Thread: Cycle length:Long plateau
10-08-2010, 02:28 AM #1
Cycle length:Long plateau
Hey guys
Im looking for some input in this.
My main concern with the long cycle idea ( anyhting past 10 weeks ) is i've read on quite a few boards ppl say the results slow down and diminish past this point but at the same time some have also said to up dose when going past 10 weeks.
Week 1 - 10 Test 500mg
Week 1 - 10 Deca 300mg
Week 11 - 15 Test 750mg
Week 11 - 15 Deca 450mg
Would that help sort out the problem? ( if this is even true and it does happen )
Of course it's true. You can't just keep growing and growing, even with AAS.
Your body grows in spurts.
That said, I'm not thrilled about your idea of upping your dose to combat that.
You'd be better off just stopping the cycle, recovering, then hitting it hard again.
What are your stats and cycle history?
10-08-2010, 07:24 AM #3
Don't forget that cycle has the potential to kill your weiner
and you wil have a brutal pct IMO
stats first though.. then you will be advised
10-08-2010, 07:25 AM #4
10-08-2010, 07:30 AM #6
Not cutting the deca @ least 2 weeks b4 the test is not the best idea
^True dat.
Don't think the cycle would "kill his weiner" though.
No telling really,
but 12-14 weeks is an acceptable time frame for Deca 's long ester.
10-08-2010, 07:57 AM #8
Thanx guys
the deca cycle is just an example. Wanted to do a nice big long bulker but reading about slowing or even stopping gains just dont know any more.
But seeing as my timing for my next cycle is of, it can't be a bulker as i wanna compete next year. So it will have to be a pre contest cutter.
Was looking along the lines of a 16 weeker:
Week 1 - 15 Sust 250 @ 500mg a week
Week 1 - 14 Eq 350 @ 525mg a week
Week 11 - 17 Masteron 150 @ 450mg a week
That was more or less the planned cycle for me with a oral var or winny in the last 4 - 6 weeks.
So thats why i was wondering about the whole cycle length thing.
So how can 1 then make long ester's worked for them if they take so long to kick in. eg. compounds like eq and deca.
To be honest, I'm no one to give pre-contest advice.
You should ask Reed, Fireguy, or MikeXXL about that.
Even if you use a long ester you'll still make gains.
Say your run test E for 12 weeks.
It will be peaking at weeks 4-6, but active from the first injection.
That gives you tons of time for growth.
10-08-2010, 08:12 AM #10
My last cycle was a test prop and npp and mast. Gains were pretty impresses for a short 8 weeker. Maybe i should look in that lines maybe. Will wait and see if Reed, Fireguy or MikeXXl will chime in.
Thanx for the input none the less.
10-08-2010, 08:28 AM #11
Your pre-contest is almost identical to mine..
1-12 sus @ 750mg PW
1-5 dbol @60mg ED
1-12 eq @ 600mg PW
1-10 npp@ 450mg PW
13-15 t-prop @ 500mg PW
12-16 dros prop 500mg PW
12-16 winni 75mg ED
12-16 var 100mg ED
You going to be using any diuretics/thermogenics?
10-08-2010, 08:37 AM #12
10-08-2010, 09:07 AM #13
Lol hp u right to close ( had npp in mine aswell but took it out)
Diuretics - none
thermogenics - eca and maybe clen .
This was the original pre contest cycle:
Week 1 - 7 tbol @ 60mg ed
Week 1 - 15 sust @ 750mg a week
Week 1 - 14 Eq 350 @ 525mg a week
Week 1 - 15 Masteron 150 @ 450mg a week
Week 11 - 17 Anavar @ 60mg ed
Then this one was suggested:
Week 1 - 15 Sust @ 750mg a week
Week 1 - 15 Npp 150 @ 450mg a week
Week 1 - 15 masteron 100 @ 400mg a week
Week 1 - 14 Eq 350 @ 525mg a week
Week 1 - 17 Proviron 25 @ 75mg ed
But both these cycle have to many compounds in for me. I mean this will be my 4 cycle so all that would be too much gear for a fourth run. PLus the dosages i decided were to high aswell.
So now im looking at just the sust and eq with an oral at the end
What u think?
10-08-2010, 09:15 AM #14
Yeah I was just pointing out that I liked the compounds you had in mind, not to take my dosages or amount of compounds into consideration for yourself.
With that being said, yes sust/eq with some orals to finish off would be fine. Clen last few weeks with keto to prolong it with no breaks would be fine.
10-08-2010, 09:24 AM #15
No the 2 cycles were suggested by the guy that helps me with my diets.
What about running the mast right threw the cycle, beginning to end?
10-08-2010, 09:29 AM #16
I don't see a real reason to run it at the beginning of your 16 weeks but it would compliment the tail of your cycle.
10-08-2010, 09:33 AM #17
Cool, as for an oral at the end what would u recommend?
10-08-2010, 09:36 AM #18
Var or Winny.
10-08-2010, 09:40 AM #19
Still a while too go before then so will get it down to a t and post final cycle closer too the time.
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