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    Views on Cycling for Pennies by Doggcrapp

    Hey guys

    I was wondering what a few of the vets and mods thought bout doggs views on cycling...
    Last edited by PT; 09-21-2010 at 09:44 AM. Reason: Link

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    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I think links to other Forums are not allowed. Sorry. I'm sure it will be removed shortly.

  3. #3
    tembe's Avatar
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    oh really

    wow didnt kno that

    did u have a look however lov?

  4. #4
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    Lovbyts is right.

    Just copy and paste the article here, Tembe.

  5. #5
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    Without sounding cocky I am a very advanced bodybuilder down here in San Diego--cruising at 285lbs or so and going up over 300 this year (again) I came from a very very hard gaining and skinny genetic structure (140lbs about 10 years ago)so gains have never come easy and I didn’t start super supplements until I was 225 clean (took me 6 years). (I use food as my chief anabolic ) What I am amazed at is the number of 180 to 220lb bodybuilders on the net who spend ungodly amounts of money and use so many different exotic compounds thinking that it is the endall super stack of all stacks. And they take huge, huge risks in trying to acquire these drugs. I have had an abundance of pro and top amateur friends to gain the knowledge that pretty much -these top people in the sport are blasting high amounts of test as the base drug in the offseason to put on pro size with mostly one (sometimes two) other compounds (usually fina, or equipoise or some other non exotic drug). (and gh if it can be afforded). I firmly believe you will gain 2 times the amount of muscle off of 2 grams of test either alone or with another compound than having some kind of exotic stack involving 3 to 6 exotic hard to get expensive compounds. The receptor site theories have proven to be bunk. The cheapest and best stack I can think of anyone doing to put on major size is a gram or two of test with arimidex to keep water off with fina 75 to 150mg every other day for 4 weeks --then 2 to 3 weeks of cruising (test at 300-400mg and clomid at 5 (day one), 4(day two), 3(day three),then 2 every day for 2 weeks)--and then back on everything full again (maybe equipoise used instead of fina this time)for 4 weeks (then 2 to 3 weeks cruising again etc etc)---if you cant gain gobs of muscle on that nothing exotic (masteron , etc etc etc) surely isnt going to do it for you. Testosterone is always the base for any gaining cycle of any pro freind Ive had or top people with whom I talked with off record. I have never even been over 1000mg of test myself (yet) but I see guys spending and using 10 times the amount I do weighing 70lbs less. I think there is a major problem when the easiest, cheapest and most potent things are right in front of people and they are off searching for substance B-737 undecylate in Bulgaria

    Sorry bout that, I wrote that post quickly and I should of been a little more responsible with saying-those dosages are what I am seeing superheavies who have been around for a while doing. I am of the opinion that people should use the lowest dosages possible that will keep them gaining. If a newbie bodybuilder starts off with 2 grams of T every week and a high dose of fina etc etc and eventually taps out on that where is he going to go? 4000 a week? I believe one should make their way up 750, to 1000 to 1200 to 1500 and so on slowly thru cycles. I am an advocate of the 4 week on 2 week cruising (then back on) method not because of receptor site saturation but due to 3 very important (to me) factors...1)I lift extremely heavy and I push the limits for 4 weeks and I just need 2 weeks to kind of regroup myself and then go balls to the wall again with poundages for the next 4 weeks
    2)Same with food intake-I religiously get in 500 to 600 grams of protein and I have to give myself a little break for those 2 weeks(i only go down to 400grams or so) or I'll go crazy
    3) I think its of utmost importance to keep yourself regulated hpta wise. If your endogenous test levels diminish due to constant months of high androgens when you do finally come off those size gains fly out the door...if you can keep your endo test somewhat normal you wont get the huge problems that keep most bodybuilders bouncing up and down in bodyweight like yo yo's..namely getting colds and flu's/injuries/depression/lack of aggresion and appetite (which usually means test to estrogen ratio out of whack)...During the cruising period the 400mg of test will keep you from losing any muscle at all and the clomid and arimidex will get you as close (via 2 different routes) to homeostasis as possible.
    As far as GH, I have never used it and I wish I could. But the cost is just too much for me at this time. From what I've witnessed short cycles will not do anything so unless I can run it for at least 6 months I am not going to bother. Opinions down here vary but most follow Milos's lead and do 5 days on 2 days off at 6IU's a day or 6 days on 4 off.

  6. #6
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    Anomynous said >>>>Doggcrapp, How does one gain 145 lbs in 10 years with bad genetics and not suffer anything structurally. I assume the 145lbs is LBM, otherwise you must be one fat bastard. If you genetics are truly not good. That is quite a load to place on your genetic skeletal system which was probably designed for 150 lbs total weight. How tall are you?. Any back or knee injuries in that ten year frame? Your 4 weeks on and 2 weeks crusing is interesting.>>>>>

    No I am actually pretty lean, I can see my intercostals any day of the year. The ribcage area, the scapula area and the shoulder region are all very pliable at a younger age with the ability to stretch out and adapt (my opinion) --hence you see high school football players breaking collar bones, and ribs alot. I am 6 foot tall, my structure is completely changed since i started lifting. My frame has somehow adapted to carry the weight. You can see this with someone who maybe was a 200lb high school player in football who then went on to be a 300lb lineman later on in college or pros. If he diets down after his playing days are over, his skeletal structure will never go back down to the previous 200lb structure. It is so much larger. I started lifting at 19 thin as a rail. My skeletal shoulder structure is so much wider now than then its ridiculous. I breathe normally, am very agile, my blood pressure is actually lower than normal. I take a great deal of time stretching every muscle group -holding in a painful weighted stretch for 30-60 seconds after each bodypart is trained. I have never had a major injury gym related I believe directly because of this severe stretching. Ive had training partners who wouldnt stretch and all of them have been injured one time or another. My stretching is almost like another workout for me. I go to an agonizing stretch with a heavy dumbell and then push into that stretch painfully until my eyes are watering (for 60 seconds) My stretching regimen is easily the most excruciating thing i do (or so the bodybuilders I train tell me)and I truly believe it has added dramatic size and roundness due to the fascia stretching (specially in my arms, triceps and in quads)

    Do I believe clomid and arimidex will work better at getting your endo test back to normal without any exogenous testosterone in the system? yes.... Do I believe that because there is 300-400mg (at least) of exogenous test in the system that clomid and arimidex will do nothing to regulate a persons endo test? absolutely not and I know better from the people I train and myself.

    We are trying to reach a middle ground here if you go off the 300-400mg cruising dosage you will start losing muscle rapidly, if you dont do the clomid and arimidex during the cruising period your hpta will become more and more impaired. I am trying to keep someone as normal hormonally wise as possible while he is on a cycle so when he finally gets off a cycle that muscle stays there. 300mg a week of testosterone is slighly above a replacement dose for an Aids patient or test replacement therapy, so i do believe the the clomid/arimidex will do a great deal. In fact I think it is imperiative. If you find yourself getting sick during cycles or directly after or losing muscle rapidly after you get off (I am very sure my way will rectify that). I hate seeing someone go 12-16 weeks on a cycle with awesome gains and then get off and pow...2-3 weeks fighting a cold...feels crappy and appetite...takes him 45 days just to feel back to normal even with clomid and hcg then he steps on the scale and that 27lb bodyweight jump he just made turned into 8lbs (sometimes even less)---thats a waste of time to me and the guy waited too long to regulate himself...the body cant snap back that quickly(and he would of fixed the whole problem doing it my way)

  7. #7
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    Well thru trial and error I use Optimum pro complex due to its varied proteins(55gram serving) and 5 grams of glutamine (not glutamic acid)per serving(THATS A HUGE REASON FOR ME)--i pay 38 bucks for 4.4lbs on the net (with no shipping cuz i buy over 200 bucks worth)--yes i go thru a bucket every 5 to 6 days, but not having to buy glutamine separately and getting in 20-30grams each day of it makes me smile. The protein powder is the most expensive thing in my diet everything else is pretty cheap.
    A sample (truthfull) day for me is (with protein grams after each item)

    breakfast: oatmeal(5) with soy grits and ground flaxseeds on top (23) a little bit of milk(2) in the oatmeal and a protein drink (55)=85grams

    afterworkout snack-two potatoes(7) and a double serving protein drink in cranberry grape juice (110) =117grams

    lunch (quick one cuz of my work)-can of ravioli (11) and protein drink(65) (cup of water cup of milk in there) =76grams

    snack--two 99cent bigmacs(54) and 2 cups of milk (20)=74 grams (hey I could lie and say a turkey on wheat but im being truthfull here)

    dinner -1lb of hamburger (100) cooked drained and then washed off with water thoroughly (to remove as much fat as possible)with condiments and noodles (4) =104grams

    I keep reasonably lean by taking in zero to trace amounts of carbs (found in vegetables) after 6-7pm

    nitetime meal-six eggwhite omelet with peppers or peas(20) or roast beef cold cuts with half water-half milk protein drink (65) =85 grams

    Thats 541 protein grams on average and with me usually eating larger portions than measured I probaly venture toward 600 grams alot. If you look at the food I eat its pretty cheap, specially the way I buy it in bulk.

    ok first I have to go over some principles I believe in first regarding training and Ill go to work and hit more on the training later on.
    a) I believe he who makes the greatest strength gains (in a controlled fashion)as a bodybuilder, makes the greatest muscle gains--note: i said strength gains--everyone knows someone naturally strong who can bench 400 yet isnt that big. Going from a beginning 375 bench to 400 isnt that great of a strength gain and wont result in much of a muscle gain. But if i show you someone who went from 150 to 400 on a benchpress, that guy will have about 2.5 inches more of muscle thickness on his pecs. That is an incredible strength gain and will equal out into an incredible muscle gain

    b) I havent seen a guy who can squat 500 for 20 reps, bench press 500 for 15 and deadlift 500 for 15 who was small yet ---but I have seen alot and i mean alot of people in the gym and on these forums that are a buck 65 or two and change--shouting that you dont have to lift heavy to get big. (in an extremely rare case you will see a naturally strong powerlifter who has to curb calories to stay in a weight class and that is the reason he doesnt get bigger)

    c)training is all about adaption--in simple terms you lift a weight and your muscle has one of 2 choices--either tear completely under the load (which is incredibly rare and what we dont want)or the muscle lifts the weight and protects itself by remodeling and getting bigger to protect itself against the load (next time). If the weight gets heavier--the muscle has to again remodel and get bigger again to handle it. You can superset, superslow, giant set, pre exhaust all day long but the infinite adaption is load---meaning heavier and heavier weights is the only infinite thing you can do in your training. Intensity is finite. Volume is finite (or infinite if you want to do 9000 sets per bodypart)...everything else is finite. The Load is infinite and heavier and heavier weights used(I DONT GIVE A **** WHAT SOME BUCK 58 POUND GURU SAYS)will make the biggest bodybuilder. (add high protein, glutamine and drugs to the mix and you have one large person)

    d) The largest pro bodybuilders in the last 10 years (outside of Paul Dillett who is a genetic alien and I think could grow off of mowing lawns) are also the very strongest-(kovacs, prince, coleman, yates, francois, nasser (although he trains lighter now) For anyone who argues that they have seen so and so bodybuilder and he trains light---well I will bet you he isnt gaining rapid size anymore and that his greatest size increases were when he was going for his pro card and he was training **** heavy. He will convince himself and others that he is "making the best gains of his career" though cuz noone likes to think what they are presently doing isnt working and they are running in place do they.... Sadly heavy drug use can make up for alot of training fallacies.

    e) Please think of the times when you make the best size gains---the first time is in the first 2 years of lifting WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR BEST STRENGTH GAINS TOO! then things start to slow down. Whats the next time? You start using steroids and boom what happens? YOUR TRAINING WEIGHTS GO FLYING UP. And you get dramatically bigger-(im taking into effect protein assimilation, recovery etc also). The greatest strength gains you make will result in also the most rapid size gains. (if your taking in the protein requirements of a 12 year old girl scout then you can discount yourself from the above group)
    I beleive in Powerbuilding not bodybuilding--using techniques that build the most strength gains in the fastest time possible while using the most effective exercises for that person. I am positive I could take 2 twins--have one do his own thing training wise, but do the same drugs and nutrition as the twin I train......come back a year later and the twin I trained would have 25lbs more muscle
    f)Ive seen powerlifters (who catch alot of guff from bodybuilders for being "fat") diet down and come in and destroy bodybuilders in bodybuilding shows time and time again. Over and over. Powerlifters and Powerbodybuilders are by far the thickest guys onstage when and if they decide to enter bodybuilding shows.
    g) heavy is relative--it doesnt mean 3 reps --- it means as heavy as you can go on that exercise no matter if it is 5 reps or 50 reps. I personally like to do hack squats for 20 reps but I use about 6 plates on each side rock bottom--thats as heavy as I can go on that exercise for 20 reps. I could do sets of 6 and probaly use maybe 8 or 9 plates a side but my legs (and most people I train) grow best from heavy and 15-50 reps.
    so now you guys know i believe in the heaviest training possible (safely)--ok i got to go to work—

  8. #8
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    thats the gist of it..he goes into more detail about training but i wont post it as its quite long

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    oh really

    wow didnt kno that

    did u have a look however lov?
    Yes I read it. It's his opinion. Remember, Everyone's body reacts differently to different compounds and DIET is still 90%.

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