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  1. #1
    nowaymang's Avatar
    nowaymang is offline New Member
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    Cool test-e/anavar/EQ

    Hey bro's. I just want to quickly say, as this is my first post on this board wow i can't believe i didn't join a lot earlier, the amount of rubbish i've been reading on alot of other forums who just push their sponsors products and all that shit is rediculous. The info on here is gold. I will be referring any buddies of mine here for research/info on cycles. Keep up the good work!!! Anyway back to business.

    I just wanted a quick cycle critique if there is anything i'm doing wrong in the planning process for my 3rd cycle. It's a 12week cycle and involves test, anavar and eq. I do muay thai twice a week aswell and will be training at the gym 3-4 times a week. Due to my muay thai commitments i dont want to run more than 300mg of test due to cardio impairment and tren is out of the question because it'll destroy my cardio aswell.

    Quick Stats: 25years old, 6ft4, 210pounds(96kg), not exactly sure on BF% but i'd say around 11% would be a good assumption
    Goals: Increases in strength without too much added size, hardening and around 5lbs of lean muscle gains whilst dropping a few percentage bodyfat.
    Diet and training are fine i'll be running roughly 4,000calories a day, 250-300grams of protein. I think at my weight this should be enough to drop some fat without loss of strength. On the days i train muay thai i might have to load up a bit more calories. I'll go with how my body feels. I'll be taking a multivitamin, 6grams of fishoil and milk thistle aswell.


    * 300mg test-e per week, weeks 1-12
    * 600mg EQ per week, weeks 1-11
    * 100mg anavar per day, weeks 1-8
    * 250iu HCG twice per week weeks 3-12
    * 50mg proviron per day weeks 1-14

    Weeks 14-19
    Clomid: 100/50/25/25/25
    Arimidex : 0.5/0.25/0.25/0.25 (might do EOD for the arimidex during PCT)
    HCGenerate: 5caps AM, 5 caps PM for the first week and then 3 caps AM, 2 caps PM for the rest of PCT (if you guys don't know of HCGenerate its a natural test booster, used it with my last PCT and worked great).
    Just a few questions, if i were to bump the test to 500mg per week would there really be much impact on my cardio? Do i need to run a AI at this dosage? Anyone got any experiences on this? Other than that is there anything particularly wrong about the way i've structured the cycle? Other than the fact it's going to leave a big dent in my wallet
    cheers lads
    Last edited by nowaymang; 11-15-2010 at 10:25 AM.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    How old are you?

  3. #3
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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  4. #4
    nowaymang's Avatar
    nowaymang is offline New Member
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    Sorry just made a few edits to the post. 25years of age mate.

  5. #5
    nowaymang's Avatar
    nowaymang is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    thanks champ

  6. #6
    gladmax's Avatar
    gladmax is offline Junior Member
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    Welcome, sounds like a good cycle, let us know how it works out. Id run it by some vets on the boards first of coarse.

  7. #7
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Welcome bro...cycle looks decent...good PCT...good lay out too...good to have you here...

  8. #8
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    I would rather have the var at week 4-12,,rather than 1-8..But that is just my .02

  9. #9
    nowaymang's Avatar
    nowaymang is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies boys, i wont be able to run it weeks 4-12 unfortunately because i will be overseas when running the cycle for the first 8 weeks and I don't want to risk bringing anything back through Australian customs, they already sus me out too much as it is! Thats the shitty thing about living in Australia I suppose but everywhere has its pro's and con's! cheers for the replies and i still can't believe it took me so long to sign up to this board, the amount of solid info on here isn't even comparable to other boards i've been posting on. holy shit one board in particular's "MOST RECOMMENDED PCT" doesn't even advocate the use of a SERM. Actually the guy says "don't even get me started on clomid or nolvadex ". But ironically advocates the use of 4 different sponsored natural products + aromasin and HCG instead..... this is just beyond me... Don't get me wrong i'm all for natural products and as you can see even successfully use one of the recommended ones in my PCT, helped alot with my sex drive, errections/morning wood whilst using clomid but to say SERMs arent necessary and "don't get me started on clomid or nolvadex" is a ****ing joke and no board should be throwing around shit like that just to make a few extra bucks considering the amount of people who will follow it and not recover sufficiently, cycle after cycle. Looks like i got a bit side tracked! I'll log my results for this cycle when i start it in 3 weeks and keep you guys updated on my gains.

    take care fellas, train hard

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