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  1. #1
    dd0316's Avatar
    dd0316 is offline Member
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    Got BLOODWORK back.Some WEEIRDDDD stuff going on

    Hey guys
    so 1 month after PCT, so 3months total, i got my bloodwork done
    I was on test for 6 months, doses varying between 250mg and 1000mg cycle'd some tren /winny, and anadrol at the beg. etc...was very successfull and ive retained almost all my gains. I did a proper PCT, HCG throughout and didnt have any feelings of being shutdown or depressed when i came off

    So i got my bloodwork back and the doctor said he's not too concerned, however, he's recommended me to an endo just to make sure.

    All of my cholesterol, liver, kidneys, rbc etc are PERFECT..

    however, heres where i get confused
    My Result Comment Range
    Testosterone 32.4nmol/L HI 8.4-28.7 nmol/L
    DHEA-S 5.6umol/L LO 7.6-17.4umol/L
    FSH 8IU/L 2-8IU/L
    LH 30 HI 2-6IU/L

    Estradiol and prolactin were fine along with ferritin and TSH(thyroid)

    So what do you guys think? I mean maybe im blessed to have my test levels return to higher than normal? But my LH is way out of wack and my DHEA is low?

    Can anyone make any sense of this, or should i just be happy ive recovered and run with it?

  2. #2
    dd0316's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You likely still had some of the SERM(s) in your system, which will artificially inflate test and lh. Nolva's half life is around 1 week, so it could still be lingering around after a month. Try again once it has been 2 months since your last dose.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 11-10-2010 at 06:52 AM.

  4. #4
    dd0316's Avatar
    dd0316 is offline Member
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    Interesting...even after a month?

    Would you guys say that I am on the road to recovery if not recovered?

  5. #5
    dd0316's Avatar
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  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    like said, have it checked in another month or more, then the results should be normal or what they will be.

  7. #7
    tembe's Avatar
    tembe is offline Member
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    i agree with bonaparte..wait a bit longer...serms will elevate ur levels very high..

  8. #8
    VladG is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    i agree with bonaparte..wait a bit longer...serms will elevate ur levels very high..
    Yes tembe, exactly what I was thinking. My doctor told me not to use anymore as it was starting to affect my anal retention levels.

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by VladG View Post
    Yes tembe, exactly what I was thinking. My doctor told me not to use anymore as it was starting to affect my anal retention levels.
    LOL what????
    Was he joking? You need to explain this better. What sort of anal retentive behavior were you displaying?

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