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  1. #1
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    how many cc a week per muscle?

    Height 5 foot 9
    Weight 230-235lb
    15% bf
    age 21

    Im doing a cycle of t enanthate 250 and deca 250
    1000 mg/week test 1-12
    250mg/week deca 1-10
    Basically I do monday thursday injections 1.25 cc in both thighs on monday and both delts on thursdays. I want to add propinate 100 in starting a week 8-14 on monday wednesday friday at 1cc per. But wondering where to inject, i want to stay out of the glutes so wondering how many cc a week could my thighs/delts handle. id be doing a total of 8 cc a week.

    Next cycle i baught has
    400mg t400/week
    3cc winny a week
    3cc tprop100 a week
    and 2 cc of eq200 a week
    was thinking of doing tprop and winny monday wednesday friday and 2 cc each time and doing t400 and eq tuesday and saturday at 1.5 cc a time but wondering the thing.

  2. #2
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    I wouldnt go over 3ml for quads or over 2ml for delts as a general rule.

    What is your cycle experience?

    Thats is alot of gear for once cycle at your age

  3. #3
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    third cycle first was 10 weeks of of 500mg enanthate a week, im on my second now on week 7 of deca and test. testprop, winny eq i have been told is a common cycle i just wanted more test so im splitting up 1cc of t400 enanthate a week

  4. #4
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    but 3 ml for quads per injection but how frequently can i inject that 3mls in my quad because generally ive always had a week between each muslce group, but throwin the propinate in this cycle id need to repeat the thigh 2 days later

  5. #5
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Have you been ruining proper pct and taking enough time off between cycles?

    Why are you running the test prop along with the t400 throughout your whole cycle?

  6. #6
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    yeah i took chlomid 2-3 weeks after my last cycle for 3 weeks 150mg day 1, 100mg days 2-7, 50mg for days 8-21
    this cycle doing the same thing but taking arimidex during and hcg post.
    And because ive heard good things from a cutting perspective of prop,winny eq cycles but i want more test since ive done 500mg, and 1000 mg cycles before but i dont want to get 8 bottles of prop rather add some enanthate 400 get a little more size and strength with it.
    I took 9 weeks from the end of my pct before i started my second cycle

  7. #7
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think you should stick around here and take notice how to cycle the safest way, jumping from 500mg per week 1 cycle then for your 2nd 1000mg is far to big of a gap, you will end up needing more and more gear everytime.
    Your doses are to high and you will be able to get very similar results from lower doses

  8. #8
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    ive already started this cycle on 7th week of 1000mg of test a week. my primary question is for my next cycle its only 700 mg test 300 mg winny and 400 mg eq. but just wondering how frequently i can inject into each muscle. could i do monday-1ccprop, 1 cc winny tuesday-.5cct400, 1cceq wedneday-1ccprop, 1ccwinny friday-1ccprop,1ccwinny and saturday-.5cct400, 1cceq

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    So you're doing 1,000mgs ew of test e and want to add prop weeks 8-14? Why? And then you want to do t-400 and prop together again? Again, why? How many tests do you think you need? Way too much. Tell us your reasoning behind this proposed cycle.
    Post up your diet and training routine. Also, that eq isn't dosed correctly and if it were me i'd leave it alone.

  10. #10
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    why i like propinate and i got it cheap and want to add it to my cycle . and i heard good things from a prop,winnyeq cycle but 300mg of test a week isnt enough when ive already done 500 and 1000 so wanted to add 400mg a week without doing 4 extra cc of prop. whats wrong with the eq doses common doses are 400-600mg a week 2-3 times a week

  11. #11
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    21 years old, and your running a gram of test/wk plus other anabolics?

    Do you plan on competing?

    Either way, you clearly have ALOT to learn before you continue cycling.

  12. #12
    stpete is offline Banned
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    First, you are too young to be doing steroids , and DEFINETELY too young to be doing all those compounds!! Your cycle is messed up man and you need to some more research in a BIG way! I haven't heard anything about PCT. What was your past PCT'S, and what is your planned PCT now?

  13. #13
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    i already explained my pct, how do i need to learn way more about cycling, ive talked to 2 canadian pro bodybuilders and lots of older experianced lifters also a canada strongman champ. they all suggested 500mg was a very weak cycle but a good first cycle and 750mg -1000mg of test with a little deca would be good. also said winny prop and eq or winny prop tren are both great cutting cycles i jsut thaught 300mg of test a week would not be enough test. especially propinate a short test

  14. #14
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    I wouldnt go over 3cc in any injection.

  15. #15
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    i just want to know if i do 1.5 cc in each thigh on monday could i put 1cc or propinate in one thigh on wednesday and 1cc or prop in the other on friday

  16. #16
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I missed your PCT post the first time around. Yeah, you can do that injection schedule but why not other sites? Why not glutes? Hell, you can't go wrong there. Plus, there's also delts (as you've mentioned).

  17. #17
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    when im doing this cycle im working construction running machine, and last time i did glutes i had a feeling like i was sitting on a baloon and id rather keep it to delts and quads cause i can do legs myself and only need to get a friend to inject me once/twice a week. Im just wondering what is the problem doing 1cc of t400 a week with 3 cc tprop 1000 a week. i simply want more test since im doing 400mg eq but dont want to inject 6-7 cc of prop a week.

    t400 1cc ew 1-12
    tprop100 3cc ew 1-12
    eq200 2cc ew 1-10
    winny1000 3cc ew 1-12
    hcg weeks 12-15
    chlomid weeks 15- 18

    monday 1cc prop, 1cc winny in left quad
    tuesday 1cc eq .5cc t400 left delt
    wednesday 1cc prop, 1ccwinny in right quad
    friday .5ccprop, .5ccwinny in each quad
    saturday 1cc eq, .5cct400 in left delt
    or would this be better

    monday 1cc prop, 1cc winny, 1cc eq, .5 cc t400. 1.75 cc in each quad

    wednesday 1cc prop, 1cc winny in right delt
    thursday 1cceq, .5cc t400 .75 in each quad
    friday 1ccprop,1cc winny in left delt

  18. #18
    GetSwole83's Avatar
    GetSwole83 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharpedo05 View Post
    when im doing this cycle im working construction running machine, and last time i did glutes i had a feeling like i was sitting on a baloon and id rather keep it to delts and quads cause i can do legs myself and only need to get a friend to inject me once/twice a week. Im just wondering what is the problem doing 1cc of t400 a week with 3 cc tprop 1000 a week. i simply want more test since im doing 400mg eq but dont want to inject 6-7 cc of prop a week.

    t400 1cc ew 1-12
    tprop100 3cc ew 1-12
    eq200 2cc ew 1-10
    winny1000 3cc ew 1-12
    hcg weeks 12-15
    chlomid weeks 15- 18

    monday 1cc prop, 1cc winny in left quad
    tuesday 1cc eq .5cc t400 left delt
    wednesday 1cc prop, 1ccwinny in right quad
    friday .5ccprop, .5ccwinny in each quad
    saturday 1cc eq, .5cct400 in left delt
    or would this be better

    monday 1cc prop, 1cc winny, 1cc eq, .5 cc t400. 1.75 cc in each quad

    wednesday 1cc prop, 1cc winny in right delt
    thursday 1cceq, .5cc t400 .75 in each quad
    friday 1ccprop,1cc winny in left delt
    All Isa gotsa to Holy MOLY!

  19. #19
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Way to much gear man!

  20. #20
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    what do people normally do for a cutting cycle? ive been recommened prop eq winny by alot of people

  21. #21
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharpedo05 View Post
    what do people normally do for a cutting cycle? ive been recommened prop eq winny by alot of people
    diet and cardio dictates weather a cycle is a cutter or a bulker not just aas...if you dont now how to diet to get eather result (bulking/cutting) then stepp away frow the needles son your not ready...and also stop talking to the "pros" they might know what works for them but we are all different you need to learn what works for you...

  22. #22
    inevitable's Avatar
    inevitable is offline Member
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    at 21 and doing 1g/wk + reading his other posts in here = damage... bro you really need to read alot more.. your going to hurt yourself very very badly.

  23. #23
    Tha Freak's Avatar
    Tha Freak is offline Junior Member
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    Wow Twenty -One and 1G of will pay for this down the road

  24. #24
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    i understand diet and cardio indicate what works as a cutter or a bulker but i know that shorter estered aas like prop and tren acetate have less bloat and are better for cutting, and winny from everywhere ive read and everyone who ive been told is not a good bulker at all. so doing cardio and deiting properly is key but if i really want to cut down being on a proper cutting cycle would defiantly help. i dont wanna be on 1g of enanthate and deca and try to cut

  25. #25
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    how am i going to hurt myself i traind 6 days a week, eat 6 meals a day, eat 4500 cals a day 300+ grams of protein, animal pak multivit bcaas you name it, plus im taking hcg for the last bit while tapering down my test intake and doing a proper pct, and taking arimidex during how am i going to do damage if i take proper rpecautions during and pct properly?

  26. #26
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    i dont beleive i need to read alot more, ive read in detail every roid bio there is, every pct drug, every during drug, different stacks different ways to diet during, ive been training hard for 6 years before i even starting pinin myself had my bench up to 335, deadlift 455 and squat 455 before i even started. i talk to atleast 10 diff people one being a former canadian strongman champ, actually still holds a lot of records, another being a canadian pro bodybuilder first place finisher. others being amateur bbs and one other pro. they all have helped me out along the way and told me what to do and what not to do. msot of them said at 21 years old i wouldnt even need chlomid or nolva after my first cycle of 8 weeks 500mg test enanthate a week plus 2 weeks 250 mg a week. and everything was back to normal within 2.5 weeks but i took some chlomid to make sure. i get blood tests done every 3 monthes i havent done a lick of damage.

  27. #27
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
    fattymcbutterpants is offline Senior Member
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    Holy Shit dude, I hope you are massive just to back up taking all that lol. But nonetheless off topic but how much did you weigh before you started cycling and what do you weigh now? And what about your lifts? Just wondering is all man

  28. #28
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Im just wondering if you have all these pro friends why are you asking us, complete strangers for advice? It sounds like you already have all the answers because every time someone makes a suggestion here you shoot them down.

    As for the pinning, it's to bad your highly knowledgeable BB friends have not explained to you or when you where doing all your research on EVERY AAS Bio that you missed the part that test is NOT muscle dependent. In other words if you injected 2cc ever Monday into your right quad and 1cc on Thursday into your left quad it would make no difference in the muscles from one leg to the other.

    When you start to have libido issues in a couple months dont forget your Pro BB friends are the ones who have all the answers, not us.

  29. #29
    sharpedo05 is offline New Member
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    you guys are complete strangers these pros are the guys who have gone out of their way to help me train because they see potential. and my question wasnt concering muscle dependancy i know its not muscle dependent. i know quads normally limit to 2 cc an injection but ive never read anywhere how frequently you should repeat the usage of the same muscle, im not sure how long it takes to fully absorb into the muslce. And i havent been tryint o shut everyone down. Most people havent really been makin a suggestion they jsut completly shut me down, too mcuh gear man, too young etc without explaining or helping answering the questions i dont know. Saying im unexperianced or unknowledgeable and need to read more when i read and asked question for a full year before i even tried it

  30. #30
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    you'd be better joining one of the more inferior forums

  31. #31
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    id start researching trt....

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