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Thread: advice

  1. #1
    luke thompson is offline New Member
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    hello guys just need a little advice about to start my 3rd cycle 10 weeks of test p with d,bol for first 4-5 weeks for a kickstart also got me hands on some winny 100x10mg and 200x2mg different companies but not a problem.what i wanna know is is it poss to run the winny with the test an d,bol ?or should i wait till the last 3week of the cycle and use winny then .i know the test p an d,bol are a bulking cycle an the winny should be used in a cutting stack just wanna no if any ones ever tryed similar a pal in the gym who had nice results from d,bol.winny but it must be hard on the liver do you think its worth a try running all 3 together ..would apprieciate opinions please

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Welcome to the board lets start with stats? Age? height? weight? bodyfat? How much Dbol are you taking? Have you read the profile of winny?

  3. #3
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Dbol adds water retention, winny deydrates you - seems counter productive

  4. #4
    luke thompson is offline New Member
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    Nov 2010
    age 31
    height 5-11
    weight 90kg
    b.f 15%
    be looking to take 30mg ed of d,bol up it to 40mg for the last 2 weeks
    have done a 12 week test p along side of 8weeks of winny before had some nice gains dry and solid all over
    i know you shouldnt run these together d,bol,winny would like to try it ...thought i better get info off more experienced guys see if its worth it.. or am i just waisting my time an money ..if yes .ill stick with the d,bol an test. save the winny for next time round let me know what you think i value your pinions

  5. #5
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    If you're not competing i wouldn't bother with the winny. You might notice a difference in hardness of your muscles and i've heard other guys at that BF% say they experienced a little better vascularity, but 12 weeks of harsh orals wouldn't be worth it to me unless you were at a competition level.

  6. #6
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke thompson View Post
    hello guys just need a little advice about to start my 3rd cycle 10 weeks of test p with d,bol for first 4-5 weeks for a kickstart also got me hands on some winny 100x10mg and 200x2mg different companies but not a problem.what i wanna know is is it poss to run the winny with the test an d,bol ?or should i wait till the last 3week of the cycle and use winny then .i know the test p an d,bol are a bulking cycle an the winny should be used in a cutting stack just wanna no if any ones ever tryed similar a pal in the gym who had nice results from d,bol.winny but it must be hard on the liver do you think its worth a try running all 3 together ..would apprieciate opinions please
    I'd stick with one oral.

    What are your goals for this cycle?

  7. #7
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    he wont notice anything as long as his fat is 15%...winn works its best best when youre in low single digit fat%...test weeks of test prop and dbol makes no sense at all some reading and read the profiles...and make decisions that you apply to your goal...not to mention the frequent prop injects will literally make you tired of the cycle..

  8. #8
    luke thompson is offline New Member
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    think ill stick to the 10 week test frontloading with the d,bol for the first 4 5 weeks nice 1 lads. my goals are bulk for this cycle just got some winny as well wanted 2 see if it was poss 2 use along side b,bol, just think ill keep it for next time round thanks again lads

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