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  1. #1
    johnnyboy1012 is offline New Member
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    Need help with test/deca cycle please!

    hey, im new here and i have a few questions about my friends test e/deca cycle he have coming up. This will be his third cycle and he has only used test e in his previous two cycles. first let me tell u about him. hes 5'8, 225lb and probably around 20% bodyfat if not less. the reason for this thread is because he has a few questions about what to take with test/deca, how long to take it for, how often to take it, and when to start taking it. he also has superdrol that he was thinking about using for the first few weeks of the cycle too, any input on that would be helpful too. hes read a lot of people use dbol to kick start their cycle, so he figured he'd use SD since its laying around. he plans on using about 500-600mg test e/week for 12 weeks and 400-500mg of deca/week for 10 weeks. .and if superdrol is a good idea 20mg/ED for first week then 30mg/ED for next 3 weeks.

    First, should he run nolva everyday throughout the cycle and then continue it through pct? if so does he take it day 1 of the cycle? if not, when should he use nolva?

    Should he also use adex? if so when should he start using it and should he use .5mg/ED or .5mg/EOD? and for how long should he use it, from the start of the cycle to the end?

    he already has Prami. when should he start using it? how often does he take it? .5mg/ED? or .5mg/EOD? he just wants to be safe from deca sides.

    he understands that deca shuts you down hard, so what should be the best PCT for this type of cycle? he plans on using hcg , but is unsure of how to use it. when should he start the hcg and at what dose? and for how long?

    when should i start pct? ive read that pct should start 2 weeks after last injection which i understand, but what should i use?

    I know that i have a lot of questions and i thank you in advance for any help. I want to do this cycle right, so before i start id like to get all of the info i can. thanks guys


  2. #2
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnyboy1012 View Post
    hey, im new here and i have a few questions about my friends test e/deca cycle he have coming up. This will be his third cycle and he has only used test e in his previous two cycles. first let me tell u about him. hes 5'8, 225lb and probably around 20% bodyfat if not less. the reason for this thread is because he has a few questions about what to take with test/deca, how long to take it for, how often to take it, and when to start taking it. he also has superdrol that he was thinking about using for the first few weeks of the cycle too, any input on that would be helpful too. hes read a lot of people use dbol to kick start their cycle, so he figured he'd use SD since its laying around. he plans on using about 500-600mg test e/week for 12 weeks and 400-500mg of deca/week for 10 weeks. .and if superdrol is a good idea 20mg/ED for first week then 30mg/ED for next 3 weeks.

    First, should he run nolva everyday throughout the cycle and then continue it through pct? if so does he take it day 1 of the cycle? if not, when should he use nolva?

    Should he also use adex? if so when should he start using it and should he use .5mg/ED or .5mg/EOD? and for how long should he use it, from the start of the cycle to the end?

    he already has Prami. when should he start using it? how often does he take it? .5mg/ED? or .5mg/EOD? he just wants to be safe from deca sides.

    he understands that deca shuts you down hard, so what should be the best PCT for this type of cycle? he plans on using hcg , but is unsure of how to use it. when should he start the hcg and at what dose? and for how long?

    when should i start pct? ive read that pct should start 2 weeks after last injection which i understand, but what should i use?

    I know that i have a lot of questions and i thank you in advance for any help. I want to do this cycle right, so before i start id like to get all of the info i can. thanks guys

    I love these it for you or him??? haha......funny. n bold.

  3. #3
    jerseyboy811 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here but I'm guessing this friend is you. Especially considering that half way through the he switched to I.

  4. #4
    jerseyboy811 is offline Junior Member
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    You obviously need to do more research yourself. You can find the information answering all these questions in stickies on here. If you actually have run test cycles before you should know if you need adex. Like I said though you should be finding this stuff out for yourself I probably shouldn't even be telling you these things you clearly shouldn't be cycling. with this sketchiness and blatant dishonesty I don't know what to think.
    Last edited by jerseyboy811; 10-21-2010 at 09:54 PM.

  5. #5
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    jersey hes new and hasnt given stats....dont feed him....

  6. #6
    jerseyboy811 is offline Junior Member
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    Yea I know my bad

  7. #7
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Stats op>?
    training experience
    cycle expierience?

  8. #8
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    be honest and say who the cycle is really for.

    then post some serious stats

    i will say though.... you state that you (him) is 20% bodyfat...

    if so... then i will say... DO NOT CYCLE

    UNTIL... you get that bodyfat down to 15% or less

    focus on diet and cardio

    being at such a high bodyfat will just cause more sides while on cycle

    let alone, not let you fully see your hard work and gains

  9. #9
    codeegee's Avatar
    codeegee is offline Junior Member
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    haha i love the "k so my friend..."

  10. #10
    johnnyboy1012 is offline New Member
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    sry guys, ive read not to write that ur going on a cycle on the internet so i changed it to 'my friend' but its for me and my stats are
    Age 23
    height 5'8
    weight? 225
    bodyfat? about 20% if not less
    training experience 5 years
    cycle expierience? 2 previous cycles with test e only. also used prohomones like superdrol.

    i know you guys say find shit out for myself but trust me i have been reading a lot of stuff and im sure as u guys know there is always conflicting arguments on threads. and a lot of times people only say what you need to take and not how much? how long? or how often? so i figured id start this thread to have all the info in one place. i know that i will want to us adex for water retention and to keep gyno away, but is it ok to take with prami? i am working on getting my BF down...product of bulking too hard. but im working on that and i def wont start until its at 15% or lower.

    thanks guys for the advice

  11. #11
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    thanks for your honesty....

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