Let me start by saying I am currently 5'10" 180lbs and 19 years old. I am not going to start any cycle until 2 summers from now when I am 21 years old. I hope to be around 190lbs @ 8-10% bodyfat before I start.

I plan on doing only 1 cycle, I know everyone says that to begin with, but I believe I really will only do 1 cycle if I get good gains off of it.

After doing some research I've read that Equipoise + Test Cypionate is effective and can be used as a first cycle by those who are educated. I plan on doing a ton of research on this stuff before I commit to a cycle.

Here's an early plan on what I think my cycle should look like.

12-Week Cycle
Equipoise 350mg/week
Test Cypionate 500mg/week
Nolvadex 30mg/week (plus 2 weeks after cycle ends)

Clomid (2 weeks after cycle ends?) 1'st day 350mg Next 10 days 100mg next 10 days 50mg
Is a natty T-booster such as Act X beneficial?

And of course a high calorie diet (5k cals) and good training regimen.

From experience, does training during a cycle change very significantly? I know most people train more often, but how much more often does that mean?

Thanks for any responses, I want to know as much as I can about this cycle before I run it.