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  1. #1
    Money is offline Associate Member
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    Test. Enan, Deca, Equipois and Primabolan?

    46 yrs. old
    191 lbs.
    5' 7"

    Usually my cycles consist of Test. Enan, Deca or Tren (not both) and Dbol . I have used Equipois before but I have never used Primabolan.

    My last 12 week cycle that finished in August was Test. Enan, Tren and Dbol. Was also taking HGH 4iu/day on the weekdays. Lost 28 lbs. on my last cycle. Mostly fat loss.

    I have continued the HGH 4iu/day on weekdays since the cycle finished.

    On Dec. 1st., I was thinking to start Test. Enan, Deca, Equipois and Primabolan for 12 weeks. What do you all think of these 4 together and explain why please.

  2. #2
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    what was your bf% before and after 28 lb loss. did this trim you up nice and leave your muscles alone or did you gain muscle?were you doing alot ofcardio

  3. #3
    Money is offline Associate Member
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    Body fat was 27.6. Now it is around 22 - 23. The thing that gets me is I did trim up nicely. But seems like I still have some fat around the bottom of my gut and bottom of my back but basically looking good.

  4. #4
    tjax03's Avatar
    tjax03 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money View Post
    Body fat was 27.6. Now it is around 22 - 23. The thing that gets me is I did trim up nicely. But seems like I still have some fat around the bottom of my gut and bottom of my back but basically looking good.
    To be honest, with your bodyfat you should be focusing more on your diet and cardio than on drug combinations. 22% is very high to be using these drugs.

  5. #5
    Money is offline Associate Member
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    I am on a strict diet of high protein and almost no carbs. Basically chicken, fish, tuna and a lot of vegetables.

  6. #6
    Money is offline Associate Member
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    Any other input here? I just made my order for the four.

  7. #7
    OldManRiver's Avatar
    OldManRiver is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money View Post
    Any other input here? I just made my order for the four.
    Holy crap Money! You need to focus on diet, and do not cycle again for awhile. You just finished a cycle, and you already want to cycle again??? I have always read time on cycle=time off cycle. Start hitting the cardio, and lay off the aas.

  8. #8
    Money is offline Associate Member
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    I finished my last cycle in August. I am still focused on diet but not as strict as when I was cycling. So basically, I have been time on, time off.

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