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  1. #1
    blastedlooger is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Planning First Cycle- Test E


    5'11 195lbs, 17% BF, currently 21 years of age
    Bench- 1x300
    Squat- 1x400
    Dead- 1x450

    I've been lifting since 7th grade, training on my own since 8th grade which amounts to seven years.

    Goals. I want to get up to about 210 with <12% BF. I've been researching chems and other stuff for 2 years and understand how a lot of the stuff works biochemically.

    Weeks 1-12 / Test E @ 400mg per week (2x 200mg)
    Weeks 5-12 / HCG @ 500iu per week ( 2x 250iu)
    Weeks 4-13 / Aromasin @ 12mg Every other day
    Weeks 14-18 / Clomid @ 50mg Every day 150 mg week one

    I have access to everything but the juice right now. Still looking for (good) sources but I have a few, just not sure if I should trust them. Looking for a good Uncle. The earliest I'll start this is in 2 months. I might wait a lot longer if I achieve good results with d aspartic acid.

    I have a few questions though and I'm open to opinions and advice. If you tell me to wait have some concrete evidence to back up the opinion. A lot of guys tell young guys to wait because when they first cycled they didn't know what the hell they were doing and didn't PCT. I think this is the best time for me to use because I'm in college and there are beautiful women everywhere.

    Question 1: Should I change my routine just because I'm juicing? I'm doing Iron addicts simple power based routine and I like it because it doesn't wear me out during the week. I used to go 4-5 days a week and that killed me. Should I at least incorporate more isolation work or will it still overtax my CNS. Are there certain movements that might make me unproportional?

    Question 2: I don't want to get fat but I want to put on muscle. Will I be okay as long as I get 1.5 x lb of protein and keep total cals slightly above maintenance.?

    Question 3: Should I avoid working out my calves if they are already big?

    Question 4: I've always wanted to dunk and can grab the rim fairly easily? Should I work on anything extra on cycle to help me get there? If I have a good PCT would I be able to keep this ability?

    Question 5: Opinions on Cardio?

    I'll have more questions when I think of them and based on your responses.

    Appreciate the help, thanks.
    Last edited by blastedlooger; 10-11-2010 at 06:10 PM. Reason: Cycle edit.

  2. #2
    GetSwole83's Avatar
    GetSwole83 is offline Associate Member
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    Well I can tell you I met Mike Mattarazzo once when I was training for contest...he told me he quit training his calves cause the suckers got too big to fit into his jeans. So if it were up to him he would say screw it.

  3. #3
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by blastedlooger View Post

    5'11 195lbs, 17% BF, currently 21 years of age
    Bench- 1x300
    Squat- 1x400
    Dead- 1x450

    I've been lifting since 7th grade, training on my own since 8th grade which amounts to seven years.

    Goals. I want to get up to about 210 with <12% BF. I've been researching chems and other stuff for 2 years and understand how a lot of the stuff works biochemically.

    Weeks 1-12 / Test E @ 400mg per week (2x 200mg)
    Weeks 6-12 / HCG @ 500iu per week ( 2x 250iu)
    Weeks 4-16 / Aromasin @ 12mg Every other day Why utilized an AI during PCT?
    Weeks 14-16 / Clomid @ 50mg Every day This alone is insufficient.

    I have access to everything but the juice right now. Still looking for (good) sources but I have a few, just not sure if I should trust them. Looking for a good Uncle. The earliest I'll start this is in 2 months. I might wait a lot longer if I achieve good results with d aspartic acid.

    I have a few questions though and I'm open to opinions and advice. If you tell me to wait have some concrete evidence to back up the opinion. A lot of guys tell young guys to wait because when they first cycled they didn't know what the hell they were doing and didn't PCT. I think this is the best time for me to use because I'm in college and there are beautiful women everywhere.

    Question 1: Should I change my routine just because I'm juicing? I'm doing Iron addicts simple power based routine and I like it because it doesn't wear me out during the week. I used to go 4-5 days a week and that killed me. Should I at least incorporate more isolation work or will it still overtax my CNS. Are there certain movements that might make me unproportional?

    Train to suit your goals, not your supplements or drug intake.
    Regarding more isolation movements really depends on your goals.
    Nobody knows if a routine will overtax your CNS but you through trial and error.
    If one body part is lagging and you are taxing other body parts that aren't then this is a sure sign of getting your physique unproportional. Focus less on the strong areas and more on the weaker areas.

    Question 2: I don't want to get fat but I want to put on muscle. Will I be okay as long as I get 1.5 x lb of protein and keep total cals slightly above maintenance.?

    In order to look like a 210lbs man you must eat like a 210lbs man and sometimes even more for "hardgainers" although I hardly believe in that term truly. You can do the math there, plenty of bulking stickies to figure the calculations.

    Question 3: Should I avoid working out my calves if they are already big?

    No. Just don't train them as hard as you would with other body parts. This in turn will go back to what I discussed earlier about "disproportion". Never neglect any muscle in training no matter what.

    Question 4: I've always wanted to dunk and can grab the rim fairly easily? Should I work on anything extra on cycle to help me get there? If I have a good PCT would I be able to keep this ability?

    Deep knee bend jumps, jump rope, wind sprints, calf raises (yes calf movements improve your vertical hence another reason why you shouldn't neglect them), jumping squats (with a weighted bar or dumbbells on your side), chair rockets, or just practicing your dunk daily. Eventually your vertical will get higher and higher.

    Question 5: Opinions on Cardio?

    At least 3 times per week on training days and moderate cardio on off days. It's healthy to keep a routine cardiovascular training program going.

    I'll have more questions when I think of them and based on your responses.

    Appreciate the help, thanks.

  4. #4
    blastedlooger is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2008
    Do you guys know anything about opiod antagonists such as Naloxone, naltrexone, and nalmefene to keep GnRH and the overall endocrine system up during cycle?

    Also a question to those who have been on cycle. If I do a chest day after only one day off of a previous chest day will I feel 100% again. This is more out of curiosity.
    Last edited by blastedlooger; 10-11-2010 at 06:40 PM.

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