that a few times. But according to the drug profiles (and the book I threw away), Tren and Winny will give me the lean, dry, hard look...which is what Im aiming for...
    If you still recommend I take a test only cycle, I will consider it...

  10. #10
    JohnnyClutch's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your input by the way

  11. #11
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Heed Marcus's advice and toss that book out. It's severely outdated. Always update your reading material.

    With the stats you've displayed, your diet needs to be addressed. You aren't anywhere near your genetic potential.

    The nutrition section has a handful of guys that will guide you in the right direction. Same goes with the WO Q+A.

  12. #12
    JohnnyClutch's Avatar
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    Ok, I'll update my reading material. As far as diet, I understand what you're saying.
    I've been at 205 lbs 9% BF before, and I didn't feel or look how I'd like to. Don't get me wrong, I looked fit, but not as hard as I'd like. And the cuts/striations not as deep as I'd like. That's why tren /winny sounds perfect for me. So I guess what I'm saying is, I know how to eat/train perfectly, which I have started doin as of Monday. If I do the same thing I did when I got to 205/9%, with some tren/winny this time, I think I'll accomplish the physique I want...

    I'm not a know it all. I appreciate everyones input. If I'm still in the wrong, correct me. Thanks

  13. #13
    Sector's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyClutch View Post

    I'm not a know it all. I appreciate everyones input. If I'm still in the wrong, correct me. Thanks
    Your still wrong. Sorry.

    If you know how to diet and train to get to that weight and bodyfat then all you need on a first cycle is TEST. You will get results, it is a good compound... Running the monster of steroids on your first go is not a good idea, you will run into problems and have no idea how to handle them. If you dont have a test base you will lose your libido completely. You havent mentioned HCG or even a PCT. Tren will crush your HPTA and if you dont take the proper precautions you are looking at a limp noodle for the rest of your life.

    Just be smart, Test only isnt reccomended to keep the good stuff from the new guys... Its reccomended to keep you safe so that eventually you CAN get to tren and such.

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