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  1. #1
    BOBfromfightclub is offline Associate Member
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    Switching out drawing needle

    While reading the steroid guide I read to switch out the needle you used to draw the oil into the syringe with a new one before you inject.

    Is this just recommend because the needle you used to draw in the oil is slightly dulled...

    If all it is is a little more pain to go through half the amount of needles then Id rather just deal with it.

    Is the needle no longer sterile enough to push into your body just from being pushed into the vial? After all you did just clean the rubber seal with alcohol right..?

    If it is a matter of sterility then could one just save a needle or two to use souly for drawing the oil into the syringe?

  2. #2's Avatar is offline Junior Member
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    The needle just gets dull, nothing to do with sterility. Well as long as you wipe the top of the vials with an alcohol pad anyways.

  3. #3
    Cheetah is offline Junior Member
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    I use very sharp pins and use alcohol on the tops before every inject
    so i don't switch pins

  4. #4's Avatar is offline Junior Member
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    If your fine with the pain than go ahead. I know a lot of people who notice a huge difference switching pins. But hey man if you can save the needles might as well.

  5. #5
    awesome1's Avatar
    awesome1 is offline Associate Member
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    A while back someone posted a pic of a needle that was taken with a microscope after just one injection. After seeing that pic i have always switched needles.

  6. #6
    BOBfromfightclub is offline Associate Member
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    OK I figured it was just because of it dulling the needle. but I wanted to make sure, dont want any mistakes.

    I guess Ill just be in for some trail with my needles.

  7. #7
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by awesome1 View Post
    A while back someone posted a pic of a needle that was taken with a microscope after just one injection. After seeing that pic i have always switched needles.
    Yeah I remember those pics they def changed my perspective as I used to use the same needle for drawing/injecting before I saw it. NEVER AGAIN!

  8. #8
    BOBfromfightclub is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, I think ill just keep a needle or 2 for drawing it into the syringe and use a fresh one every time

  9. #9's Avatar is offline Junior Member
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    Damn dude I thought we were talking about keeping the same needle to inject that you used to draw. You should always switch the syringe and needle and never use them for a second injection because they can cause infections.

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Damn dude I thought we were talking about keeping the same needle to inject that you used to draw. You should always switch the syringe and needle and never use them for a second injection because they can cause infections.
    I still dont think he is talking about using the same pin over and over or syringe. At $0.10 a pin why no swap???

  11. #11
    bodybuilder's Avatar
    bodybuilder is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I still dont think he is talking about using the same pin over and over or syringe. At $0.10 a pin why no swap???
    ^^^^agree they are so cheap might as well use a fresh one.

  12. #12
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I use an 18g to draw and a 20g to inject.

  13. #13
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Another good reason to switch pins is so that you don't have to take all day drawing with a 25g, or suffer through pinning with a 21g (and a dulled one at that). Also, a large, dull needle will cause much more scar tissue buildup, so it isn't just the immediate pain you have to deal with.

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