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  1. #1
    david30451 is offline Junior Member
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    drop tren start propicia?

    i am currently doing a 10 wk cycle of
    prop 100mg eod
    tren 75mg eod
    equi 300mg ewk

    i am at my 5wk and am noticing that my hair has gotten really thin and is alot less than what i had.... every time i rub my head .. in the morinig i count like 50 to 100 hairs...and like another 60-100 at night... i am getting really good gains and looking really good... im going to drop the tren ... do you guys think i should continue with the prop and bold...and get propicia or am i too deep in... i should jsut stop and start my pct??

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Stats and cycle history please....But for starters, what makes you think it's the tren ?

  3. #3
    david30451 is offline Junior Member
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    jsut being so androgenic .... i thought so...
    ive done
    11% bf

    deca 400mg ewk sust500mgewk =12 wks

    2nd cycle
    sust 400mg ewk
    bold 400mg ewk
    oxandrolone 10mg e day for 12 wks
    winstol 50 mg eod

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    So this is your 3rd cycle...Well, i think everyone's different concerning hair loss and acne. I've been using 13 years now and i've never had an acne or hair loss problem and i've been using tren since 2003. And, none of my buddies have either. I'm convinced that it's something within ones chemistry that determines whether or not you get acne or hair loss. But also, it could be the other compounds...Hard to say.
    You EQ dosage is way too low and not going to be ran long enough for any gains imo...I'm not a fan of eq at all. If it were me, i'd drop the eq and continue cycle. you only have 5 weeks left.
    I haven't heard anything about PCT. Do you have one planned?

  5. #5
    david30451 is offline Junior Member
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    HCG weeks 5 - right up until PCT begins. 250iu 2x PW . If atrophy occurs earlier, then begin administration then.
    PCT begins when the half life us up.
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40//20/20

  6. #6
    david30451 is offline Junior Member
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    any suggestions.. idont wnat to stop my cycle yet .. im in the middle.... but this hair shedding is killing me.... i mean im not bald.. but i can see it going away fast.... i rub my hair in the morinigg and night.. and over 100 hairs fallv off

  7. #7
    hugoboss's Avatar
    hugoboss is offline Associate Member
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    I had the same from my last cycle. It was just high dose test... Sadly bro i dont think there is much you can do now. Propecia takes a couple of weeks to start working. I started mid cycle with propecia but the hair fall didnt stop for months. In fact i still lose more hair now than i ever remember losing before and its nine months on... Start Propecia at least 4 weeks prior to any further cycle to be safe. Get some Nizoral 2% shampoo. Good luck

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by david30451 View Post
    HCG weeks 5 - right up until PCT begins. 250iu 2x PW . If atrophy occurs earlier, then begin administration then.
    PCT begins when the half life us up.
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40//20/20
    HCG's good, but i don't use it unless necessary like you mentioned. But i did 250 e3d...But to each their own. With your cycle, after you drop the eq, PCT will start on the 3rd day after your last injection. Your PCT dosages look fine.
    As for your hair, man i really don't know. It's possible that it's not even juice related. As i mentioned, if it were me id continue cycle and go from there. Sorry to hear about the hair loss. Maybe shave your head and don't worry about it anymore? It's not life threatening. Good luck bro....

  9. #9
    david30451 is offline Junior Member
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    will it grow back ... ?

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Not sure....

  11. #11
    K_PIN is offline Junior Member
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    The same exact thing happened to me when i ran tren . I actually liked it because i have ridiculously thick hair. It all grew back though after my cycle. This was just my experience and the fact that I have a head full of hair probably had a lot to do with it. Now that i think of it though I do have some friends that ran the same tren and their hair fell out as well. They actually started looking bald because they had thin hair. This was a few years ago and none of them cycle anymore and they have full head of hair now.

  12. #12
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You should only use tren if you:
    a) don't care about your hair, and/or
    b) have run other AAS that are pretty tough on hair (test, masteron , Winstrol ) and determined that you aren't prone to androgenic hair loss.

  13. #13
    david30451 is offline Junior Member
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    so if i quit the cycle and start my pct .. i should be fine???

  14. #14
    Brewster's Avatar
    Brewster is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by david30451 View Post
    so if i quit the cycle and start my pct .. i should be fine???

    Its hard to say bro,
    don't mean to scare you,
    no one can be sure

  15. #15
    david30451 is offline Junior Member
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    damn.. . i should have waited on tren .. lesson learned

  16. #16
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would avoid Propecia if possible, since it can have some pretty shitty side effects (I know from personal experience).
    But it would certainly help with your hairloss issues to just drop the Tren right now and continue the cycle as planned.

  17. #17
    Epic Ed's Avatar
    Epic Ed is offline Associate Member
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    Hair -- it's over rated. If hair loss is the only negative side you're getting from the tren I'd soldier on and finish the cycle. Then again, I shave my head so I may be a bit biased.

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